
  1. 单位产品必要的劳动消耗量等量劳动相交换规律

    Unit manpower needs law of exchange of equal amounts of labor

  2. 卫星系统研制过程活劳动消耗模型研究

    A Research on Direct Labour Consumption in Developing Satellite System

  3. 研究地勘劳动消耗规律占据国际市场的制高点

    Studying regularity of consumption of labour occupying the commanding point of international market

  4. 在此认识基础上,文章还分析了文献生产的劳动消耗和劳动对象的特点、性质。

    The paper also analyses characteristics of the subject of labour and labour consumption .

  5. 科学的项目质量管理,有利于提高施工技术,节约劳动消耗。

    Scientific quality management of project , is beneficial to improve technology , and save consumption of laborer .

  6. 懒惰(像铁锈)比劳动消耗得更快:使用中的钥匙总是发亮的。

    Sloth ( like rust ) consumes faster than labour wears : the used key is always bright .

  7. 讲求农业技术经济效果的目的,是要以最少的劳动消耗,获得最多的产品量。

    The aim of evaluating the effects of new agrotechnique is to achieve the largest amount of products with the least expense .

  8. 在传统的生产领域中,通过降低物质消耗和劳动消耗所获得的利润被称为第一和第二利润源。

    In the traditional production areas , profits for reducing the material consumption and labor consumption are known as the first and second profit source .

  9. 采取以开展公共卫生服务的实际消耗(物化劳动消耗与活劳动消耗)计算物化成本和人力成本。

    Taken to carry out the actual consumption ( materialized labor consumption and living labor consumption ) of public health service to calculate materialized cost and the manpower cost .

  10. 指为了补贴职工特殊或额外的劳动消耗和因其他特殊原因支付给职工的津贴,以及为保证职工工资水平不受物价影响支付给职工的物价补贴。

    Refers to subsidies paid to staff and workers for compensating special or extra labor and allowances paid to staff and workers to offset the impact of inflation on real wages .

  11. 与传统的工期进度控制相比,还与工程实物、成本、劳动消耗和资源等统一起来,全面反映工程项目实施情况。

    And compared to the traditional schedule , it also works in kind , cost , consumption and resources of labor unity , at last fully reflect in the project implementation .

  12. 而集材作业是伐区作业各工序中劳动消耗最大、对环境破坏最严重的工序。可以说集材作业是木材生产最关键工序之一。

    Skidding operation is the process of the largest labor consumption of logging operation and the most serious destruction of the environment , so the skidding operation is one of the main processes of timber production .

  13. 本文在分析地质勘查对外合作的趋势和问题的基础上,指出地质勘查工程计价规则方面应着重研究劳动消耗规律。

    The paper analyses the trend and problems of foreign cooperation of geological prospecting , then it points out that the regularity of consumption of labour should be paid more attention in the fields of valuation of geological prospecting project .

  14. 为了达到这个目标,人类开始对劳动消耗与劳动成果进行记录、计算,并加以比较和分析、考核,这样,经济活动中的会计,也就随之而产生了。

    To achieve this goal , humans began to record , calculate , and compare and analysis the outcomes of labor consumption and performance during the economic activities and production processes , along with it and the accounting was produced .

  15. 项目成本的管理,要以尽可能少的物质消耗和活劳动消耗来创造较大的价值,从而最大限度地提高项目成本降低率,提高施工项目的经济效益。

    In order to create more value , cost management of project must reduce the cost of raw material and labour , and improve the reduction rate of the cost of project as far as possible , and improve better economic benefits of construction project .

  16. 你知道脑力劳动有多消耗能量吗

    And do you know how many calories the brain burns ?

  17. 高校教师的劳动实际上是消耗人的智力资本。

    The labor of teachers at higher institutions is a consumption of intelligence capital .

  18. 生产消费指生产过程中工具、原材料、燃料、人力等生产资料的活劳动资料的消耗。

    Production consumption refers to production process tools , raw materials , fuels , human and other production information on the consumption of live labor .

  19. 军人劳动和军人劳动消耗特性研究

    A research on the characteristics of armyman 's labour and its consumption

  20. 农垦工人体力劳动强度及能量消耗调查

    Studies on Labour Intensity and Energy Consumption of Physical Labour in Agricultural reclamation farm Workers

  21. 我们都知道体力劳动大,身体消耗的就大,就轻易饿。

    We know physical labor is big , what the body uses up is big , with respect to easy hunger .

  22. 是提高产品设计水平,缩短新产品开发周期,提高劳动生产率,降低消耗的重要手段。

    It is a technique which can improve product designing , shorten the time of developing new product , improve productivity , save the costing of production .

  23. 介绍了托辊专用切管机的制作方法,解决了原有砂轮切割机劳动强度大及消耗大的问题。

    The paper introduces manufacture method of special pipe-cutting machine for rollers , which have a little labor intensity and consumption compared with old grinding wheel-cutting machine .

  24. 煤泥水浓度是选煤工业生产过程中的一项重要参数,煤泥水浓度的在线检测对提高产品质量、劳动生产率和降低消耗等都有重要的意义。

    The concentration of slime water measurement is an important parameter in the coal preparation industry . The precise measurement can improve the product quality and productivity and reduce the consumption of resource and energy .

  25. 首先,中外技术联盟中的产品分工模式导致了中国经济增长过度依赖资本和劳动的投入,消耗了大量不可再生资源,加剧了环境污染。

    First of all , its product division of labor mode forces the economy growth overly depend on the capital and labor inputs , which consume large quantity of nonrenewable resources , and aggregate environmental pollution .

  26. 如何计算商品中凝结的社会必要劳动时间?单位产品必要的劳动消耗量

    How to calculate the socially necessary labor time spent in the commodities ? unit manpower needs