
wú cháng
  • free;gratuitous;gratis
无偿 [wú cháng]
  • [gratuitous;free;gratis] 不需代价,无须报酬的

  • 无偿资助

无偿[wú cháng]
  1. 你不可能指望她无偿地做这事。

    You can hardly expect her to do it for free .

  2. 最担心的是双方可能利用停火和无偿食品援助的机会重整军备。

    The main fear was that both sides may seize upon a ceasefire and free food aid to rearm .

  3. 我知道他的帮助不会是无偿的。

    I knew his help wouldn 't be given gratis .

  4. 这个基金是无偿管理的。

    The fund is voluntarily administered .

  5. 他会为了完成工作无偿加班。

    He would work overtime , without pay , to finish a job

  6. 他将收藏品无偿捐献出来。

    He was giving his collection away for nothing

  7. 潘特拉拉斯将自己的艺术藏品全都无偿捐了出去,存心要激怒玛丽和她的丈夫。

    Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing , to spite Marie and her husband .

  8. 他们无法想象有人可以无偿工作。

    They can 't imagine the fact that someone can work without pay .

  9. 他们无偿地做着一切,甚至自己还倒贴了大部分家当进去。

    They did all this for free and even spent most of their own money .

  10. 他正在一家工程公司无偿工作一个月以获得工作经验。

    He 's doing a month 's unpaid work experience with an engineering firm .

  11. 任何单位、个人都应当无偿为报警提供便利,不得阻拦报警。严禁谎报火警。

    Any unit and individual shall provide convenience for fire alarm reporting gratis prohibited to make false reporting of fire .

  12. 很多人都在上班的旅途中查看并回复邮件,这实际上是无偿地延长了工作时间。

    So many people were found to be catching1 up on emails that the journey had effectively become an unpaid2 extension of their business day .

  13. 我国将拓展藏品入藏渠道,健全考古出土文物和执法部门罚没文物移交工作机制,鼓励公众向博物馆无偿捐赠藏品。

    China will also expand museum collections , improve the mechanism of handing over archaeological relics by law enforcement departments , and encourage the public to donate collectibles .

  14. 无偿献血员血清人微小病毒B(19)感染情况调查

    Investigation on HPV B_ ( 19 ) Infection in 110 Blood Donors

  15. 无偿献血员检测抗HIV阳性资料分析

    Analysis of the Anti-HIV Positive Blood Samples of Voluntary Blood Donor

  16. 北海市无偿献血人群HIV感染分析

    Analysis of infectious status of HIV in unpaid blood donors in Beihai City

  17. 漳州市无偿献血者HIV抗体检测结果分析

    Analysis of Detecting Results of HIV Body among Free Blood Donor in Zhangzhou City

  18. 多民族无偿献血者HCV感染状况调查研究

    Analysis on HCV infection among volunteer blood donors of different nationalities

  19. “我的UPS”标准服务是无偿提供的。

    My UPS standard services are offered at no cost and include .

  20. 除非撰写这份报告的那些顶尖经济学家是无偿工作,否则难免夸大了gdp。

    Unless the top economists who wrote this report worked for free , it raised GDP .

  21. 大理白族自治州无偿献血者HBsAg携带情况

    HBsAg Carrying Status among Voluntary Blood Donors in Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali

  22. 某高校学生9年来参加无偿献血者HCV抗体检出情况分析

    The Analysis on the HCV Antibody from the First Free Blood-donating Students of a College

  23. 目的调查幽门螺杆菌(Hp)在蚌埠地区无偿献血员中的感染状况。

    Objective To study Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) infection situation among volunteer blood donors in Bengbu area .

  24. 目的分析昆明地区无偿献血者中HIV的流行状况,为招募和选择无偿献血者提供依据。

    Objective To analyze HIV seroprevalence among voluntary blood donors , in order to enroll and select eligible voluntary blood donors .

  25. 采用统一的个案调查表对20名SARS病毒抗体阳性无偿献血者进行电话咨询调查,同时对31名SARS康复献浆者进行检测,分析相关数据作对照。

    Standardized questionnaires were adopted to conduct investigation by telephone on 20 donors with positive SARS-CoV Ab.

  26. 西北部分地区无偿献血人群HCV感染的分子流行病学的研究

    Molecular epidemiological studies of the HCV infection among volunteer blood donors in partial northwest regions of China

  27. 结果1200份无偿献血者标本中有11例HBVdna阳性(0.92%);

    Results 11 ( 0.92 % ) of 1 200 unpaid donators , 10 ( 2.13 % ) of 470 paid donators were positive for HBV DNA .

  28. 方法对1846名军队无偿献血者进行症状自评量表(SCL-90)测定,比较其心理健康水平。

    Methods 1846 volunteer blood donors from the military are interviewed with Symptom Checklist ( SCL-90 ) .

  29. 菏泽市自愿无偿献血人群ABO、RhD(-)血型调查研究

    Study on the Distribution of ABO , RhD ( - ) Blood Type in Heze City

  30. 与此同时,40名FAA机场安检员在无偿工作。

    Meanwhile , 40 FAA airport safety inspectors are working without pay .