
  • 网络Vietnamese Cuisine;Vietnamese Food;vietnamese
  1. 我直到去了东南亚旅游,才发现越南菜。

    It was not until I travelled to South-East Asia that I discovered Vietnamese cuisine .

  2. 闯入越南的欧洲人带来了新的厨艺风格和美食比如咖啡、焙烤食品、甚至像卷心菜和胡萝卜之类的蔬菜这些已经成为越南菜不可或缺的一部分。

    European interlopers in Vietnam introduced novel cooking styles and foods like coffee , baked goods , and even vegetables like cabbage and carrots that became essential to Vietnamese cuisine .

  3. AaronJoelSantosforTheWallStreetJournalLaVerticale餐厅的一道菜正如法国的食材对越南菜产生了影响一样,越南食材和烹饪技术正激发着新一代在河内的法国厨师。

    Just as French ingredients have influenced Vietnamese dishes , Vietnamese ingredients and techniques are inspiring a generation of French chefs cooking in Hanoi .

  4. 在岘港,你还能品尝到地道的越南菜。

    Da Nang is also a place for authentic local cuisines .

  5. 四川菜、广东菜、云南菜、蒙古菜、泰国菜和越南菜。

    Sichuan , Cantonese , Yunnan , Mongolian , Thai , and Vietnamese .

  6. A泰国菜或者越南菜怎么样?有很多好地方可去。

    How about Thai or Vietnamese ? There 's lots of good places .

  7. 我打算做她最喜欢吃的越南菜:蔬菜加米饭。

    I wanted to make her favourite Vietnamese dish of vegetables and rice .

  8. 后来,我们又开始习惯了韩国菜、日本菜、泰国菜和越南菜。

    Since then , we have developed appetites for Korean , Japanese , Thai and Vietnamese fare .

  9. 我挑出五本:一本中国菜,一本日本料理,一本越南菜,一本意大利菜和一本法国菜。

    I picked out five : one Chinese , one Japanese , one Vietnamese , one Italian and one French .

  10. 参加烹饪班学习如何做新奇食物,例如:泰国菜、法国菜、越南菜,然后在家练习。

    Take cooking classes to learn how to cook exotic foods , like Thai , French , and Vietnamese , then practice at home .

  11. 《亚洲名人聊天室》安姿丽:那么,给那些想在家自己做越南菜的人提供三个鲍比·秦的烹饪秘诀吧。

    ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : So , three top Bobby Chinn tips for anybody that 's at home and wants to make Vietnamese food .

  12. 他的菜单以中国、越南和泰国的菜式为基础,颜色鲜亮、令人兴奋。

    His menu was built around bright , exciting flavors from China , Vietnam and Thailand .

  13. 闯入越南的欧洲人带来了新的厨艺风格和美食——比如咖啡、焙烤食品、甚至像卷心菜和胡萝卜之类的蔬菜——这些已经成为越南菜不可或缺的一部分。

    European interlopers in Vietnam introduced novel cooking styles and foods -- like coffee , baked goods , and even vegetables like cabbage and carrots -- that became essential to Vietnamese cuisine .