
shè huì zhǔ yì dào lù
  • socialist road
  1. 中国人民正沿着社会主义道路奋勇前进。

    The Chinese people are pressing ahead along the socialist road .

  2. 走社会主义道路是中国人民的正确选择

    Socialist Road is the Correct Selection Made by the Chinese People

  3. 缅甸目前的贸易限制,是1962年至1988年国家几乎完全控制经济的遗留影响。当时,奈温将军(GenNeWin)正在追求他那堂吉诃德式的缅甸社会主义道路。

    Burma 's current trade restrictions are a legacy of nearly total state control of the economy from 1962 to 1988 , when Gen Ne Win was pursuing his quixotic Burmese way to Socialism .

  4. 我们要在建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上继续前进。

    We shall push ahead along the road to Chinese-style socialism .

  5. 沿着有中国特色的社会主义道路阔步前进

    Take great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics

  6. 第一条,中国只能走社会主义道路。

    One is that China can only take the socialist road .

  7. 最后,中国选择了社会主义道路。

    Finally , China took on the path of socialism .

  8. 关于中国社会主义道路新探索及其经验的若干思考

    China 's New Exploration of Socialist Road and Its Experience

  9. 近代中国历史发展选择了社会主义道路

    Historical Development in Early Modern China Chose the Socialist Road

  10. 中国特色社会主义道路历史轨迹的初探

    Studies on historical trace of socialism road with Chinese characteristics

  11. 再论中国走上社会主义道路的正确性&兼与胡绳同志商榷

    Re-analyzing the Correctness of Taking the Socialist Road by China

  12. 我们认为社会主义道路是正确的。

    We believe the socialist road is the correct one .

  13. 中国特色社会主义道路探索的轨迹

    Trace of Exploring a Socialist Way with China Characteristics

  14. 走社会主义道路,必须坚持公有制的主体地位。

    We must persist in the dominant position of public ownership in socialism .

  15. 中国特色社会主义道路是在全球化进程中形成和发展起来的。

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics has been formed in the process of globalization .

  16. 我们已经改造中农使他们走上社会主义道路。

    We have transferred the middle peasants on to the path of socialism .

  17. 什么也阻挡不了我们走社会主义道路。

    Nothing can stop our taking the socialist road .

  18. 坚定不移地沿着中国特色社会主义道路奋勇前进!

    Advance unswervingly and courageously along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics !

  19. 中国特色社会主义道路发展特征探究

    The Research of Characteristics of Development in the Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics

  20. 他们不喜欢中国坚持社会主义道路。

    They are unhappy that China adheres to socialism .

  21. 我们沿着社会主义道路前进。

    We march forward along the socialist road .

  22. 中国肯定要沿着自己选择的社会主义道路走到底。

    China will surely follow to the end the socialist road it has chosen .

  23. 开创了建设有中国特色的社会主义道路,逐步迈向社会主义现代化。

    Starling the construction of socialism with Chinese features and moving toward socialist modernization .

  24. 是走社会主义道路,还是走资本主义道路?

    Which road should we follow , the socialist road or the capitalist road ?

  25. 不走社会主义道路中国就没有前途。

    China would have no future if it did not follow the socialist road .

  26. 中国特色社会主义道路具有丰富的理论基础和深厚的哲学底蕴;

    The Chinese Characteristic Socialist Road has the abundant theoretical foundation and deep philosophical contents .

  27. 新中国两个30年与中国特色社会主义道路

    The Two Thirty Years of New China and the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

  28. 对斯大林体制的继承和发展&试析50年代中后期中国社会主义道路探索问题

    The Inheritance and Development of Stalinist System

  29. 走社会主义道路,就是要逐步实现共同富裕。

    To take the road to socialism is to realize common prosperity step by step .

  30. 中国走社会主义道路。

    China takes the socialist road .