
  1. 当前正在发生的,是一场适者生存的竞争,受影响的主要是技术含量相对较低、劳动力密集性行业的小工厂。

    What is happening is a survival-of-the-fittest struggle affecting primarily smaller factories in relatively low-tech , labour-intensive industries .

  2. 家电行业在国外企业的改造下已经从劳动力密集型行业转变成为资本和技术密集型行业。

    The household electrical appliances industry had changed capital and technical crowded profession from labor force crowded profession by the overseas enterprises .

  3. 不过,富士康事实上只是在做一件劳动力密集程度较低行业中的合同制造商早已做完的事情。

    But Foxconn is just doing what other contract manufacturers operating in less labour-intensive areas have already achieved .