
Yuè nán yǔ
  • Vietnamese;Vietnamese language
  1. 越南语的来源一事至今还是一个语言学家讨论的问题。

    The origin of Vietnamese language is the subject of debate among linguists .

  2. 包装成品包括越南语插入单张材料。

    Packaging material for the finished product including a Vietnamese language insert leaflet .

  3. 越南语无法翻译「社会企业」一词,以河内作为基地的Betterday也没有越南语名称,但Betterday却是不折不扣的越南品牌,属于越南人全资拥有的MDIJsc。

    In Vietnamese , there is no translation for'social enterprise'and the Hanoi-based company'Betterday'has no name in the language .

  4. 在前端文本分析方面,本文研究越南语的分词、词性标注、特殊符号处理和韵律短语(L3)边界预测等关键技术。

    In text analysis module , this paper studies Vietnamese word segmentation , part-of-speech ( POS ) tagging , text normalization , prosody phrase ( L3 ) break prediction and so on .

  5. 学位论文的主要工作包括:1.构建越南语的TTS基线系统,包括文本收集和录音、确定音素列表、标注、上下文属性和问题集设计、训练HMM合成器等。

    The baseline system of Vietnamese TTS is constructed by collecting corpus , recording , labeling , determining the phonemes list , designing context attributes and question set , and training Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) synthesizer .

  6. 这款名为C-FACE的智能口罩不但可以用来防护新冠病毒,而且可以将佩戴者说的话从日语翻译成越南语、英语、西班牙语、汉语、韩语、泰语、印尼语和法语。

    The C-FACE Smart Mask still protects from the spread of COVID-19 , but can also translate the wearer 's speech from Japanese into Vietnamese , English , Spanish , Chinese , Korean , Thai , Indonesian , and French .

  7. 越南语在与汉语接触过程中曾借用不少词语。

    Vietnamese and Chinese contact process had to borrow some words .

  8. 添加显示越南语语网页所需的字符集。

    Adds the character set needed to display Vietnamese Web pages .

  9. 越南语和汉语基本颜色词的对比研究

    The Contradistinctive Study of Basic Colour Words in Vietnamese and Chinese

  10. 学生还受母语的影响,还没跳出越南语的思维束缚。

    Moreover , the students are influenced by their mother tongue-Vietnamese .

  11. 现代汉语和越南语数量短语比较研究

    The Comparative Study on Quantitative Phrases of Modern Chinese and Vietnamese

  12. 当代汉语、越南语新词新语比较研究

    Comparative Study on Neologism of Chinese and Vietnamese of the Contemporary

  13. 汉语和越南语定语的对比分析

    Contrastive Analysis on " Attributes " in Chinese and Vietnamese

  14. 这些区域性的语音偏误很可能跟越南语的方言有关。

    The regional phonetic error is likely relate to the Vietnamese dialects .

  15. 朝鲜语越南语之中也同样有汉字的身影。

    There are Chinese characters found in Korean and Vietnamese .

  16. 现代越南语中的汉越词及其变异研究

    On Sino-Vietnamese Words in Modern Vietnamese and Their Variations

  17. 越南语自古至今仍连续不断地使用并离不开汉语词。

    Vietnamese ancient remains constant use and without words .

  18. 中国人民在许多方面是不同的对越南语。

    There 're many differences between Vietnamese and Chinese .

  19. 论现代越南语中定语之标志及其特点

    On Marks and Characteristics of Attributes in Modern Vietnamese

  20. 越南语与汉语的句法语序比较

    A Comparison between Vietnamese and Chinese Syntactic Constituent Orders

  21. 汉语形容词跟越南语有很多相同点。

    The adjective function of Chinese language and Vietnamese language have many similar characteristics .

  22. 现代越南语中有60%以上的汉语借词,是越南语词库中不可缺少的一部分的。

    60 % of Vietnamese is from Chinese , which is indispensable in Vietnamese .

  23. 越南语语音习得难点分析

    Analysis of the Difficulties in Vietnamese Phonetic Acquisition

  24. 但汉语对越南语的影响还是非常深刻、多元和复杂。

    But the influence of Vietnamese Chinese is very deep , diverse and complex .

  25. 试论汉语与越南语的接触关系

    The Contact Relation Between Chinese and Vietnamese

  26. 现代越南语中的汉语借词

    Loanwords from Chinese in Modern Vietnamese Vocabulary

  27. 越南语的汉越词跟汉语词有相同、相近的特征、又跟汉语词有一定的差别。

    Sino-Vietnamese and Chinese vocabulary have the same or similar features , but also differences .

  28. 他说越南语和英语。

    He speaks Vietnamese and English .

  29. 从汉语对越南语的声调、构词这两方面就可以看到汉语对越南语的影响有多深。

    It is understandable when we see the influence on the tone and morphology of Vietnamese .

  30. 越南语中的汉语借词主要包括“古汉越词”、“汉越词”和“越化汉越词”三个部分。

    There are three sorts of Chinese loan-word : Ancient Chinese-Vietnamese , Chinese-Vietnamese , Vietnamized Chinese-Vietnamese .