
  • 网络Reportage;literary reportage
报告文学 [bào gào wén xué]
  • [reportage;reportorial literature] 对直接观察或仔细记录的事件和情景作真实而详细的叙述的文学作品,兼有文学和新闻两种文体的特点

  1. 报告文学在新世纪该以何态势迎接新的挑战?

    In the new century , what stance should reportage take to meet new challenges ?

  2. 《走过世纪门》的出版,是我国报告文学研究的又一新收获。

    The publication of Passing the Gate of the Age bespeaks another new harvest in the study of reportage .

  3. 伴随19世纪末到2O世纪初的历史风云,中外文坛出现了一批批报道重大历史事件的优秀报告文学,其社会价值和文学创造在20世纪文学领域独树一帜,风行全球。

    Between the end of 19th century and the early 20th century , the excellent reportage about the important historical events appeared in the domestic and foreign literary world . Its social value and literary creation developed its unique style , holding a world-wide publicity .

  4. 李鸣生的报告文学作品《震中在人心》;

    Li Mingsheng report literary work " epicenter in the hearts ";

  5. 真正寻找自己的现代之路&从历史平台对中国报告文学写作的回望

    Looking for the modern road & Introspection to the Chinese reportage

  6. 论新时期报告文学的第一次嬗变

    On the First Evolution of Reportage Creation in the New Age

  7. 新时期体育兵败与报告文学

    The Defeat in Sports in the New Period and the Reportage

  8. 新时期报告文学美学品格的多维形态

    The Multiple Aesthetic Quality and Style of the New Era Reportage

  9. 魏纳擅长于将报告文学和学术研究穿插在一起。

    Weiner is skilled at weaving together reportage and academic research .

  10. 中国报告文学,是近代文化转型的特殊产物。

    Chinese reportage is a special product of modern cultural transition .

  11. 报告文学的本体性矛盾及灾难报告的前景预测

    Noumenal Conflict of Reportage and the Prospect Prediction of Calamity Reportage

  12. 网络时代报告文学的品格、挑战与前景&网络时代的报告文学全国学术研讨会述论

    Character , Challenge and prospects of the Reportage in Network Age

  13. 报告文学理论的形成、拓展与前瞻

    Forming , Expansion and Prospect of the Theory of the Reportage

  14. 报告文学家的热血和力量&我的创作体会

    Red-blood and Power of the Reportage Author : My Writing Realize

  15. 现代审美精神的张扬与新的文体意识的崛起&第四代报告文学作家创作论

    On the Creation Characteristic of the Fourth Generation Writer of Reportage

  16. 报告文学内容要真实,形式要创新。

    The contents of the reportages should be truth and new .

  17. 合理想象无损于报告文学的真实

    Reasonable Imagine Will Do No Harm to the Truth of A Reportage

  18. 理性的复苏&论新时期报告文学的社会学意识与学术化倾向

    Rational Recovery & On Sociological Consciousness and Academic Trend of New-era Reportage

  19. 1936:报告文学年的存量与意义

    The Year 1936 : The Number of Reportage Writings and the Significance

  20. 腹中的少年儿童&斯诺报告文学写作中价值原则的鲜明体现

    A Typical Reflection of the Principle of Value in Snow 's Reportage

  21. 转型期报告文学研究的回视与前瞻

    The Retrospection and Prospect of Theoretical Studies on Reportage at Transitional Stage

  22. 论晚近中国教育问题报告文学的社会学价值

    On the Sociology Value of Chine Education Issue Reportage in Recent Years

  23. 非虚构理念与体验性时空&对报告文学真实性的重新认识

    Non-fictitious theory and experiential timespace & The recognition of truthfulness of reportages

  24. 新时期报告文学的人本意识初探

    A Tentative Study of Humanist Tendency in the New-Period Reportage

  25. 百年中国报告文学文体流变论百年中国报告文学语言体式的趋态、特征与基调

    Styles : Trend , Characteristics and Keynote Centenary Chinese Reportage

  26. 在这一文化影响下,报告文学、杂文蔚然成风。

    In this culture , reports and essay become a common practice .

  27. 因此,从某种意义上说,忧患意识是报告文学主体思想情结的核心和本源,这应当被视为报告文学审美生成的关键所在。

    It is the key point of reportage taste .

  28. 二十世纪中国报告文学的叙述模式

    Narrative Models in Chinese Reportage in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  29. 为孩子、为人民走近贫困&报告文学创作手记

    Notice Poverty for Our Children and People : Record of the Reportage Creation

  30. 报告文学作家的社会责任

    Talking about the Social Responsibility of the Reportage Writer