
  • 网络pseudo random number;pseudo-random number;pseudorandom numbers;prn;RAND
  1. BASICⅡ语言中的伪随机数产生器

    Pseudo-Random Number Generators for BASIC ⅱ

  2. 基于Visualc++的伪随机数发生器及其在离子输运模拟中的应用

    Pseudo-random number generators basis of Visual C + + and application in ion transport

  3. 几种伪随机数发生器及其在WEB中的应用

    Several Pseudo Random Number Generators and their Applications in WEB

  4. 伪随机数生成及其在Java中的实现与应用

    Generation of Pseudo-random Numbers and its Implementation and Application in Java

  5. Java中伪随机数生成机制研究及其应用

    The Research and Application of Pseudo-random Numbers Generation in Java

  6. 本文介绍一种高质量的伪随机数发生器,分析了它的算法原理和C语言实现方法,用二维谱测试方法对该发生器生成的随机数序列作了测试,并对运算速度作了测试。

    This paper introduces a pseudo random number generator and describes its algorithm and C language implementation .

  7. GIS中伪随机数发生器选择策略研究

    Study on the selection strategy of PRNGs in GIS

  8. 一种Linux用户空间下的快速伪随机数生成算法

    Fast algorithm for pseudo random number generation in Linux user space

  9. 伪随机数发生器的FPGA实现与研究

    The Implementation and Research on Pseudo Random Number Generators with FPGA

  10. 基于FPGA的任意分布高速伪随机数发生器

    Arbitrary distribution high-speed pseudo-random number generator based on FPGA

  11. 采用MATLAB编程进行仿真实验,利用基于混沌理论的无穷维伪随机数发生方法产生了若干随机序列。

    In the simulation experiments , a number of random sequences are generated using matlab programming .

  12. 研究如何产生Gaussian伪随机数

    Disquisition on Methods of Creating Gaussian Random Number Generators

  13. 组合方法改进MonteCarlo计算中的伪随机数发生器

    Improvement of pseudorandom number generator used in Monte Carlo calculation with combining methods

  14. 伪随机数发生器结构简单,无需FPGA内嵌DSP模块,适用于各种类型FPGA上实现。

    The structure of the generator is simple , and it is suitable for all kinds of FPGA even without DSP modules .

  15. Montgomery方法及其在伪随机数发生器中的应用

    Montgomery Method and Its Application in Paeudo - Random Number Generation

  16. 通过在密钥生成函数中引入伪随机数,防止了未知密钥共享攻击(theunknownkey-shareattack)和已知密钥攻击。

    This protocol adopts a pseudo-random sequence to avoid the unknown key-share attack and the known-key attack .

  17. 例如,伪随机数可用于进程ID和包ID,这使得那些想要进行攻击的人很难进行欺骗。

    For instance , pseudo-random numbers are used for process IDs and packet IDs , which makes spoofing significantly more difficult for a would-be attacker .

  18. 其中,基于Grainv1算法实现了方案中所需的密钥流生成器和伪随机数的生成器。

    And , we achieve the key stream generator and the pseudorandom number generator in the scheme based the algorithm of Grain v1 .

  19. 本文介绍了伪随机数生成的一般原理,以及利用Java中提供的Random类及其方法来生成各种不同范围的满足各种要求的随机数。

    This paper introduces the general principle of pseudo-random number generation . And how to get kinds of pseudo-random number which meet various needs by using of Random class provided by Java .

  20. 在有限域Fq上,本文利用这种方法构造了两类新的伪随机数发生器,即数位二次指数伪随机数发生器和二次指数伪随机向量发生器,并且考虑了它们产生序列的分布情况。

    By this method , we provide two new pseudorandom generators over F_q , which are digital quadratic exponential pseudorandom numbers generator and quadratic exponential pseudorandom vectors generator .

  21. 一个选项,用来控制为每个审计生成的数据库ID应该是一个伪随机数(值为true)还是一个序列(值为false)。

    An option that controls whether the database ID generated for each audit should be a pseudo-random number ( a value of true ) or sequential ( a value of false ) .

  22. 伪随机数发生器(pseudorandomnumbergenerator,PRNG)因经常用于产生各种密钥而在密码技术中举足轻重。

    Pseudorandom number generator ( PRNG ) is crucial for information security since they are often used to generate various secret keys in cryptographic systems .

  23. 分析了应用广泛的RSA算法实现关键技术,包括伪随机数生成、素性检测等,并给出一个Java语言的实现。

    Analyzing the core technology of RSA algorithm , including generating pseudo random number , test of primality , etc. , and giving an implementation of RSA algorithm using Java .

  24. 提出一种新的RFID安全协议,利用已存储的随机序列产生伪随机数的机制代替随机数产生器。

    This paper proposes a new RFID secure protocol which uses the mechanism that the random sequence stored in the tag produces the pseudo random number to replace the random value generator .

  25. PRF是一个“伪随机数函数”,这个函数很聪明,在规约中也有定义。

    The PRF is the " Pseudo-Random Function " that 's also defined in the spec and is quite clever .

  26. 同时,伪随机数的生成速率可以通过配置偏置纠正模块的异或级数寄存器或者MD5模块的压缩比寄存器来实现。

    The generation rate of pseudo-random number can be regulated by configuring the XOR series register or the MD5 compression ratio register .

  27. 伪随机数发生器(PRNG)对遗传算法(GA)性能的影响主要体现为低质量PRNG使得GA性能呈现不稳定性。

    Unstable GA performances are often observed when a poor pseudo random number generator ( PRNG ) with a short period was used .

  28. 基于TD-ERCS混沌系统的伪随机数发生器及其统计特性分析

    Pseudo-random number generator based on TD-ERCS chaos and its statistic characteristics analysis

  29. TimPeierls用一个简单的线性全等伪随机数生成器(PRNG)构建了一个简单的评测,用它来测量synchronized和Lock之间相对的可伸缩性。

    Tim Peierls has constructed a simple benchmark for measuring the relative scalability of synchronized versus Lock , using a simple linear congruence pseudorandom number generator ( PRNG ) .

  30. OpenBSD还包含一些伪随机数生成程序,它们将确保不能根据系统状态预测随机数。

    Pseudo-random number generators are also included in OpenBSD , which ensures that random numbers cannot be predicted based on the system state .