
shān shù
  • cedar
杉树[shān shù]
  1. 她把其中一架转过来,在取景器上有“尼康”字样,商标的左上角有一个“f”,她在杉树桥递给他的那架相机。

    Turning one around , she could read " nikon " on the viewfinder and , just to the upper left of the Nikon label , the letter f.it was the camera she had handed him at Cedar bridge .

  2. 鸟栖息在窗前的杉树上。

    The bird perched on a cedar by the window .

  3. 一种适用于RT-PCR的杉树类植物中总RNA提取的方法

    An Improved Method Suited to Extract Total RNA Used to RT-PCR from Fir Plant

  4. 杉树类植物含大量的多糖、多酚类物质,这使得这类植物的总RNA提取较困难。

    It is difficult to extract total RNA from Fir plants , because they contain plenty of polysacchrides and polyphenols .

  5. 对采自天目山的柳杉树轮进行交叉定年后,得到树轮的δ13C、δD年序列。

    Based on cross-dating tree rings age from Tianmu Mountain , Zhejiang Province , the tree α - cellulose δ 13C and δ D time series are obtained .

  6. kg-1,植物叶汞中的浓度李树>梨树>柳树>杉树>榆树>槐树>丁香>杨树>松树>柏树;

    The mercury concentrations in the leaves were in the order of : plum > pear > willow > fir > elm > locust tree > clove > poplar > pine > cypress .

  7. 这些昆虫能吃掉4百万英亩的云杉树。

    The insects have chewed up4 million acres of spruce trees .

  8. 替代品:真正的杉树,取材于可持续发展的森林。

    Replace with : real fir trees , from sustainable forests .

  9. 不管付出什么代价,她就是要到杉树桥去。

    Whatever the cost , she was going out to cedar bridge .

  10. 松树,杉树以及冬青是常绿树。

    Pines , firs , and hollies are evergreen trees .

  11. 它是由杉树树枝和四根蜡烛组成。

    They are made with fir branches and four candles .

  12. 北卡罗来纳州农民杰夫·波勒正在实验土耳其杉树的情况。

    North Carolina farmer Jeff Poller is experimenting with the Turkish fir .

  13. 非常茂密的一种金字塔形百慕达杉;杉树中相当巨大的一种。

    Ornamental densely pyramidal juniper of Bermuda ; fairly large for a juniper .

  14. 你认为杉树比松树更优秀吗?

    Do you see the redwood tree as better than the pine tree ?

  15. 墨西哥高地河谷的一种杉树。

    Cypress of river valleys of Mexican highlands .

  16. 我们又开始了匍匐攀登。爬地的一种匍匐杉树。

    We started our crawling climb again .

  17. 比加拿大和北美灌木丛低的一种杉树;冬天呈深紫色。

    Low to prostrate shrub of Canada and northern United States ; bronzed purple in winter .

  18. 坡位和坡度都与水杉树高、胸径呈显著负相关。

    The correlation between slope position and slope gradient to DBH or height is marked negative .

  19. 手法整复杉树皮外固定结合皮牵引治疗小儿股骨干骨折疗效观察

    Manipulative reduction , FIR-BARK external fixation and skin traction for treating children 's femoral shaft fracture

  20. 美国东南海岸沼泽地区的一种杉树;与东红杉类似。

    Juniper of swampy coastal regions of southeastern United states ; similar to Eastern red cedar .

  21. 未能挽救这些杉树的事实表明了在加拿大保护濒危物种被忽视的状况。

    The failed attempt to save the cedars underscores the state of endangered-species protection in Canada .

  22. 针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、雪松,等等。

    Conifer tree style such as pine , fir , spruce , redwood , cedar , etc.

  23. 彼得不曾停止跑或往回望,直到回到大杉树的家。

    Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home to the big fir-tree .

  24. 杉树桥与新的公路平行,在河上游的五百码处,是水泥桥。

    Cedar Bridge sat fifty yards upstream from and parallel to the new road and its concrete bridge .

  25. 著名的弗雷泽冷杉树受污染后就会出现根茎腐烂的情况,而欧亚大陆产的杉树则不会腐烂。

    The well-known Fraser fir is acceptable to the root rot , fir trees from Eurasia are not .

  26. 树是那样高,笔直,而又整齐的特别可爱!因为是松树和杉树的原故,所以四时都是绿油油的。

    Standing tall and erect before me in neat array was a forest of evergreen pines and firs .

  27. 基于可见/近红外光谱法与最小二乘支持向量机用于预测杉树的密度

    Prediction of wood property in Chinese Fir based on visible / near infrared spectroscopy and least square-support vector machine

  28. 千禧年后的千禧年后发生的,或千禧年后存在的比如说一棵是千年的杉树,庄严高大。

    Happening or existing after the millennium . Say that one is a thousand-year-old redwood , a great stately tree .

  29. 欢庆圣诞的季节随着一棵6米高的香脂冷杉树的到来已经正式在白宫拉开序幕。

    The Christmas season has officially arrived at the White House in the form of a six-meter balsam fir tree .

  30. 目的:研究杉树皮夹板外固定治疗桡骨远端骨折的优越性。

    Conclusion : Fir bark splint could effectively keep fixation stability and promote fracture healing as well as function recovery .