
wú lín dì
  • No forest land;non-forest land
无林地[wú lín dì]
  1. 与有林地相比,无林地受灾程度更为严重。

    Compared with forest lands , non-forest land was more seriously damaged .

  2. 水源涵养林壤中流水质中pH、Sal、Tur和NH4~+具有缓冲作用,而无林地壤中流水质变化通常是随着降雨时间的延长快速下降,没有缓冲作用,很容易造成养分流失。

    Water Resources Protection Forest can buffer the varieties of pH , Sal , Tur and NH4 + . But the change of water quality in no forest area always reduce clipping by the rainfall , no buffer , which easy run out nutrient .

  3. 物种多样性由高到底的顺序是,无林地:山坡>平地>沟谷;

    That is ( from high to low ) : hillside > flat > valley ;

  4. 叶面积和同化速率对生产力格局也有重要影响。林网内玉米穗生物量明显高于无林地。

    The leaf area and assimilate rate also had important effect on the pattern of productivity .

  5. 结果表明:有林地与无林地的景观连接度有明显差异,无林地的景观连接度普遍大于有林地;

    The results showed that the landscape connectivity index of non-woodland was significantly higher than that of woodland .

  6. 2004年有林地比例恢复到37.4%,无林地面积比例为11.45%。

    In 2004 , the proportion of woodland recovered to 37.4 % and no comparison is 11.45 % .

  7. 在黄土高原小流域中,有林地比无林地的雨季径流深和径流系数小。

    In the rain season , the runoff deep and coefficient of land of forest covered is smaller than no forest land .

  8. 其次,空气微生物总量方面,有林地(包括鼓楼广场)比无林地少23%。

    Second , total amount air microorganism of woodland ( including the Drum Building Square ) was lower than woodless land by 23 % .

  9. 结果表明:无论是有林地还是无林地,地表径流系数随降雨量增大而增大。

    The results show that ground runoff coefficient increases with rainfall , the ground runoff coefficient of forested land is less than that of non-forested land .

  10. 并研制出云杉多因素数量化生境质量评定表和云杉多因素数量化生境质量等级评定表,可直接预测无林地生境生产力及更新后林木生长效果。

    And the site quality evaluation table and site quality grade evaluation table are made , which are capable to directly predict the non-woodland productivity capacity and the growth impression .

  11. 汾河支流北石河岔上断面以上流域由林地和无林地插花分布组成。

    The area above Chashang Section in the Beishi River Valley , a tributary of Fen River , is made up of forested and unforested lands in one and the other .

  12. 林冠层在不同天气情况下的遮挡效果:晴天降雨多云。(2)林内月平均气温全年低于无林地和城市绿地。

    The difference of different weather of canopy shelters : sunnyrainycloudy . ( 2 ) The monthly average temperature in the forest is lower than the bare ground and urban green-belt yearly .

  13. 林内月平均相对湿度高于无林地和城市绿地。

    But , as to the urban green-belt , it is on the contrary . ( 3 ) The monthly average relative humidity in the forest is lower than the bare ground and urban green-belt .

  14. 土层腐殖质含量、水稳性团聚体含量及表层土壤水稳性团聚体风干率、团聚状况、团聚度均高于无林地埂土壤,土壤分散率、分散系数均低于无林埂土壤。

    The contents of humus , aggregate with stable water , the rate of air dry of stable water aggregate , aggregation state , degree of aggregate were higher than those in no prickly ash land while soil dispersion and coefficient of dispersion of former were lower than latter .

  15. 介绍了轮叶党参的形态特征、生态习性、栽培、采收与加工技术及其无公害林地栽培技术。

    Introduces the life-habits , eco-habits , planting technology , Harvesting and Processing , Non-pollution Planting Technology in Forestland of Codonopsis lanceolata .