
  • 网络Sky City
  1. 如果报道属实,这个名为“天空城市”的拟建项目将有2749英尺高,以32英尺的微弱优势超过现纪录保持者迪拜塔(BurjKhalifa)。

    If the reports bear out , the proposed sky city will rise to a height of 2,749 feet , besting the record-holding Burj Khalifa in dubaiby a mere 32 feet .

  2. 天空城市&高层建筑设计学习实录

    Aerial-City : The Study Record of High-rise Buildings ' Design

  3. 他们的目的是建立一所监狱在天空的城市。

    Their aim was to create a prison city in the sky .

  4. 现在,在威胁出现的地区,在威胁还不能突然出现在我们的天空和城市之前,我们选择接受这个威胁的挑战。

    We choose to meet that threat now , where it arises , before it can appear suddenly in our skies and cities .

  5. 巴塞罗那馆的天花板由纺织品制成,天花板上将通过卫星技术展现出巴塞罗那真实的天空和城市景色。

    The pavilion 's ceiling will show the Barcelona sky live via satellite . A screen at the end of the pavilion will show Barcelona 's sunrise and sunset .

  6. 被山包围着,在天空展示城市的未来构想,地平线点亮着摩天大楼一片和谐的灯火,在黑暗中照耀着。

    Enclosed by mountains and showcasing a futuristic vision of a city in the sky , the horizon is lit up with a symphony of skyscraper lights beaming into the darkness .

  7. 天空上的城市欢迎你的到来!

    Welcome to the City in the Sky !

  8. 当我们是在灰色的天空之下在城市中的时候,我们仍然喜欢听到雨滴的声音跌倒到伞。

    We still like listening to the sound of the raindrops fall down to the umbrella when we are under the gray sky in the city .

  9. 一场风暴让天空平静,把城市的灯火熄灭,还给我们一片昏黄的光芒。

    A storm smoothes the sky , impounding the city lights , returning to us a dull yellow glow .

  10. 哪里都可以,不过暗点的地方更好,最好有开阔的天空视野,远离城市灯光。

    Any place will do , but darker is better , with a nice expanse of open sky . Get away from city lights if you can .