
  • 网络the labor contract system
  1. 浙江省实施劳动合同制度的历史考察

    Historical Review of the Labor Contract System in Zhejiang Province

  2. 第三部分介绍我国无固定期限劳动合同制度的现状。

    The third part of our non-fixed term labor contract system , the status quo .

  3. 劳动合同制度若干法律问题浅析

    A Probe into the Several Law Issues of Labour Contract System

  4. 目前,我国已全面实行劳动合同制度。

    Presently , our country has executed the employment contract system thoroughly .

  5. 我国劳动合同制度经历了一个从无到有的过程。

    Employment Contract Institution in China has undergone a process from scratch .

  6. 关于我国劳动合同制度两个问题的探讨

    Discussion of Two Problems on the Regulations Concerning Employment Contract

  7. 完善无效劳动合同制度的法律思考

    The Consideration on Completing the System of Invalid Labor Contract

  8. 我国无效劳动合同制度的立法原则

    Legislative Principle of Invalid Labor Contract in Our Country

  9. 论医疗过失试论缔约过失责任理论在劳动合同制度中的引入与适用

    Discussion on Introduction and Application of Liability for Fault to a Labor Contract

  10. 无效劳动合同制度研究

    Study of the System of the Invalid Labour Contract

  11. 2为了实现实质公平,立法设立单方可变更、可撤销劳动合同制度;

    Achieving changeable and removable labour contrast law so as to accomplish particular fairness .

  12. 试论工会推进劳动合同制度建设的途径与方法

    On Trade Union 's Approaches and Methods of Boosting the System of Labor Contract

  13. 对劳动合同制度若干问题的探讨

    Studies on Several Issues of Labour Contract System

  14. 规范劳动合同制度。

    2 , regulating working contract system .

  15. 建立就业协议制度与劳动合同制度的衔接与协调机制。

    Establishing the link and harmony mechanism for employment agreement system and work contract system .

  16. 论工会在劳动合同制度中的作用

    On Trade Unions Role of Labour Contracts

  17. 第三部分,无固定期限劳动合同制度的法律解读及立法缺陷。

    Third , legal interpretation and legislative defects of the non-fixed term labor contract system .

  18. 劳动合同制度是维系《劳动法》实施的前提和基础。

    The labour contract system is the premise and foundation to enforce the labour law .

  19. 在作为特殊合同的劳动合同制度中引入、适用缔约过失责任理论具有必要性和可行性。

    Introduction and applicability of liability for fault to a labor contract has its necessity and feasibility .

  20. 论我国劳动合同制度&劳动合同在订立和解除中的问题分析

    On China Labor Contract

  21. 劳动合同制度的设计与评价,必须要以劳动合同的特殊性为逻辑起点。

    The particularity of labor contract is the logical start of designing and appraising the labor contract system .

  22. 我国应当加大立法监督,使无固定期限劳动合同制度真正发挥其作用。

    When the increased legislative oversight , so that no fixed term labor contract system truly play its role .

  23. 本文主要共分为以下四个部分:第一部分:介绍无固定期限劳动合同制度的正当性基础。

    This paper is divided into four parts : Part I : Introduction to non-fixed term labor contract system legitimacy .

  24. 无固定期限劳动合同制度的设立有其深刻的法理基础和现实基础。

    Without a fixed term labor contract system to set up a legal basis for its deep and realistic basis .

  25. 在我国计划经济体制下曾一度灭绝的劳动合同制度,随着我国经济体制的改革,又重新得到复苏并蓬勃发展。

    The labor contract system which disappeared under the planned economy has resumed and flourished along with the economic reform in China .

  26. 劳动合同制度是劳动法的一项基本制度,是社会主义市场经济体制下劳动用工制度的基础。

    Labor contract system is the basic system of Labor Law and the foundation of law recruitment system in the socialist market economy system .

  27. 市场经济下我国劳动合同制度的完善应注重劳动合同的私法性因素,在保持劳动合同特殊性的前提下考虑对《合同法》原理的适用。

    It is necessary to use the principles of Contract Law for reference in order to make the system of labor contract more perfect .

  28. 现行劳动合同制度的不足与缺陷是事实劳动关系大量形成的主要原因。事实劳动关系的本质之核,在于维护与实现劳动者的合法权益,追求实质上的劳动公平。

    The essence of fact labor relation consists in a maintenance and carrying out the legal rights of the labourer , pursuing substantial labor equity .

  29. 本文着重提出完善我国劳动合同制度和救济制度、改革劳动争议的构想。

    This article emphatically brought forward the proposition of improving our country 's labouring contract system and relief system , and of reforming labouring dispute .

  30. 劳动合同制度的实施,对构建和谐社会产生了积极的影响,在协调劳动关系中发挥了基础性作用。

    The implementation of the system of labor contract has positively influenced on building harmonious society and played an important role in adjusting labor relations .