
  • 网络frontier;apron
  1. 强夯法在重力式码头前沿区地基处理中的应用

    Dynamic Consolidation Method Applied in Foundation Treatment of Gravity Wharf Frontier Zone

  2. 而后界定了码头前沿、水平运输和后方堆场三个不同环节所涉及的装卸设备,并描述了常见的装卸工艺。

    Then the paper defined handling equipments which were involved in the three different links of apron , horizontal transportation , container yard , and describes the common handing process .

  3. 宝钢码头前沿沙体移动的DEM模拟

    DEM Simulation of Sediment Movement in the Baogang Dock Frontal Channel

  4. 使得港口经营业务管理信息系统(MIS)在语音、视频和数据三合一的无线网络通讯平台上,将移动计算机终端拓展到港口码头前沿的作业现场。

    By supporting on the platform of wireless network communication combined with audio , visual , data , the port MIS spreads the mobile computer terminals into the operation site of port front .

  5. 分析结果表明:工程水域基本呈微淤态势,码头前沿港池回淤厚度约为每年2.5m。今后很长时期内大型海轮进港必须采取工程措施。

    The results indicate that project waters substantially appear stable with a little deposition , and the deposition thickness of dock basin is about 2.5m/a .

  6. 集装箱码头前沿三维仿真及其方案优选

    3D simulation and selective preference of scenarios for container terminal apron

  7. 长江港口码头前沿高程问题的探讨

    An Inquire into Problems of Height of Wharf Frontage in River Harbor

  8. 集装箱码头前沿交通流模型研究

    Research on Traffic Flow of Quay in Container Terminal

  9. 高桩码头前沿泊位局部浚深的探讨

    Study of Local Dredging in Front of Piled Berths

  10. 海港码头前沿设计水深的计算问题

    The Problems on Calculating the Design Depth of Wharf Apron of Sea Port

  11. 分析影响集装箱码头前沿生产的因素,建立集卡路径的数学模型及其调度算法。

    The mathematic model of container truck path is established and the allocation algorithm for container truck is presented .

  12. 港口起重机往往分布在码头前沿,分布较为分散,工作环境恶劣。

    The crane always distribute dispersedly on the front of the yard where the working environments and conditions is bad .

  13. 减少了集卡从堆场到码头前沿的行走距离,从而提高了堆场的操作效率。

    The operative efficiency of storage yard is rasied by reducing the distance that the truck runs from the stock yard to .

  14. 这个集装箱准备卸在码头前沿,以检查外表残损情况。

    This container will be discharged at the apron of the wharf to check whether it is in apparent good order or damaged ?

  15. 采用特殊的小底面积置换夯锤,并采用渐变的夯击能量,应用强夯置换法对码头前沿区地基进行了加固处理。

    The foundation of wharf apron space was improved by use of special rammer of small base area , gradual tamping energy and dynamic replacement .

  16. 最后通过对码头前沿机损的安全评价实例说明该评价方法的合理性和有效性。

    Finally , we provide an example on safety assessment for machinery breakdown in dock apron to illustrate the rationality and validity of BN approach .

  17. 为减少码头前沿的反射波高,巧妙地在卸荷板和胸墙中设置进、出水孔和消浪室。

    Water inlet & outlet and wave breaking chambers are arranged for relieving slab and breast wall to reduce the reflected wave height alongside the berth .

  18. 通过物理模型和数学模型两种研究手段,对三亚南山港工程平面方案码头前沿、护岸波高分布以及航道对波浪折射影响进行对比研究,对码头前沿波峰面高程和上水情况进行了分析。

    From both physical and mathematic model tests , the wave height distribution near apron and revetment is studied and the wave crest level near the apron is analyzed .

  19. 利用这个模型可以评价码头前沿交通流状况,从而为码头设计和规划提供理论依据。

    Using this model , it can evaluate the traffic flow situation of the quay , and therefore provides the theoretic foundation for design and layout of container terminal .

  20. 首先,在码头前沿生产作业系统不确定因素来源的基础上,进一步从扰动方式、扰动程度及是否可预测等方面对常见不确定因素进行了分类。

    At first , based on the source , the uncertainties in container terminals are classified further by the style of disturbance , the degree of disturbance and predication .

  21. 山区河流集装箱码头前沿高程与后方集装箱堆场高程不可能一致,集装箱码头陆域运输不但要完成集装箱的水平输送,而且要完成集装箱在场内的垂直提升。

    Elevation of wharf apron is different from that of back container yard in mountainous rivers , so , land transportation consists of both level conveyance and lift of containers .

  22. 摘要在深入分析现代集装箱专用码头前沿交通流的影响因素的基础上,提出并建立了一个集装箱码头前沿交通流模型。

    According to analyzing deeply factors impacting traffic flow of Quay in modern container special terminal , this paper puts forward and develops a traffic model of container terminal quay .

  23. 大型泊位的建设对码头前沿水深、装卸机械的能力提出严格的要求,这给长江下游淤泥质地区超长预应力混凝土方桩的应用带来了广阔前景。

    Construction of large quay berth is required to wharf-frontage depth and cargo-handling technology strictly , and it also brings vast foreground to application of ultra-long prestressed concrete quadrate piles in downstream silt quality area of Yangtze River .

  24. 由于桩基所在的区域水流结构的特殊性,目前理论上研究尚少,时间上通常采用物理模型实验或数值模拟来了解桩基码头前沿的水流情况。

    Due to the peculiarity of the current flow in the district , there is lack of study in theory , physical model and numerical model are used to simulate the current condition on the front of jetty .

  25. 对于不同的桩群长度,其水位沿程变化分布基本上相似、大小不同,桩群越长码头前沿的水位壅高值越大,其相应水位变幅也最大。

    The variation in water level is similar to different length of pile group basically . The higher the backwater in front of the wharf , the longer the length of pile group , and the wider the amplitude of water level .

  26. 得出的桩基码头前沿区流速、流向更加真实,贴合实际,对回淤强度的预报、减淤措施的提出及船舶靠系泊等都有重要的参考价值。

    The flow velocity and direction in front of the wharves supported on piles thus derived are more realistic and practical , which will be of significant referential value for forecasting of back silting quantity , preparation of measures for silt reduction , as well as mooring of vessels .

  27. 在分析码头泊位水深维护、管理现状的基础上,建议将码头前沿60m水域由港务公司进行管、用、养、修,并提出相应对策。

    Based on the analysis of the current situation of maintenance & management of berth depth , the 60m water area at the apron of wharf is managed , utilized and maintained by harbor company . Relevant suggestions and measures are measures are provided .

  28. 但是,仿真技术在集装箱码头生产调度的应用还存在一些问题,缺少对调度问题微观分析的研究,对包含码头前沿、水平搬运和堆场在内的完成调度过程的研究也较少。

    However , in the application of the emulation technology there still exist some gaps , such as : lack of micro-analysis of the production dispatching and research upon the complete process of dispatching , including apron . Level handling and yard .