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  • 网络DTM;topotype;floor mold
  1. 文摘:建立数字地模时,三角网是按一定规则组成的,但局部仍会出现错误。

    Abstract : Establishing DTM , triangulation net is made of some rules , but some mistakes can take place in the part of the net .

  2. 若能解决馆藏陈旧标本DNA提取及PCR扩增等问题,利用模式标本或地模标本解决分类学问题将更具有说服力。

    It will be more convictive using lectotype or topotype to clarify taxon problem if the methods of DNA extraction and PCR from old samples are optimized .

  3. 数字地模在山区公路线型设计中的应用

    The Application of Digital Ground Model to Alignment Design of Mountainous Highway

  4. 地模棉花优质高产农艺措施的产量函数模型

    A Simulation Model of Agronomic Practices for Good-quality and High-yield Cotton under Rim-mulching

  5. 简易地模温度控制系统

    A Temperature Control System of Simple Earth Simulator

  6. 土木结合地模在分离式立交桥连续箱梁施工中的应用

    Application of Grounded Module in the Construction of Continuous Box Beam in Separated Cloverleaf Junction

  7. 研究结果表明:行波色散主要由地模引起;

    The study results show that the dispersion of travelling wave is mainly caused by earth mode ;

  8. 露丝还没醒,他轻手轻脚地模下楼,点起火来热茶。

    Ruth was asleep , so he crept quietly downstairs , lit the fire and heated the tea .

  9. 提出的方法在小变形理论范畴内能更好地模似地基固结性状。

    The presented method provides higher precision for simulating a foundation 's consolidation performance within the framework of small strain theory .

  10. 本文以简易地模温度控制系统的设计为例,阐述了高精度开口温度控制系统设计思想及方法。

    Based on the design of the temperature control system of the simple earth simulator , the high accuracy open temperature control system is discussed in this paper .

  11. GX型模铸保护渣除具有还原保护、吸附夹杂物和保温基本功能外,能较好地解决模壁粘渣。

    In addition to its basic functions of reducing protection , impurity aborption and temperature holding the GX series ingot casting powder can tackle the problem of slag sticking on the mould wall .

  12. 试验结果表明:改进的WMM方法能更为有效地抑制模极大值序列中的孤立的、无规律的噪声点,准确地检测到缺陷信号的奇异点。

    The experimental results show that processed by improved WMM method , the isolate and irregular noise points can be suppressed effectively and singular point representing the defect can be detected easily and accurately in the decomposed maximum modulus sequences .

  13. 强制加料装置:由于传统的加料方式难以将材料均匀快速地加入模箱内,影响了制品的品质和生产效率。

    Improved material-feeding unit : it 's hard to evenly and quickly feed material into the molding box , and influences production quality and efficiency .

  14. 系统地介绍模柄的主要参数、技术要求、设计技巧、结构形式以及选用原则,以便于设计应用。

    This paper is focused on the systematic introduction to the important parameters of shank , technical requirements , design techniques for the purpose of application of design of shank .

  15. 系统地将挤出模CAE技术的发展从五个方面给予了总结。

    It systematically summed up the development of CAE technology for extrusion dies from five aspects .

  16. 为精确地预测熔模铸造中新零件材料消耗定额,采用了BP神经网络的方法进行建模。

    In order to precisely predict the material consumption of new parts in investment casting , BP neural network method is used to establish a prediction model .

  17. Rankine圆旋涡模型传统地被用来模化梢涡。

    The Rankine vortex model is traditionally used for modelling tip vortex .

  18. 文中给出了求渐变折射率平板波导场分布的差分方程法,利用它可以很方便地得到TE模和TM模的场分布。

    In this paper , difference equation method is presented to obtain the field distribution in planar optical waveguide with graded-index profile . By using this method , we can easily obtain the field distribution of TE mode and TM mode .

  19. 与折射率耦合分布的分布反馈(DFB)激光器相比,不管界面反射率是多少,增益耦合DFB激光器都能稳定地单纵模工作,而且具有高速、低啁啾的特性。

    Gain coupled distributed feedback Bragg ( DFB ) lasers offer significant performance advantages , such as a stable single longitude mode , high speed , and low chirp , over the index coupled DFB lasers with different cavity reflectivity .

  20. 提出了一种应用于椭圆曲线密码体制中的有限域乘法器结构,基于已有的digit-serial结构乘法器,利用局部并行的bit-parallel结构,有效地省去了模约简电路,使得乘法器适用于任意不可约多项式;

    A finite field multiplier architecture is proposed in this paper for ECC . Based on previous digit-serial multiplier architecture , it uses bit-parallel architecture of local parallel to eliminate reduction modulo circuit effectively , and the multiplier architecture also be the same with arbitrary irreducible polynomials .

  21. 真3维地学构模的若干问题

    Some Issues on Ture Three-Dimensional Geosciences Modeling

  22. 架空线路小电流接地故障零模电压信号获取新方法一种转速信号测量和相位信息获取的方法

    A Zero-module Voltage Measurement Method for Single Phase to Ground Fault of Non-solidly Earthed Overhead Lines

  23. 为了能有效地降低环模的热处理变形量,还必须配以合适的工装。

    The reasonable technological parameters and suitable fixture are the effective path to solve the deformation .

  24. 我们的结果表明混合相的出现,使得体粘滞系数提高,进而将会更强地抑制r-模不稳定性。

    Our results suggest that coefficients of bulk viscosity become larger to strongly restrain the r-mode instability .

  25. 或者它可以被再次地分到模模板文件,每个部分都具有一部分的工作量。

    Or it can be subdivided into modular template files , each one taking on part of the workload .

  26. 电解加工是根据给定的样品精确地再造凸凹模的一种电化学加工工艺。

    Electro-deposition is an electrochemical process used to reproduce accurately a cavity or core form from a given pattern .

  27. 基于以上原理,本文主要做了以下工作:1.分析了小电流接地故障的模网结构。

    Based on the above principle , do the following work : 1 . Small current grounding fault mode network structure .

  28. 射频波电流驱动是可以有效地抑制撕裂模不稳定性的方法之一。

    Radio frequency ( RF ) wave current drive is one of the main ways for control of tearing mode instability .

  29. 对圆柱直齿轮在不同凹模结构下的温挤压成形进行数值模拟,可以方便地对凹模结构进行改良。

    The spur gear forming with warm extrusion is simulated under different die structures , which can pick out the best one .

  30. 该模具可快捷地更换凸模与夹紧镶块,镦压不同尺寸规格的拉条。

    The punch and clamping insert of the die can be quickly changed so as to form the series of bracings of different sizes .