
  • 网络Code Division Multiple Access;code-division multiple access;cdma;TD-SCDMA;DS-CDMA
  1. 格形编码调制(TCM)技术在码分多址系统中的应用

    Application of Trellis Coded Modulation Technique to CDMA System

  2. 码分多址(CDMA)系统是一种全新的数字蜂窝移动通信系统。

    CDMA system is a new digital mobile cellular communications system .

  3. 基于SYSTEMVIEW的码分多址研究与仿真

    System View Based CDMA Research and Simulation

  4. 同时也研究了针对G函数族设计的码分多址方式。

    This paper also studied the design of G function family for multi-access approach .

  5. 使用任意chip波形时准同步码分多址系统的性能分析

    Performances Analysis of Quasi synchronous Code Division Multiple Access System Using Arbitrary Chip Waveform

  6. 码分多址(CDMA)技术和公用空中接口综述

    An Overview of CDMA Technology and the Common Air Interface

  7. 码分多址(CDMA)技术已被广泛应用到多用户通信系统中。

    CDMA has been widely applied in multi-user communication systems .

  8. 一种新的移动adhoc网络的按需同步码分多址协议

    On-demand synchronization CDMA & a new multiple access protocol for the mobile Ad hoc network

  9. 基于Turbo编码和二进制脉冲位置调制的快跳频光码分多址系统

    Turbo-Coded Optical Fast Frequency-Hopping CDMA System Based on Binary PPM Modulation

  10. GOLD码发生器广泛应用于CDMA码分多址系统。其主要用途是产生具有良好相关特性的码序列。

    GOLD code generators are used extensively in CDMA system to generate code sequences with good correlation properties .

  11. 现代码分多址(CDMA)技术的研究与探讨

    Research and Investigation to Technique of Modern CDMA

  12. 关于码分多址(CDMA)蜂房系统的容量

    On the Capacity of a Cellular CDMA System

  13. 码分多址(CDMA)通信系统是一种干扰受限系统,多址干扰不仅影响了系统的性能而且还减少了系统的容量。

    Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) communications systems are interference limitation systems .

  14. GPS(全球定位系统)和CDMA(码分多址)通讯技术的发展为汽车定位防盗提供了进一步智能化的坚实理论基础。

    GPS and CDMA provide the solid theoretical foundations of more intelligent location and guide of automobiles .

  15. 码分多址(CDMA)蜂房移动通信上、下行链路带宽非对称划分的分析

    Analysis of the Asymmetrical Bandwidth Partition between Uplink and Downlink in CDMA Cellar Mobile Communication

  16. 移动通信的迅速发展以及多媒体时代的全面到来,使码分多址(CDMA:Code-DivisionMultipleAccess)系统成为了人们的研究热点。

    The Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) system is becoming a very promising communication system as rapid development of mobile communication and coming of multimedia .

  17. 迅速走向商用的码分多址(CDMA)蜂窝通信系统

    CDMA Cellular Systems Being Commercial Rapidly

  18. 对OFDM技术和DSSS技术以及直接序列码分多址(DS-CDMA)进行了性能比较。

    Compare the performance of OFDM , DSSS and DS-CDMA techniques .

  19. 根据平坦瑞利环境下码分多址(CDMA)系统的复信道衰减特点,提出了一种多用户检测的复神经网络方法,从理论上证明了该算法的稳定性。

    A complex neural network approach for implementing optimal multiuser detection in CDMA system is theoretically proposed .

  20. CDMA(码分多址通信)的发展动向

    The Development Trends of CDMA

  21. 在扩频系统中,直接序列扩频码分多址(DirectSequenceCodeDivisionMultipleAccess,DS-CDMA)系统是目前应用最广泛的扩频系统。

    In the Spread Spectrum system , Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access ( DS-CDMA ) system is the widest application spread system at present .

  22. 介绍了码分多址CDMA系统中码片级线性最小均方误差均衡器。

    The chip level linear minimum mean square error ( LMMSE ) equalizer in CDMA systems is introduced .

  23. 码分多址(CDMA)及其应用

    CDMA and Its Applications

  24. 研究了码分多址(CDMA)系统中下行联合功率速率分配问题。

    The joint power and data rate allocation in code division multiple access ( CDMA ) systems was studied .

  25. 最后,本文对扩频码分多址(CDMA)通信技术在无线DCS中的应用进行了展望。

    At last , this paper gain a perspective on the progress of the wireless DCS based on CDMA .

  26. 本文研究了多载波码分多址(Multi-carrierCDMA)扩展频谱系统在多径衰落信道下的频率分集接收技术。

    In this paper , the frequency diversity reception of multi-carrier CDMA signal is studied .

  27. 针对直接序列扩频同步码分多址(CDMA)通信系统,提出了一种基于均匀直线天线阵的CDMA信号波达方向(DOA)估计新方法。

    A novel approach for DOA estimation with a uniform linear antenna array was proposed for CDMA communication systems .

  28. 这里介绍了多址通信及码分多址(CDMA)通信。

    In this paper , the multiple access communication and code division multiple access ( CDMA ) communication system is presented .

  29. 准入控制是码分多址(CDMA)蜂窝网络中服务质量保证的一个关键技术。

    Admission control is one of the key policies to guarantee Quality of Service ( QoS ) in cellular CDMA networks .

  30. 用于多载波码分多址接入(MC-CDMA)系统的基于最小特征值技术的用户识别检测器

    User Identification Detector based on Minimum-EigenValue Technique for MC-CDMA Systems