
yīn yì
  • transliteration;transliterating
音译 [yīn yì]
  • [transliteration] 按音翻译。也作译音

音译[yīn yì]
  1. 因此,本文就展示了如何使用InformationServerDataStage来解决您的音译挑战。

    Thus , this article has shown how to solve your transliteration challenges using Information Server DataStage .

  2. 秦朝的法令广为流传,它因此获得了一个国际名号“China”,这是“Qin”的音译。

    The writ of the Qin Empire spread far and wide , giving rise to its international name " China " , which was a transliteration of " Qin . "

  3. 2018年,一只名叫金辉(音译)的奶油色博美犬在韩国港口城市釜山被活埋,差点死掉。

    Jin-hui , a cream-coloured Pomeranian , was buried alive and left for dead in 2018 in the South Korean port city of Busan .

  4. 67岁的赵延平(音译)来自浙江省丽水市,他说,5月初他和妻子去延安枣园革命旧址参观时深有感触。

    Zhao Yanping , a 67-year-old from Lishui , Zhejiang province , said he had been inspired by a visit to the Zaoyuan Revolutionary Site in Yan'an with his wife in early May .

  5. 17岁的陈璐佳(音译)是其中之一,她说:“我觉得自己的负面情绪可以转移到白菜上,遛着白菜走一圈再回家让我感觉好多了。”

    Lui Ja Chen , 17 , and one of the cabbage walking youths , said : " I feel I can transfer my negative thoughts about myself to the cabbage , go for a walk with it and come home feeling better about myself .

  6. 最新图片来自MercuryNews网站的李峰(音译)。

    Updated with amazing photos from Beijing by Feng Li via the Mercury News .

  7. 但由丹尼尔•考夫曼和魏尚进(音译)撰写的一份世界银行(WorldBank)报告显示,如果计入隐性成本,增长优势就没那么显著了。

    But it becomes less so once the hidden costs are factored in , according to a World Bank study by Daniel Kaufmann and Shang-Jin Wei .

  8. 刘晓(音译)是ToMyBill公司的联合创始人,也是资深商务经理。ToMyBill是一家电子商务公司,去年12月份在深圳创立。

    Liu Xiao is co-founder and senior business manager in To My Bill , an electronic commerce company launched in Shenzhen last December .

  9. 最近一份由郑宏和明龙(音译)发表的论文详细叙述了如何用矩量法来计算RCS。

    A recent paper by Zhenghong and Mingliong details a derived Method of Moments algorithm for RCS computations .

  10. 但是据《Interview》杂志的时尚总监安娜贝尔托乐曼(音译)称,小明星们通常从设计师和珠宝商那里租借行头。

    But less famous stars more typically get their pieces on loan from designers and jewelers , according to Annabel Tollman , fashion director at Interview Magazine .

  11. 近日,在南京大学攻读金融专业、23岁的齐林(音译)及其他19名学生,便得到机会与CEO们共进晚餐,讨教问题。

    Recently , Qi Lin , 23 , a finance major from Nanjing University and 19 fellow students had the chance to quiz CEOs over dinner .

  12. 来自重庆工商大学影视制作专业的周颖(音译)教授说:每个人都幻想着完美的另一半,希望TA是俊男或美女。

    Everyone fancies a perfect partner , handsome or beautiful , says Zhou Ying , professor of TV production at Chongqing Technology and Business University .

  13. 这一组标语T是为了支持日本灾后重建而设计的,均出自包括维多利亚•贝克汉姆(音译)和LadyGaga(音译)在内的多位明星之手。

    This is a line of slogan T-shirts designed by celebrities including Victoria Beckham and Lady Gaga to support recovery efforts in earthquake-stricken Japan .

  14. 弗雷斯特公司(Forrester)研究员王晨曦(音译&译注)最近对《财富》杂志(Fortune)透露,有家云计算供应商定期将备份的磁带送往一家数据销毁公司。

    Forrester researcher Chenxi Wang recently told fortune about a cloud provider which routinely sent their back-up tapes to a data disposal company .

  15. 在进行数据清洁处理之前,首先应该进行音译(transliteration),以便在数据中引入一致性。

    The first step you should perform is transliteration to bring about consistency in the data before proceeding with data cleansing activities .

  16. 那次案件里,只身一人的持枪劫匪冲进了名为ChinaWok的中餐馆,向在那儿工作的53岁的孙英(音译)因为不会说英语,因而没有回应劫匪的要求,劫匪后来开枪打中了孙英。

    In that case , a single gunman stormed into a China Wok and shot 53-year-old Ying Sun , who was working there , when she didn 't respond to his demands because she didn 't speak English .

  17. 与之类似,目前在美国工作的中国学者赵勇(音译)发现,PISA成绩与一项有关企业家抱负的全球调查结果之间存在负相关。

    Similarly , the US-based Chinese academic Yong Zhao found a negative correlation between Pisa scores and a global survey of entrepreneurial aspirations .

  18. 当类似twitter的“饭否”网站创始人王兴(音译)建立起内地首家团购网站美团网后,中国团购网在2010年开始迅速发展。

    China ` s group purchasing websites experienced rapid development in2010 when Wang Xing , founder of twitter-like " fanfou . com ," established meituan . com , the mainland ` s first group purchasing website .

  19. 59岁的李尤秀(YowHoLee,音译)是郭伟权的妻子,她告诉调查人员,袭击自己丈夫的人什么都没有说,推了人就逃走了。

    Mr. Kwok 's wife , Yow Ho Lee , 59 , told investigators that the man who attacked her husband said nothing before shoving Mr. Kwok and fleeing .

  20. 支持UTF字符的终端利用音译将给定的多字节输入转换成为相应的逻辑字符。

    Terminals that support UTF characters use transliteration to convert the given multi-byte input into the corresponding logical character .

  21. 同样,北京CN酒吧员工李晨俊(音译)也表示酒吧之间的激烈竞争催生了一场名副其实的争夺赛,看谁能聘请到最漂亮的女孩。

    Likewise Li Chenjun , an employee at Beijing ` s CN Club , said that fierce competition between bars leads to a veritable arms race in who can employ the most beautiful female face .

  22. 曼哈顿区检察官罗伯特摩根索(robertmorgenthau)公布了一份118页的起诉书,指控中国国民李方维(音译)设立幌子公司掩饰非法交易。

    Robert Morgenthau , Manhattan district attorney , unsealed an 118-count indictment , accusing Li Fang Wei , a Chinese national , of setting up front companies to disguise the illegal sales .

  23. 来自加拿大温哥华的学生辛施(HsinShih,音译)说,东京可能是最适合居住的地方,但京都是最适合学习的地方。辛施现年25岁。

    Tokyo might be the best place to live , but Kyoto is the best place to study , said Hsin Shih , 25 , a student from Vancouver , Canada .

  24. 例如,在本文中,您可以使用任何智能的通用输入法平台(SCIM)软件将英文字符音译为北印度语。

    For the examples in this article , you can use any Smart Common Input Method platform ( SCIM ) software to transliterate the English characters to Hindi .

  25. 但是,悉尼大学(UniversityofSydney)教育与社会工作系讲师谢耀东(Yeow-TongChia,音译)说,新加坡大学教育的需求是巨大的,私立教育部门的强劲增长就是明证。

    But Yeow-Tong Chia , a lecturer at the faculty of education and social work at the University of Sydney , said there was great demand for university education in Singapore , illustrated by the strong growth of the private education sector .

  26. 澳大利亚社会用水研究中心(CSIRO的一个部门)的负责人布莱尔·南凯柔(音译,BlairNancarrow)说道,此外,许多澳大利亚人对水交易这个主意感觉不舒服。

    Moreover , many Australians are uncomfortable with the idea of water trading , says Blair Nancarrow , the head of the Australian Research Centre for Water in Society , a division of CSIRO .

  27. 一条线报把调查人员引向了这个团伙的头目、华裔男子徐路(音译)。马里兰州哥伦比亚市一个考点的摄像头拍摄到了他的可疑行为,而这个地方距离位于弗吉尼亚州泰森斯角的GMAC总部并不算远。

    A tip led investigators to the ringleader , Chinese-born Lu Xu , who was filmed on camera at a test center in Columbia , Md. , not far from GMAC 's headquarters in Tysons Corner , Va.

  28. 如果作业完成,但输出文件没有包含经过音译的输出,请检查输入文件是否保存为UTF编码之外的其他格式,比如UCS。

    If the job completes , but the output file does not contain the transliterated output , check to see if the input file was saved as something other than UTF encoding , for example UCS .

  29. 阐述了可信赖机器翻译(TMT)的基本概念,TMT七原则和七判据,TMT与术语标准化的关系,并讨论了对外来词的音译和双语联合表示法的应用等问题。

    In this paper the author elaborates basic concepts about Trustworthy Machine Translation ( TMT ), gives out its seven principles and criterions , and discusses the relationship between the TMT and terminology standardization , some important problems concerned with translation by transcription or by transliteration or by paraphrasing .

  30. 2010年从成都学院毕业后,高云川(音译)赴尼日尔为中国最大的大坝建造商——中国水电(Sinohydro)工作,很快从实习生升任副总经理。

    After graduating from the Institute in 2010 , Gao Yunchuan went to Niger to work for Sinohydro , China 's largest dam-builder , swiftly rising from intern to deputy general manager .