
  • 网络Intangible Effects
  1. 又有企业员工意识的变化、改善创新能力的提高以及团队精神的树立等无形效果。

    The mind of employees changed , innovate improved , team spirit built , and other intangible effects .

  2. 析高校体育教学中的无形教育效果

    Analyses of the Invisible Education Effect on Sports Teaching in Colleges and Universities

  3. 通过以上的工作,该课题在有形改善效果(评价时间缩短、样品数量减少、成本降低与收益增加)和无形改善效果(评价体系建立、可靠性人才、培养客户满意度提升)两方面实现了优化。

    Through the above work , the subject of tangible improvement in results ( evaluation time shortage , samples number reduction , revenue increasing ) and intangible improvement effect ( evaluation System , reliability personnel , training to improve customer satisfaction ) to achieve the optimization of both .

  4. 和传统抵押贷款及担保贷款方式不同,团体贷款理论上不需额外的抵押和外部担保,而是由于其内部连带责任机制,能够产生一种无形的抵押效果。

    Different with traditional mortgage loans and secured loans , group loans needs no additional mortgage loans and external security . but because of its internal mechanisms of joint and several liability , to produce an invisible collateral effects .

  5. 我们能够轻而易举地对一个新软件培训项目的成果做出量化评价,但是想要找到一种简单明了的方式来衡量无形培训项目的效果,却不是件容易的事。

    The results of a training session on new software can be quantified easily , but finding an easy way to gauge the benefits of intangible training programs is more complicated .