
zhènɡ mó
  • holotype
  1. 副模:7♀♀,同正模。

    Paratypes , 7 ♀♀, the same data with holotype .

  2. 正模和副模标本存放于北京师范大学鸟类标本馆。

    The holotype and paratype specimens are deposited in the Bird Museum of Beijing Normal University .

  3. PH3分子振动的简正模与局域模分析

    Vibrational Analysis of PH_3 in Normal and Local Mode Models

  4. 大黑洞似正模的值与真空涨落值的大小关系不大。

    The vacuum expectation little affects the QNMs of large black hole with a global monopole .

  5. 本文讨论了这类非互易旋光张量下的波矢面及简正模的基本形式。

    This paper discussed the basic form of the wave-vector surface and normal mode of nonreciprocal gyrotropic dielectric tensor .

  6. 根据小波变换的理论,信号的奇异点对应于其小波变换的一个正模极大值与负模极大值对。

    According to the theory of wavelet transformation , the singularities of the signal are corresponding to the series of maximum-minimum pairs .

  7. 本文用代数的方法求出了耦合谐振子的简正模,过程简单且物理意义清晰。

    Normal mode of coupled harmonic oscillator is obtained by means of algebra , the procedure is simple and the physical meaning is clear .

  8. 含色散与非线性媒质的光子晶体的简正耦合模

    Normal Coupled Modes of Photonic Crystal with Dispersive and Nonlinear Media

  9. 含色散介质的一维光子晶体微腔中简正耦合模的物理图像

    Physical Model on Normal Coupled Modes in a Symmetric One-dimensional Photonic Crystal

  10. 确定分子简正振动模对称类型方法的改进

    Improvement of the method of determining the symmetry type of the molecular normal vibration modes

  11. 通过改变色散介质的相关参数,详细研究了简正耦合模频率的移动、均匀展宽效应和失谐效应。

    It implies that we can modulate the frequency shift of the dispersive defect by adjusting the parameter of the dispersive medium .

  12. 给定任意一种奇数模的快速模逆算法,本算法能快速实现任意正整数模的模逆。

    Given any fast modular inversion algorithm for odd mod ulus , this algorithm can quickly calculate to modular inversion for any positive integer modulus .

  13. 斜压模的产生联系于热力强迫,而正压模的产生则归因于斜压扰动间的非线性相互作用。

    The genesis of the baroclinic mode is related to thermal heating , but that of the barotropic mode is attributed to non-linear interactions between baroclinic disturbances .

  14. 深入研究了反对称模光波导结构,采用精确公式,证明了反对称模光波导传感器比正对称模光波导传感器的灵敏度更高;

    Second , we noticed that the planar waveguides sensors with reverse-symmetry have higher sensitivity than that with normal symmetry , which demonstrated it by accurate formula .

  15. 实验结果的分析表明,该偏振红外光谱术不仅有助于研究物质红外光谱吸收峰的归属,而且能更深入认识物质简正振动模的本质。

    The analyses show that the polarized IR spectroscopy can not only assist the assignments of spectral peaks , but also enable one to further understand the nature of normal modes of a compound .

  16. 楔形正挤凹模轮廓的改进

    An improvement on the contour for wedge - shape extruding die

  17. 深孔薄壁件正挤压凹模的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Forward Extrusion Cavity Die for Deep Hole and Thin Wall Shell

  18. 基于改进对数正态误差恒模算法的MIMO判决反馈

    MIMO Decision Feedback Equalization Based on Improved Log-Normal Error Function CMA Algorithm

  19. 目前两相流理论和颗粒模型正成为MIM充模流动模拟的热点。

    Now , the theory of two - phase flow and granular model have become the focus of filling simulation .

  20. 基于分块模运算的数字图像水印算法通过在图像特征边缘点附近选择n×n像素点所组成的子块,并调整该块的平均亮度对于一个正整数2p取模的值来嵌入水印。

    The block-oriented and modular-arithmetic-based digital image watermarking embeds watermark by selecting n × n neighboring pixels around the edges of the features and adjusting the mean intensities values of the selected blocks modulo 2p .

  21. 本文讨论应用于船体建造中表征工序随机误差的概率模型,其中包括正态、差模和Beta分布,客观地评述了这几种分布的优缺点。

    This paper deals with the probability models which represent the random errors in the process of hull construction , including norml distribution , difference modular distribution and beta distribution , and discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of these distributions .

  22. 自由表面海洋环流模式的正、斜压模分解算法

    A Barotropic-Baroclinic Mode-splitting Algorithm in the Free Surface Oceanic General Circulation Model

  23. 抽动式衬套正挤切边模设计

    Design of Forward Extrusion Trimming Die for Drawing-Type Bush

  24. 正合列是模论中研究函子问题的基本工具。

    The exact sequences are the basic means on studying the functors of module theory .