
  • 网络mantle minerals
  1. 名义上无水的地幔矿物中结构水的研究进展

    Research progress in structural water in nominally anhydrous mantle minerals

  2. 地幔矿物中硫化物熔体包裹体的成因

    The origin of sulfide-melt inclusions in mantle minerals

  3. 寻找超高压地幔矿物的储存库&豆荚状铬铁矿

    Study on a storehouse of ultrahigh pressure mantle minerals ── podiform chromite deposits

  4. 地幔矿物电导率的高温高压实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Electrical Conductivity of Mantle Minerals at High Temperatures and High Pressures

  5. 地幔矿物光子热传输理论的研究

    The study of theory of photon thermal conductivity in the minerals of the earth 's mantle

  6. 地球的层圈结构、力学性质和地幔矿物的高压相变

    The layered structure , mechanical properties and high pressure phases change of the earth ′ s mantle

  7. 比较了各种典型的地幔矿物电导率结果并对电导率模型进行了评述和总结,对电导率的研究方向进行了展望。

    The results of typical electrical conductivity of mantle minerals were plotted and compared , and several electrical conductivity depth models were also introduced .

  8. 高温高压实验究表明,地幔矿物相交与深源地震有着密切的关系。

    The results of high temperature and high pressure experimental research indicate that the occurrence of deep-focus earthquakes is closely related to the mantle phase transformation .

  9. 该区原始地幔矿物成分为橄榄石(728%)、单斜辉石(124%)和石榴石(148%),属含单辉石榴橄榄岩的地幔。

    The local primordial mantle consists mainly of olivine ( 72 8 % ), clinopyroxene ( 12 4 % ) and garnet ( 14 8 % ), and is a clinopyroxene bearing garnet peridotite mantle .

  10. 根据各类玄武岩水含量推断出的上地幔源区的水含量,和由地幔岩主要矿物&橄榄石的水含量估算出的上地幔水含量(质量分数)很接近,在0.02%左右。

    The water content of the upper mantle as inferred from the water content of basalt is 0.02 % . This is consistent with the value estimated from olivine in mantle 's xenoliths .

  11. 据此,从地幔流体交代矿物的结晶年龄(116.0Ma)到富硅成矿流体年龄(51.2Ma),揭示地幔流体作用贯穿于富碱岩浆成岩成矿的全过程。

    The mineral crystalline age ( 116.0 Ma ) of the mantle fluid metasomatism and the age ( 51.2 Ma ) of the silicon-rich mineralizing fluid suggest that the mantle fluid had been active through the whole processe of the alkalic magma diagenism and associated mineralization .

  12. 地幔内超高压矿物的爆炸

    Explosion of Ultrahigh Pressure Minerals in the Mantle

  13. 五大连池、尚志等地新生代碱性玄武岩的实验岩石学研究依据高温高压实验岩石学和矿物物理测试结果,科学家们提出硅酸盐钙钛矿是下地幔最主要的矿物相。

    Based on the results from both experimental petrology and mineral physics , scientists have worked out silicate perovskite as the major phase in the lower mantle .

  14. 形成这种岩石地球化学特征的可能机制为:碳酸岩浆直接来源于岩石圈富集地幔的低程度部分熔融作用(F<1%),残留地幔矿物组合以富含柘榴石为特征;

    The carbonatite may be produced by mechanisms as follows : the carbonatite magma is directly formed by very low degree ( F < 1 % ) partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle , leaving residual minerals characterized by abundant garnet ;

  15. 文章对近年来有关地幔捕虏体中流体包裹体的研究进行了评述,并结合近年来流体/地幔矿物之间元素分配的高温高压实验研究讨论了流体在地幔中的重要作用。

    This article reviews the progresses in studies of fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths , together with those in recent high p-T experimental researches on element partitioning between fluid and mantle minerals , and discusses the important roles of fluids in the Earth 's mantle .