
yīn sù
  • phoneme;phone
音素 [yīn sù]
  • [phoneme] 最小的语音单位。由于改变元音的影响(如邻接的音及重音),它在某一个人的言语或某一方言所表现的一切变化中,将一个言词与另一个言词区别开来

音素[yīn sù]
  1. 基于相空间重构的SVM音素识别

    Phoneme Recognition Using SVM In Reconstructed Phase Space

  2. 一种新型极低比特率声码器在音素HMM语音识别中的应用

    A Very Low Bit Rate Vocoder Used in Phoneme HMM Speech Recognition

  3. 你为什么会加入《X音素》呢LA

    So you are doing the X Factor for what reason LA

  4. 注意r跟随的各种元音的发音。用卷舌发出像音节r一样的音素。

    Pronounce with a trill , of the phoneme . Note the various sounds of vowels followed by r.

  5. 本文利用支寺向量机(SVM)进行音素识别。

    A method for recognize speech phonemes based on Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) is presented .

  6. 大型线性预测HMM及其在汉语音素识别中的应用

    Large Linear Predictive HMM with Applications to Chinese Phoneme Recognition

  7. 我们之前报道过两人11月14日在《X音素》(TheXFactor)彩排现场共处的画面,当时泰勒是作为嘉宾出演。

    We reported earlier that the two were spotted hanging onset at The X Factor on November 14 during rehearsals for Tay-Tay 's guest appearance .

  8. 他有像《X音素》这样的好平台他找到了那么多明星我真的太嫉妒他了

    Because he has this great platform of X Factor all over the world.He was finding so many stars and I was really jealous

  9. 采用上下文相关音素HMM的连续语音识别

    Continuous Speech Recognition Based on the Context-Dependent Phonetic HMM

  10. 把两个字母表示一个因素的er当成了两个音素。

    The two letters have the same phoneme er , while most of us mistake them for two phonemes .

  11. 一种基于改进CP网络与HMM相结合的混合音素识别方法

    A Hybrid Approach for Phoneme Recognition Based on Combination of Improved CP Neural Network and HMM

  12. 其他获奖者有:在《X音素》上获胜出道并转型成演员的肖恩·沃德,他凭借在《加冕街》中饰演的爱丹·康纳一角被评为最佳新人奖。

    Other winners included X Factor winner-turned actor Shayne Ward , who was voted best newcomer for his role as Aidan Connor in Coronation Street .

  13. 音频流识别实验表明,三音素HMM模型词识别率明显高于单音素HMM;

    Audio experiment results show that tri-phone HMM has higher word recognition rates than monophone HMM.

  14. 音素HMM语音识别是当前语音识别领域的一个热点。

    Phoneme HMM recognition technique is a hot spot in the area of speech recognition .

  15. 和基于倒谱的传统方法不同,本文利用音素在重构相空间中吸引子的不同特性,采用非线性特征作为SVM的输入矢量,对音素进行识别。

    Unlike traditional cepstral based method , this approach uses features in reconstructed phase spaces as the input vector of SVM .

  16. 本研究使用音素监测任务探讨了在不同的SOA水平条件下,非目标语言词汇激活的状况。

    In this research , using the phoneme monitoring tasks of different level of the SOA conditions , investigated the activation of non-target language .

  17. 基于3维空间Viterbi算法的音素模型和声调模型识别概率统合方法的研究

    Study on the integration of phonetic and prosodic probability based on 3-dimension viterbi search

  18. 《X音素》于每周三周四晚8点在FOX电视台播出LukeBryan将会在广告过后表演

    The X Factor airs Wednesday and Thursday night at 8 on Fox , Luke Bryan will perform after this

  19. 好的感谢BryanBernahoft和《X音素》的评委们明天请准时收看下集《每当潮汐变幻时》

    Ok , thank you Bryan Berhoft and the cast of X Factor.Tune in tomorrow for more As The Tide Turns

  20. 在布兰妮确认自己退出FOX台的《X音素》几小时后,这位流行歌手又发布了一则重磅消息。

    Just hours after Britney Spears confirmed that she would be leaving Fox 's The X Factor , the pop princess had another big announcement .

  21. 本文还给出了这个HMM的参数估计方法及其在汉语音素识别中的应用途径。

    The parameter estimation method and applications to Chinese phoneme recognition for this HMM are also provided in this paper .

  22. 据上周四的报道称,节目收视率下降和布兰妮呆板的表现是她和《X音素》分道扬镳的主要原因。

    It was widely reported Thursday that Spears and X Factor were parting ways after a season in which the show 's ratings fell and Spears received lackluster reviews as a panelist .

  23. 基于LPCC特征参数BP人工神经网络的模型对于普通话音节音素的识别取得了较好的效果。

    LPCC parameters of BP artificial neural network model has a good effect for the recognition of Mandarin syllables based on phoneme .

  24. 刚出道的时候,美渣就十分热爱蓝调。许多粉丝至今还对他在电视真人秀节目《X音素》中的表现记忆犹新。

    Even in his earliest days as a musician , Malik loved R & B. Many of his fans still remember when Malik appeared as a contestant on the reality TV show , The X-Factor .

  25. 以上现象说明,在L2语音习得中,母语迁移和标记性的作用是共存的,标记性强的音素比标记性弱的音素的习得难度大。

    To sum up , L1 transfer and markedness worked together in L2 speech acquisition , the more marked , the more difficult to be acquired .

  26. 本文利用音素分段技术处理LPC-10算法的过渡帧。基于HMM模型的语音单元边界的自动切分

    This paper introduces a new approach to processing the frame of transition in the LPC-10 algorithm based-on phonetic segmentation technique . Automatic Phonetic Segmentation Using HMM Model

  27. 一月份的早些时候,现年30岁的结石姐参加了中国的《歌手》节目,相当于她英国的《X音素》(TheXFactor)真人选秀节目。

    But Jessie J , 30 , decided that it was her turn to take part in a singing contest , as she joined Chinese show Singer , the country 's X Factor equivalent as a competitor in early January .

  28. 本文使用声学测量和主观评判两种方法,考察了熟练的和不熟练的两组日本学习者对汉语普通话元音音素a、o、e、i、u、ü的习得情况。

    From acoustic measurement and intelligibility judgement , this paper examined the acquisition of mandarin vowels / a , o , γ, I , u , y / by Japanese learners who were experienced and inexperienced in Chinese .

  29. 给中国观众的节目展示做的不怎么好。2011年,一个类似X音素模式叫做超级女声的秀被禁,它有4亿观众,去年秋天卫星广播电视宣布停播了至少一个外国秀。

    In 2011 it banned X Factor-style talentshow Super Girl , which has attracted audiences of up to 400 million , and announced last autumn it would stop satellite TV stations from broadcasting more than one foreign-format show a year .

  30. 由于发音的差异或发声方法的差别,不同说话人对同一音素发音时能级并不相同。HMM模型并不能明确地描述这种差异。

    While HMM can not explicitly model the different speech energy levels of a phone , typically due to differences in pronunciation and / or different vocalizations of individual speakers .