
  • 网络Legitimacy;rightness;legality;validity;Justification
  1. 试论WTO法的正当性问题

    On the Problem of the Legitimacy of the WTO Rules

  2. 随着全球治理实践和理论的兴起与发展,WTO法的正当性问题正日益受到关注。

    Along with the rising and development of global governance and its theory , people are increasingly paying attention to the problem of the legitimacy of the WTO Rules .

  3. 我会质疑那个假设的正当性。

    I would question the validity of that assumption .

  4. 非WTO法不仅可以使专家组中止管辖权,甚至在更多的情况下使专家组拒绝管辖,而且非WTO法能有效地证明某些违反WTO规则的做法具有正当性。

    Non-WTO law may lead a Panel to suspend jurisdiction , or even on most occasions to decline jurisdiction , and Non-WTO law may effectively justify what would otherwise be a breach of the WTO rules as well .

  5. 以几种质疑WTO法的正当性的观点为基础,提出了WTO法的正当性的含义,并对提高WTO法的正当性进行了初步的探讨。

    Bases on some viewpoints of oppugning the legitimacy of the WTO rules , and puts forward the meanings of the legitimacy of the WTO rules , and preliminarily discusses how to enhance the legitimacy of the WTO rules .

  6. 运用历史分析法可以有力地证明该制度的正当性。

    Using historical analysis can prove the legitimacy of the system .

  7. 国有资产刑法特殊保护的正当性分析

    Just Basis of Special Protection with Criminal Laws of State-Owned Assets

  8. 文章认为第二审程序是一种救济程序,其设立宗旨在于保证裁判的正当性,仅仅将第二审程序理解为纠错程序是有偏差的。

    The dissertation regards the second instance as a remedy procedure .

  9. 第三部分对破产失权的正当性进行了价值分析。

    Third section analyses the justness of the disqualification for bankruptcy .

  10. 信息产权理论与知识产权制度之正当性

    The Justification of the Theory of Information Property and Intellectual Property

  11. 这在一定程度上赋予事后防卫行为以正当性。

    And it justifies the afterwards defense in a certain extent .

  12. 条约退出权的主权属性决定了这种权利的正当性。

    The sovereign attribute determines the legitimacy of treaty exit right .

  13. 外部制度环境能够给予某些制度以正当性。

    The outside environment can give some systems with legitimacy .

  14. 授权立法正当性缺陷的矫正机制

    The Rectification of the Defect in Rightfulness of Authorized Legislation

  15. 机动车事故责任的严格化及其正当性

    Tightening Liability for the Motor Vehicle Accident and its Warrant

  16. 不可避免地,技术篱笆保护权利的正当性引起人们的质疑。

    Inevitably , the justice of technological protection measures involves being oppugned .

  17. 它必须同时具备形式正当性和实质正当性。

    It must have justice both in the form and the essential .

  18. 内幕交易法律监管的正当性分析

    The Necessity and Limit of Legal Regulation to Insider Trading

  19. 从刑法理论看医疗行为的正当性根据

    Justifiability of Medical Treatment base on the Criminal law Theory

  20. 它是一个正当性证叼的过程;它具有实肌。

    It is a process of proving legitimately : it is practical .

  21. 法律视角下教育惩戒的正当性

    On the justness of educational punishment in view of law

  22. 利益相关者利益要求及其正当性探析

    The Stakeholders ' Interests and the Analysis of Their Legitimacy

  23. 论诱惑侦查的正当性及其法律规制

    On the Justifiability of Tempting Investigation and its Legal Regulations

  24. 行政机关是代表国家行使行政权力的机关,其在行使权力过程中必须受到全方位的监控才能保证权力行使的正当性。

    Administrative organs exercise administrative powers standing for the country .

  25. 对道德的法律强制之正当性及实现途径的思考

    Thoughts on the Appropriateness of Compulsory Law Enforcement of Ethics

  26. 媒体监督与司法独立各有其正当性基础。

    Media supervision and judiciary independence are both derived of the constitution .

  27. 原产地规则与我国《汽车零部件进口管理办法》的正当性

    Rules of the Origin and Justification of the Measures

  28. 民事诉讼契约制度之透视&以其正当性为视角

    An Analysis of the System of Civil Procedural Contract

  29. 宪政程序正当性及我国宪政程序的完善

    Constitutional government procedure proper and perfect in our country

  30. 试论美国教师专业化的正当性和教学科学趋向

    On the Rightness and Trend of Teaching Science in American Teachers ' Professionalization