
mǎ tou bó wèi
  • quay berth
  1. 码头处于一个开放性的环境中,客观世界存在的不确定性因素往往会对码头泊位系统造成不同程度的干扰和影响。

    Quay is in an open environment , and there are uncertainty factors in the objective world which often disturb and impact the quay berth system to some extent .

  2. 石化码头泊位规模选择的TOPSIS模型

    TOPSIS Model of Berth Scale Choice for Petrochemical Wharf

  3. 在分析码头泊位水深维护、管理现状的基础上,建议将码头前沿60m水域由港务公司进行管、用、养、修,并提出相应对策。

    Based on the analysis of the current situation of maintenance & management of berth depth , the 60m water area at the apron of wharf is managed , utilized and maintained by harbor company . Relevant suggestions and measures are measures are provided .

  4. 集装箱码头泊位能力及相关指标研究

    Research on Berth Capacity of Container Terminal and Indicators Related

  5. 对开敞式码头泊位长度计算的理解与分析

    Comprehension and analysis on calculation of berth length for open sea terminal

  6. 大型开敞式油码头泊位长度的探讨

    A Discussion on Berth Length of Large-Scale Open Oil Terminal

  7. 开敞水域蝶形码头泊位长度优化试验研究

    Model test study on optimizing length of island berth in open water area

  8. 半开敞式海域油气码头泊位长度的确定

    Determination of Berth Length of Oil Gas Terminal at Semi - open Sea Area

  9. 集装箱码头泊位调度均衡优化方法研究

    Trade-off Optimization of Berth Scheduling in Container Terminal

  10. 生产调度的均衡优化方法研究在集装箱码头泊位生产调度领域具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Tradeoff optimization research of berth scheduling in container terminal is of theoretical and practical significance .

  11. 进行码头泊位系统的干扰管理研究,对我国码头泊位系统的正常运行具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    The study on the disruption management of quay berths system has important theoretical and practical significance .

  12. 港口吞吐量持续着高速增长的态势,压船、压港现象愈加严重,使得沿海港口总体吞吐能力和布局以及码头泊位建设都面临着相当大的挑战。

    The capacity of our coastal ports and the berth construction are facing a very big challenge .

  13. 中韩集装箱码头泊位通过能力计算方法比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Calculation of Throughput Capacity of Berths at Container Terminals between China and Public of Korea

  14. 码头泊位分配是整个码头枢纽港作业的最基本业务环节,直接关系到码头公司的效益与效率。

    Berth scheduling is the basic business operation process which is directly related to the effectiveness and efficiency of the quay .

  15. 研究系泊安全影响因素及合理确定开敞式码头泊位长度是十分必要的。

    Therefore , researches on mooring safety improvement and berth length optimization are necessary for large-scale oil terminal at open sea .

  16. 没有了来自旅游预订的现金流,也没有了人头济济的码头泊位,邮轮运营商将挣扎于支付其飙升的固定成本,并维持资本开支。

    Without the cash flow from bookings , and full berths , cruise ship operators will struggle to defray their soaring fixed costs and maintain capital expenditure .

  17. 改善赛场周围住宿交通条件,增加码头泊位、专业港口、会馆等相关基础配套设施,扩大赛事规模。

    Accommodation to improve traffic conditions around the stadium to increase berths , specialized port , Hall and other related infrastructure facilities , expanding the scale of events .

  18. 分析总结我国液体散货码头泊位吨级和工艺设计特点,提出存在的技术问题,展望发展前景。

    This paper analyzes the ship styles , berth tonnage and technological characteristics of liquid bulk terminals , points out the technical problems , and describes the development prospect .

  19. 码头泊位作为港口关键资源,对港口靠泊能力乃至竞争力都至关重要,如何提高泊位的利用效率进而降低生产成本已经成为港口企业面临的难题,因而探究有效的泊位调度算法具有重要意义。

    Berth is the key resources in the port . So how to improve the utilize efficiency of berth is important to reduce production costs in the port enterprise .

  20. 以减少环境荷载作用下船舶运动量以及均匀缆绳张力分布为优化目标,提出了开敞式蝶形码头泊位长度和墩位平面布置确定的原则和方法。

    Aiming at reducing ship movements and averaging the line tension distribution , this paper presents the principle and methods for determination of mooring dolphins ' layout of Butterfly Open Sea Terminal .

  21. 据统计,2000年全国年吞吐量超过万吨的港口1200多个,码头泊位3.3万个,其中万吨级以上深水泊位784个。

    It is stated that the number of national ports with annual throughput in 2000 exceeding ten thousand tons is more than 1,200 , wharves of that scale more than 33,000,784 among which are ten-thousand-class and deep-water wharves .

  22. 实证表明,本论文的研究方法能够为集装箱码头泊位的规划、设计和运营管理提供参考,同时,也为以后更科学更合理的确定集装箱码头年泊位通过能力提供了一条新的思路。

    The result shows that the research methods in this paper can provide reference for the planning , design and operation of the container berths , and provide a new path for calculating the berth capacity of the container terminal even more reasonably .

  23. 高桩码头前沿泊位局部浚深的探讨

    Study of Local Dredging in Front of Piled Berths

  24. 渔港卸鱼码头合理泊位利用率研究

    Research of reasonable berth occupancy for fish unloading

  25. 据本文作者所知,这也是第一次研究潮汐海港中集装箱码头的泊位分配问题。

    As far as we know , this is the first study on the BAP of the container terminal in the tidal seaport .

  26. 扼要介绍嵌岩灌注直桩桩基应用于福州港河沙码头装船泊位工程的设计和施工概况。

    Design and construction of cast-in-situ concrete vertical pile ( embedded in rocks ) foundation applied in the loading berth project of Fuzhou Port Hesha Wharf are briefly introduced .

  27. 给学经济学导论的同学出个问题:如果城镇提高了在城镇码头租赁泊位的价格,私人码头的价格又会发生什么变化呢?

    Question for Ec10 students : If the town raised the rental price of a docking slot at the town pier , what would happen to the price at the private pier ?

  28. 于任何时间为任何长度的船舶领港,前往和离开浮标及碇泊处,以及于任何时间将任何长度的船舶停泊和驶离货运码头、泊位、船坞及码头。

    Pilotage of ships of any length to and from buoys and anchorages at any time and the berthing and unberthing of ships of any length to and from wharves , berths , docks and piers at any time .

  29. 在兴建码头、泊位、投资设备和扩大堆场面积的同时,另一有效途径就是整合港口的现有机械和堆场资源,优化管理。

    While the construction of a terminal , berth , investment in equipment and expanding the area of the yard , the other effective way is the integration of existing machinery and yard resources , optimizing the management in the yard .

  30. 沿海港口集装箱码头合理的泊位利用率分析

    The Analysis of Reasonable Berth Utilization for Coastal Port Container Terminal