
  • 网络official name;formal name;official title
  1. 它实际上是JavaScript的正式名称。

    It is actually the official name for JavaScript .

  2. 正式名称是RedHatLinux的分布是红帽Linux(通常缩写为唇疱疹再激活)。

    The official name of the Red Hat Linux distribution is Red Hat Linux ( often abbreviated to RHL ) .

  3. 这个职位的正式名称为“行政助理”。

    The official title of the job is ' Administrative Assistant ' .

  4. 台湾以其正式名称中华民国成为亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)的创始成员。

    Taiwan became a founding member of the Asian Development Bank under its formal name , the Republic of China .

  5. 名称空间的正式名称是URI。

    The formal designation of a namespace is a URI .

  6. 军情六处的正式名称是英国秘密情报局(SIS),如今拥有一个资讯网站,任何人都可以在上面递交加入申请。

    The Secret Intelligence Service as MI6 is formally known has an informative website where anyone can file an application to join .

  7. 当在另一个标记的属性中调用方法时,大括号表示法(正式名称为表达式语言或EL语法)更合适。

    The curly-brace notation ( formally known as Expression Language or EL syntax ) is better suited for times when the method call is embedded in another tag 's attributes .

  8. 在我们分手后,我走到街对面的惠特尼博物馆,它的正式名称是“惠特尼美国艺术博物馆”(whitneymuseumofamericanart),向那里的职员打听它的起源。

    This gets me thinking and after we part I go across the street to the Whitney , whose official name is the Whitney Museum of American art , and ask staff there about its origins .

  9. 控制着参众两院的共和党人在投票结束后表示,他们会寻求替代路径,推进这个正式名称为贸易促进权(TPA)的法案。

    Republicans , who control both Houses of Congress , said after the vote that they would seek alternative paths forward for the legislation formally known as Trade Promotion Authority .

  10. 科学家周四在NASA举办的新闻发布会上说,这颗行星的正式名称为开普勒-186f(Kepler-186f),其所处的太阳系有五颗地球大小的行星,它是最外面的一颗。

    Known officially as Kepler-186f , the planet is the outermost of five Earth-sized worlds orbiting in that star 's solar system , the scientists said at a news conference held Thursday by the space agency .

  11. 所以,最终,火鸡的正式名称就是:珍珠鸡-公鸡-孔雀(guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock)。

    So , effectively , the official name for a turkey is guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock .

  12. pNFS协议在pNFS服务器和客户机节点之间传输文件元数据(正式名称是布局)。

    The pNFS protocol transfers file metadata ( formally known as a layout ) between the pNFS server and a client node .

  13. 在其他未提供正式名称空间的语言中(比如PHPV5.2以及更早版本),人们常常通过在类或函数名中使用特定的命名约定来发挥名称空间的作用。

    In other languages without formal namespaces ( such as PHP V5.2 and earlier ), people would often emulate namespaces by trying to use a specific naming convention within the class or function names .

  14. 1970年,UNIX成为这种操作系统的正式名称。它在PDP-11/20上运行,还包含roff(一个文本格式化程序)和一个文本编辑器。

    In 1970 , UNIX became the official name for the operating system , which ran on the PDP-11 / 20 . It also included roff ( a text formatting program ) and a text editor .

  15. 此项公私合作项目于2005年在5个县中发起,正式名称是“ChiranjeeviYojana”(“延长生命计划”)。

    This private-public partnership , called Chiranjeevi Yojana , or'plan for a long life ' , was launched in2005 in five districts .

  16. 考虑到该工具的正式名称过长,我们简略地将其称为ADIEU,这个词在法语中是再见的意思,正好符合我们的目标:让用户“和复杂繁琐说再见”。

    Given the length of the tool 's official name , we informally call it ADIEU , the French word for goodbye , in keeping with our goal to say " goodbye to complexity " for users .

  17. “CROS”的正式名称是“反射性交感神经营养障碍”,它是一种终身的系统疾病,表现为灼烧样剧烈疼痛,骨骼皮肤的改变,还有对触摸呈现难以置信的敏感。

    Formally known as " reflex sympathetic dystrophy , " CRPS is a lifelong systemic disease which manifests itself as extreme burning pain , bone and skin changes , and unbelievable sensitivity to touch .

  18. 上图中是面纱星云的西缘,正式名称为NGC6960,但它更常被称呼为女巫帚星云。

    Pictured above is the west end of the Veil Nebula known technically as NGC6960 but less formally as the Witch 's Broom Nebula .

  19. 例如,美国证交会几年前推出了一个绰号为“机械战警”(Robocop)的计算机程序,它的正式名称是“会计质量模型”。

    For example , a few years ago the SEC rolled out what has been dubbed its " Robocop , " a computer program more formally called the " Accounting Quality Model . "

  20. 第二个词是一个混合词:Gallo来源拉丁词”公鸡“,pavo来源拉丁词”孔雀“。所以,最终,火鸡的正式名称就是:珍珠鸡-公鸡-孔雀(guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock)。

    The second name is a portmanteau : Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster , gallus , while pavo is the Latin word for peacock . So , effectively , the official name for a turkey is guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock .

  21. 我不知道他们的正式名称数年。

    I didn 't know their official name for several years .

  22. 关于这部电影的正式名称还没有确定。

    The official name for the movie has not yet been decided .

  23. 这个事甚至已经有了正式名称:传回耶路撒冷运动。

    This even has a formal name : The Back to Jerusalem Movement .

  24. 作为句首或正式名称的开头时才大写。

    Only when the word begins a sentence or officially begins a name .

  25. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。

    Official name : the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .

  26. 此项高峰会的正式名称为联合国世界永续发展开峰会。

    It is formally known as the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development .

  27. 最后的字符是清的正式名称满清。

    The final character is Qing , the official name of Manchu dynasty .

  28. 该建筑的正式名称是圣彼得和圣保罗大教堂。

    The official name of the building id the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul .

  29. 您必须传递打印机驱动程序文件的名称和打印机的正式名称。

    You must pass the name of the printer driver files and the official name of the printer .

  30. 他谈到北韩时使用的是其正式名称。

    He referred to North Korea by its official name , the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea .