
  • 网络Cross-equatorial flow;CEF
  1. 结果表明,非绝热加热的反对称分布对越赤道气流的影响是通过诱发和维持反对称的气压场分量来实现的。即在热源上空低层形成低压,高层形成高压;

    The results show that the antisymmetric diabatic forcing has influences upon the CEF through inducing and maintaining the antisymmetric pressure field .

  2. 南亚夏季风与索马里急流和80~90°E的越赤道气流密不可分,该夏季风的建立与一周左右南半球高纬流场的失稳也有密切关系。

    Besides , the monsoon onset is also in close connection with the establishment of Somali jet and cross-equatorial flow of 80 & 90 ° E , nearly a week before the monsoon onset .

  3. 越赤道气流对副高脊线北抬至25°N的影响

    Impacts of Cross-equatorial Flow on Subtropical High Ridge Jumping Northward to 25 ° N

  4. 105°E越赤道气流与亚洲夏季风的相互关系

    The interrelation between the cross equatorial airflow near 105 ° e and the summer monsoon over Asia

  5. 索马里越赤道气流强度为副高北抬至25°N提供了一个较强的预报预测信号;

    Intensity of the Somali cross-equatorial flow could be a signal for predicting the time when the subtropical high jumps northward to 25 ° N.

  6. 4月中旬,这个涡旋的形成和105°E越赤道气流的初步建立是同时的。

    In early April , the forming of the vortex and the preliminary building of cross equatorial flows at 105 ° E is simultaneous .

  7. 6月中旬后,索马里地区低空急流建立,东非越赤道气流成为主要的影响系统,并经常与105°E的越赤道气流共同作用影响我国或东亚地区的低空急流。

    Established , it becomes the main flow together with the cross-equatorial currents , near 105 ° E to influence the low-level jet over East Asia .

  8. 其主要结果有:(1)6月索马里越赤道气流强劲(不够明显),较常年偏强(偏弱),有利于副高北抬至25°N提早(推迟);

    The results are as follows : The Somali cross-equatorial flow with above-normal ( below-normal ) intensity in June contributes to the subtropical high jumping northward to 25 ° N earlier ( later ) .

  9. 孟加拉湾地区季风和105°E越赤道气流是南海季风低频变化的重要策源地。

    The important sources of the low frequencies may come from the oscillations of the summer mon - soon over the Bay of Bengal and the cross equatorial flow at 105 ° E.

  10. 夏季(北半球)最大经向温差出现在130~145°E和110°E附近,它有利于105°E越赤道气流的形成和维持。

    During boreal summer , the maximum longitudinal difference of the SST appears around 130-145 ° E and 110 ° E , which is useful to the formation and maintenance of the cross-equatorial flow about 105 ° E.

  11. 越赤道气流通过南边界的动能输送对B区夏季风建立贡献很大,西边界动能输入对C区夏季风建立也起了十分显著的作用。

    The transport of kinetic energy in the cross equatorial flow is important for the establishment of southwest monsoon in Region B. The kinetic energy flowing into the west boundary in Region C is also significant for the establishment of monsoon there .

  12. 105°E越赤道气流的发展变化与南北半球的大气环流系统发展变化有关,但这些环流系统并非同时起同样重要的作用。

    E CEF has a close relation with Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere circulation systems , but these circulation systems do not affect CEF at the same time or do not have the same impact in CEF variation .

  13. 由于南半球的长波槽容易在澳洲大陆东西两岸同时停滞加深,因此越赤道气流的路径则相对集中在这两个长波槽后的150°E和105°E附近地区。

    Because the Southern Hemisphere long wave troughs can easily be intensified and stay over the east and west coasts of Australian continent , the paths of cross-equator flow relatively concentrate at the back of the two long wave troughs , near 150 ° E and 105 ° E.

  14. 基于1979&2002年CMAP全球降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究了越南降水的季节和年际变化特征及其受索马里越赤道气流的影响。

    Based on the CMAP global precipitation data and NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data from 1979 to 2002 , the characteristics of seasonal and interannual variability of Vietnam precipitation is analyzed , and the influence of Somali cross-equatorial flow on Vietnam precipitation is also studied .

  15. 影响南沙及其邻近海区的越赤道气流

    The cross-equator air stream influence on Nansha Islands and its vicinity

  16. 北半球夏季风时期东半球越赤道气流通道的研究

    A study on the passages of cross-equatorial current during the southern monsoon

  17. 全球越赤道气流的时空变化全球越赤道气流基本特征

    The Major Characteristics of Global Air Current Across the Equator

  18. 越赤道气流对台风、热带低压天气系统的影响

    The Influence of Crossing-Equatorial Flaw on Typhoon and Tropical depression Weather System

  19. 索马里越赤道气流对越南降水变化的影响

    Impacts of Somali Cross-Equatorial Flow on Precipitation in Vietnam

  20. 澳洲北部强/弱越赤道气流对应的环流配置

    The Circulation Configuration of Strong / Weak Cross-Equatorial Flow to the North of Australia

  21. 加热场对低空越赤道气流影响的数值试验研究

    Numerical experiments of the effects of the heating field on the low-level cross-equatorial flows

  22. 相对而言,索马里越赤道气流和越南北方降水的关系不显著。

    However , the relationship between Somali flow and northern precipitation is not evident .

  23. 越赤道气流通道上的经向垂直环流结构

    The meridional structure of the vertical circulation over the path of cross equatorial air current

  24. 越赤道气流的年际、年代际变化研究短期资金的国际流动

    Researches on Interannual and Inter-decadal Variability of Cross-Equatorial Flow ; international transfer of short-term fund

  25. 越赤道气流与西北地区东部夏季降水的联系

    Relationship between Cross - Equatorial Flow and Summer Precipitation in the East of Northwest China

  26. 越赤道气流对印缅槽移动的影响

    Influence of cross - equatorial flow on the motion of the trough over India and Burma

  27. 在这次过程中,印度洋南半球越赤道气流起了激发的作用。

    During this process the South Hemisphere cross-equatorial flow over the Indian Ocean plays a triggering role .

  28. 冬季流入南印度洋的低空越赤道气流分析

    A study of cross-equatorial flow into the South Indian Ocean in the lower troposphere during the winter

  29. 南海低空越赤道气流流型的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the low level cross equatorial current flow patterns over the South China Sea

  30. 结果表明,自1951年以来,越赤道气流总量呈增强趋势,且持续性好;

    It is concluded that the cross - equatorial flow has strengthened and is more persistent since 1951 ;