
mǎ tou ɡōnɡ rén
  • docker;dock worker;stevedore;longshoreman;long shoreman
  1. 第二次世界大战结束时,他是一名码头工人。

    At the end of the second world war he was working as a docker

  2. 某些人声称码头工人工会是走私集团的掩护所。

    Some claimed that the docker 's union fronted for the smuggling ring .

  3. 海员举行罢工,以表示对码头工人的支持。

    The seamen went on strike in sympathy with the dockers .

  4. 9月18日,码头工人再次举行罢工。

    On September 18 the dockers again came out on strike .

  5. 他能轻松自如地用洋泾浜话和工厂工人及码头工人交谈。

    He 's at ease speaking pidgin with the factory workers and guys on the docks .

  6. 在中国码头工人的帮助下,那个外国海员找回了他丢失的手表。

    With the help of the Chinese dockers , the foreign seaman got back the watch he had lost .

  7. 码头工人还在香港市中心李嘉诚的长江集团中心(CheungKongCentre)大楼外扎营,以壮大罢工的声势。

    Dockers also camped outside Mr Li 's Cheung Kong Centre office tower in central Hong Kong , raising the visibility of the industrial action .

  8. 上半个世纪的长寿研究,一直集中在英国巴士驾驶员,SanFrancisco码头工人,Iowa农民和Harvard校友身上。

    Longevity research during the last half century has focused on British bus drivers , San Francisco longshoremen , Iowa farmers and Harvard alumni .

  9. 香港码头工人针对亚洲首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)发起的历时一个月的罢工已告结束,罢工者最终接受了9.8%的加薪幅度,这一数字远低于之前他们要求的23%的加薪幅度。

    A month-long strike that pitted Hong Kong dock workers against Asia 's richest man has ended with the strikers accepting a 9.8 per cent pay rise , much less than the 23 per cent increase they had been demanding .

  10. 你能保证码头工人不偷货吗?

    Can you guarantee the stevedores not to steal the goods ?

  11. 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。

    The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages .

  12. 他们都支持那个国家码头工人的罢工。

    They all supported the dockers of that country in their strike .

  13. 他把人们的注意力引向码头工人中不断增长的失业率。

    He drew attention to the rising unemployment among dockers .

  14. 我会让你去长滩做码头工人。

    I 'll get you down in long beach as a dockworker .

  15. 码头工人在搬运沉重的东西。

    The shore man is carrying a heavy load .

  16. 那些船都被长期租给码头工人了

    they 're in long-term leases with some longshoremen .

  17. 码头工人从船上卸货。码头工人开始卸船。

    The dockers discharged the cargo from the ship . Dockers started unloading .

  18. 伦敦码头工人罢工已持续了一星期。

    The London dockers'strike has continued for a week .

  19. 码头工人罢工使港口陷于瘫痪。

    A dock strike has crippled the port .

  20. 它们是热那亚水手和法国码头工人的服装。

    They were especially worn by Genoese sailors and stevedores who woriced in France .

  21. 昏暗中有鼾声如雷,那是陈月娥的当码头工人的哥哥。

    Stentorian snores came from the shadows-Chen Yueh-ngo 's elder brother , a stevedore .

  22. 码头工人在罢工时,我们将如何解决新鲜水果问题?

    What shall we do for fresh fruits while the dock strike is on ?

  23. 我们决定支持码头工人为提高报酬所进行的斗争。

    We 've decided to back the dockers in their fight for higher pay .

  24. 就跟爱尔兰的码头工人有得一拼了。

    A tolerance usually reserved for Irish dockworkers .

  25. 码头工人正为增加工资而罢工。

    The dockers are striking for higher pay .

  26. 利物浦的码头工人罢工了。

    The dockers in Liverpool are out .

  27. 在钢缆的那一边,是一伙满怀敌意的码头工人。

    On the other side of the hawser was a hostile knot of young dockers .

  28. 随着交通运输业的繁荣发展,武汉码头工人群体兴起、壮大,成为一个特殊的职业群体。

    With the development of transportation , the dockers in Wuhan became a special community .

  29. 他的父亲是一位码头工人。

    His father is a docker .

  30. 所有的来自多佛的货物要等到码头工人罢工结束后才能装卸。

    All cargoes from Dover are black good until the dockworkers ' strike there has been settled .