
  • 网络Fir Lake;Shahu Lake;Cedar Lake
  1. 桂林市环城桂湖、榕湖、杉湖等三风景湖水源不足,历史上多次采用引水入湖方式加以弥补。

    The Guihu lake , the Ronghu lake and the Shahu lake ( three scenery lakes ) around the city of Guilin are deficient in the source of water .

  2. 两江四湖两江四湖指由漓江、桃花江与榕湖、杉湖、桂湖、木龙湖所构成的环城水系。

    Two Rivers and Four Lakes It refers to the round-the-city water system composed of Lijiang River , Peach Blossom River , Ronghu Lake , Shanhu Lake , Guihu Lake and Wooden Dragon Lake .

  3. 中区以漓江公园为中心,包括叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、榕湖和杉湖等景观。

    In the centre of the city is Li River Park near which are such scenic attractions as folded colours hill , Fubo hill , elephant trunk hill , banyan lake , fir lake and some others .

  4. 其次,文章以岭西五大家、临桂词派、杉湖十子为切入点,探讨了书院在地方文化集团形成中的场域作用。

    Secondly , the article to " The five masters ," " Lingui Ci ", " Destiny and the Poetic " is as the starting point of the academy in the formation of local cultural groups in the " Field " effect .