- 网络New mold;neotype;Long Haul

Mulan is one of a representative works . It makes the symbol and customs of Chinese traditional culture to depth culture genetically modified , producing a " yellow skin white heart " new meme body .
We combine our hybrid method with the Separated Operand Scanning ( SOS ) Montgomery multiplication into the HSOS method , a new technique to perform long-integer modular arithmetic .
Old meme replication reflects the heritage of the language .
In Memetics , parody is a language phenomenon which produces new meme through variability imitation of old meme in a particular language environment , and is the result of replication and selection of language meme .
They thought that was strange , so they melted the seal down , made a new mold , and cast it again , but it still came out with a turtle looking back over its shoulder !
A new model describing hardening behaviour of low carbon steel
Locating Arc Faults on Coupling Two Parallel Transmission Lines Using the Novel Phase-model Transformation
Based on mixture motifs model learning through likelihood maximization , a greedy strategy that adds sequentially new motif to a mixture model is employed .
For modulo-multiplication-inverse operation , which is highly complicated and does not require real-time and high speed , a time-consumption analysis is performed , and for modulo-multiplication operation , which has direct effects on the encryption / decryption rate , a new architecture is proposed .
The paper focuses on the new EPC characteristics in casting process , foam plastics mould material and make designs , paint require , prepare designs , the method of binning , minus pressure casting designs and points out that EPC was used especially to colliery mechanical casting process .
Compared with the results of SSH model , a number of new modes have been found . They depend on the coupling constant and the bond-bending .
A novel semi-Markov process model based on three-model redundant ( TMR ) architecture is proposed to effectively evaluate the hardware reliability for multi-sensor fusion system .
By constant envelope modulation , a new blind algorithm of channel estimation in space-time ( ST ) - OFDM was proposed using only signal received antenna .
A new technique of mode locking-additive pulse mode locking , which was just developed in the past year is described . The achievements and the prospects of such technique are presented .
A new manufacturing process of the thread rolling tool is defined , which improves significant - ly the service lifetime of the tool and ensures mass production of the connecting rod blots .
Novel Surface Decoration Technology for Plastics Product & Insert Film
Replacement of the silicone mold after the production .
A new method of solving the polynomial inverse in repeat module polynomial ring
An Improved Algorithm for Transmission Line Fault Location Based on New Phase-Mode Transformation Matrix
Objective To study a new method of establishing the rat model of liver depression syndrome .
A new mode selecting technique
Based on a new definition of discrete norm , the approximate form of field variations was expressed by moving least square theory .
A novel internal model control structure with multiple output error feedbacks is proposed in this paper , by means of multi model decomposition technique .
In chapter five , a new kind of three-mode entangled state in Fock space is introduced , which can compose a new quantum mechanical representation .
Isothermal and superplastic die hobbing is a new technique of producing die cavities . Its advantages make it an effective means in die and mould manufacturing .
It introduced concisely a new structure of hemming die and provided a new resolvent for the combing the pressing processes of hemming edges of 45 ° and planishing .
The new form erecting technology and material applying to large area multistory shear structure is elaborated , Thus project quality can be guaranteed , And project cost wil be reduced .
A new process was brought forward , which forming continuously fine equal-section cores for investment casting with side extrusion process . The forming tooling and core materials were designed and optimized .
This paper summa - ries a lot of studies by many scholars , points out existing problems and propose a new conceptual model , which set a foundation for a new indicators system with output and process dimensions .
On the basis of the model establishment methods in common use , researchers had improved the ways to made the high fat feed compound and the feeding pathway , and also found a new way to establish model through intraperitoneal injection drugs .