
  • 网络Northbound
  1. 北行车道的交通完全堵塞。

    Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill .

  2. 今早6点30分时道路已经拥塞严重,尤其是M1号高速公路北行方向。

    Traffic was already very congested by six thirty this morning , particularly on the M1 northbound .

  3. 长达25英里的交通拥堵阻塞了M6号高速公路的北行车道。

    A 25 mile traffic jam clogged the northbound carriageway of the M6

  4. 他在州街登上了一辆北行的有轨电车。

    He took a northbound trolley on State Street .

  5. 北行至拉姆斯盖特,然后横跨法国,穿过安多拉,进入西班牙。

    Go up to Ramsgate , cross into France , go through Andorra and into Spain .

  6. 北行车辆将不得不绕次要道路行驶。

    Northbound traffic will have to be diverted onto minor roads .

  7. 长城上罗斯米德大道东210高速公路北行线。

    Wall on northbound lanes of210 freeway east of Rosemead Blvd .

  8. 乌溪沙站是马铁的北行终点站,位于利安?

    Wu Kai Sha Station will be the northern terminus of MOS Rail .

  9. 我北行拢下一项宣面。

    I travel north to see my next treasure .

  10. 记忆中她的笑声,在后来北行的漫长路上,始终温暖着他的心房。

    The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north .

  11. 连接皇珠路东行及屯门公路北行的支路;

    The slip road connecting Wong Chu Road eastbound and Tuen Mun Road northbound ;

  12. 介乎大球场径与棉花路之间一段东院道,改为单程北行;

    Between stadium path and Tung Lo Wan Road will be re-routed to one-way northbound ;

  13. 八百万头驯鹿展开了北行的旅程

    eight million reindeer move north .

  14. 北向的小路;我们乘北行的列车;北行的车流。

    The northbound lane ; we took the north train ; the northward flow of traffic .

  15. 国王北行之后没多久,史坦尼斯大人便回了龙石岛。瓦里斯道,

    Lord Stannis took himself to Dragonstone not long after the king went north , Varys said ,

  16. 由厦村交汇处通往港深西部公路的北行车路的支路;

    The slip road leading from Ha Tsuen interchange to the northbound carriageway of Kong sham western highway ;

  17. 不久后,“十二线蔬果批发市场”和“北行水产品市场”将迁至此处。

    In the near future , Shi'erxian Fruit Wholesale Market and Beihang Marine Product Market will be moved here .

  18. 介乎梳士巴利道与中间道之间的一段汉口道,将由单程北行,改为单程南行。

    The section of Hankow Road between Salisbury Road and middle road will be re-routed from one-way northbound to one-way southbound .

  19. 介乎佐敦道与柯士甸道之间的庙街路段,将由单程南行改为单程北行。

    He section of Temple Street between Jordan Road and Austin Road will be converted from one-way traffic southbound to one-way traffic northbound .

  20. 飞行员与副飞行员复式操纵装置;有双排气管的汽车北行的车行道已关闭。

    Dual controls for pilot and copilot ; a car with dual exhaust pipes . The northbound carry way of the motorway is closed .

  21. 宋代词人北行后大多出现词题材、风格突变。其原因主要有三个方面:其一是北行的经历对词人创作的影响;

    There were three reasons about this kind of change , first , the experience from their movement to north had effected the Ci-writing ;

  22. 沿着海岸北行到大渡船市,原来在港湾里的拖船,如今还留在距离港湾一公里远的内陆居民住家的后院。

    Further up the coast in Ofunato , the port 's tugboat still sits in someone 's backyard about a kilometer from the water .

  23. 高速公路的北行车道.变速箱(不包括发动机内部零件),道路机动车辆(不包括摩托车)或牵引车用

    The northbound carriageway of a motorway gearbox ( excl internal parts of engines ) for road motor vehicles ( excl. motor cycles ) or tractors

  24. 夫人,您还是把头包住,他们骑马踽踽北行,途中罗德利克爵士一再告诫她,不然会着凉的。

    My lady , you ought cover your head , Ser Rodrik told her as their horses plodded north . You will take a chill .

  25. 丰盛街由新清水湾道至牛池湾街之间的路段,将全线改为单程北行;

    The section of Fung Shing Street from new clear water bay road to Ngau Chi Wan Street will be changed into one way northbound traffic ;

  26. 开车:在高速公路由冈山交流道下,往燕巢方向驶,至燕巢新生路北行即可见指示牌。

    By car : highway from Okayama in exchange Road , to drive the direction of Yanchao , Yanchao to the northbound carriageway to see new signs .

  27. 沿利南道北行及鸭洲桥道西行前往海怡路的受影响驾驶人士,可改行鸭洲桥道西行及怡南路南行。

    Affected motorists on Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road westbound heading to South horizon drive are advised to divert via Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road westbound and Yi Nam road southbound .

  28. 第三天,我们北行前往湄考河,摆在我们面前的是一段看似无比艰巨的旅途:长达115公里,还要跨越两座令人生畏的山丘。

    On the third day , we head north towards the MAE Kok River , and face ostensibly the most daunting leg of the trip : 115km , including two formidable hills .

  29. 并且由于汪元量的特殊身份和北行十三载的生活经历,其诗史多描写宫廷中的人物及其命运。

    And because the special identity of Wang Yuan-liang and experience of life of " walking for 13 years in the north ", his " history of poetry " describe more personage and his destiny in the palace .

  30. 从基督城驱车北行三个小时,就来到了海滨小镇凯库拉(Kaikoura),此处富含营养质的寒冷海水吸引着抹香鲸、逆戟鲸、海豚以及信天翁前来觅食,游客因此纷至沓来。

    Head north from Christchurch and three hours on the road brings you to Kaikoura , a small town on a bay , whose cold , rich waters support sperm whales , seals , occasional orcas , dolphins , albatrosses ; and hence shoals of tourists .