
  • 网络seismic velocity
  1. 孔隙率和温度有时也能影响地震波速

    Seismic velocity can occasionally be affected by porosity and temperature .

  2. 韧性剪切带中片麻岩和超高压榴辉岩变形特征及其与地震波速各向异性的关系:来自中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)680~1200米岩心的证据

    Deformation features of gneiss and UHP eclogite from ductile shear zone and its relation with seismic velocity anisotropy : Evidences from core samples at depth of 680 ~ 1200m of CCSD

  3. 详细推导了弱各向异性介质的地震波速,在此基础上介绍了用Pn震相研究上地幔各向异性的几种具体算法;

    Based on the detail derivation of seismic wave velocity in weak anisotropy medium , some calculation methods using Pn phase to upper mantle anisotropy are introduced ;

  4. 选择常温、600MPa测定的数据建立了地震波速Vp与SiO2、石英、石英+长石、岩石分异指数DI的回归方程,并讨论了回归方程的适用范围。

    The recursive equations of SiO_2 , quartz , quartz + feldspar , and the differentiation index ( DI ) versus V_p have been set up on the basis of the data obtained at normal temperature and high pressure ( 600 MPa ), with a discussion on their application scope .

  5. 地震波速分析地层压力方法及压力预测分析系统介绍

    Introduction of CPPAS and formation pressure prediction by using seismic velocity

  6. 跨孔地震波速测试及计算光电耦合器的测试

    Measurement and calculation of seismic wave velosity between wells testing photo-coupler

  7. 近地震波速异常与地震预报

    Velocity anomalies of seismic waves from near earthquakes and earthquake prediction

  8. 利用相关检测法进行地震波速及其变化的精确测量

    Precise Measurement of Seismic Velocity and Velocity Variation by Correlated Detection

  9. 中国大陆科学钻探孔区的地震波速模型

    Seismic velocity model of the Chinese continental scientific drilling site

  10. 橄榄石晶格优选方位和上地幔地震波速各向异性

    Lattice preferred orientation of olivines and seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle

  11. 西安市场地土的地震波速山东地区近震地震波速与地壳结构

    Seismic wave velocity of local earthquakes and crustal structrue in Shandong area

  12. 地震波速与吸收系数综合层析成像

    The seismic tomography of combining velocity and absorption coefficient

  13. 用神经网络技术进行地震波速反演

    Neural network for velocity inversion of seismic wave

  14. 电阻率-孔隙度交绘图法孔隙率和温度有时也能影响地震波速。

    Resistivity-porosity cross plotting Seismic velocity can occasionally be affected by porosity and temperature .

  15. 三维地震波速结构约束下的变黏度地幔对流及其动力学意义

    3-D lateral variable viscosity mantle convection constrained by seismic wave velocity and its geodynamic implications

  16. 地震波速与地壳岩石生热率关系的研究评述

    Studies of the relationship between seismic velocity and heat production in the rocks of crust

  17. 山西高原北部地壳上地幔地震波速结构与深部构造

    The seismic velocity structure of crust and upper mantle and deep structure feature in North Shanxi Plateau

  18. 此区域性变化特征与基于地震波速资料推断的结果相符。

    This regional variation is consistent with the results of inference from the seismic wave velocity data in China .

  19. 地质调查除活断层等内容外,基岩以上的地质构造以及地震波速结构的调查也是必要的。

    The geological survey should include the seismic velocity structure in the medium above the bedrock besides the active fault survey etc.

  20. 本文采用二维井间观测走时反演地震波速,用迭代射线寻迹走时成像方法进行层析成像。

    The tomographic imaging of seismic wave velocity between the cross - holes by iterative ray-tracing method using travel-time was discussed in this paper .

  21. 在震源区地震波速变化幅度达4%,泊松比变化幅度达9%。

    Significant variations of up to 4 % for seismic velocity and 9 % for Poisson 's ratio are revealed in the source area .

  22. 对这些方程进行验证表明它们能够用于地震波速推断深部物质成分。

    Verifications of these recursive equations indicate that they can be used to deduce the composition of deep-seated materials based on the data of seismic velocity .

  23. 孔隙度误差对岩电参数的影响及校正公式和图版孔隙率和温度有时也能影响地震波速。

    Influences of Porosity Error on Electrical Properties of Rock and Updating Formula as Well as Correction Charts Seismic velocity can occasionally be affected by porosity and temperature .

  24. 本文讨论了地震波速变比异常在地震预报应用中的一些问题。如多台求波速比值方法的误差因子、是否存在正异常的问题、关于异常时间的判别指标以及异常与空区的关系等。

    Some problems have been discussed , such as the error factors , the positive anomaly of velocity ratio , the anomalous time indices and the relation between anomaly and seismic gap .

  25. 依据岩石学方法、地球演化模型、地震波速与成分的关系等综合方法,建立了相应类型岩石圈的岩石学结构;

    In light of the petrological method , model of Earth 's evolution and relationships between the seismic velocity and rock composition , eighteen petrological structure prisms corresponding with different lithospheric types have been set up .

  26. 本文利用四川峨嵋水泥厂矿山自1971年以来的18次工业爆破资料,探讨了四川部分地区近十一年来的地震波速(视波速)的变化特征。

    Based on seismic records of 18 mine explosions during the decade since 1971 , the variational characters of seismic wave velocities ( apparent velocities ) including the an-iso tropic character in some regions of Sichuan province were investigated .

  27. 在弹性波众多参数中,地震波速由于测量容易且精度高而被广泛应用,但是高精度地震波速测量对震源和接收设备要求很高。

    Amid parameters of elastic wave , the seismic wave velocity is easy to estimated while it can reach a high precision , nevertheless , high precision measurement of wave velocity need a high requirement in launch and accept instrument .

  28. 本论文提出使用地震波速法和地质雷达法检测路基挡土墙的强度和几何尺寸,是一种快速、简便、无损、有效的检测方法。

    This paper puts forward a method of fast , handy , no destructive and effective testing which can be used to test the strength and geometrical dimension of subgrade abamurus using the method of earthquake wave velocity and GPR ( ground penetrating radar ) .

  29. 依据火山岩类通常以地震波速较高、密度大、磁化率高、电阻率大和地震波吸收能量大的特征,建立了4种火山岩岩相和4种侵入岩岩相的地震识别标志。

    According to the characteristics of the volcanic types such as high seismic wave velocity , high density , high magnetic susceptibility , high resistivity and high absorbability of seismic wave , the seismic recognition marks of four volcanic lithofacies and four intrusive lithofacies are set up .

  30. 利用联合反演技术进行反射地震的波速成象

    Velocity imaging from reflection seismic data by joint inversion techniques