
guāng xiàn
  • light;ray;beam;ray of light;luminous beam
光线 [guāng xiàn]
  • [light;rays;beam] 光源辐射的光

  • 光线充足,空气流通

光线[guāng xiàn]
  1. 别在光线差的地方看书把眼睛给伤了。

    Don 't strain your eyes by reading in poor light .

  2. 在耀眼的光线下,她脸上的皱纹清晰可见。

    The harsh light showed up the lines on her face .

  3. 太阳的光线使阴暗的下午亮了起来。

    A few gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon .

  4. 挪动一下好吗?你挡住我的光线了。

    Could you move ─ you 're in my light .

  5. 窗户狭窄,只有少量光线可以照进房间。

    The narrow windows admit little light into the room .

  6. 大树可能阻止光线穿过。

    Large trees may obstruct the passage of light .

  7. 光线透过窗帘上的一个孔照射进来。

    Light beamed through a hole in the curtain .

  8. 刀子被光线一照闪闪发亮。

    The knife gleamed as it caught the light .

  9. 屋里点着一盏灯,光线很柔和。

    The room was softly lit by a lamp .

  10. 这光线太暗,看不了书。

    This light is too dim to read by .

  11. 是真的有人站在那儿还是光线引起的错觉?

    Was there somebody standing there or was it a trick of the light ?

  12. 这种光线下你看不清楚,其实我的新外衣带棕色。

    You can 't see in this light , but my new coat is a sort of brownish colour .

  13. 太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。

    When the sun 's rays hit the earth , a lot of the heat is reflected back into space .

  14. 即便在昏暗的光线下,那台设备也显得陈旧不堪。

    Even in the dim light the equipment looked old and time-worn

  15. 需要保护你的手臂和双腿免受玻璃反射光线的照射。

    Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass

  16. 她的房子光线充足,空气流通,清新整洁。

    Her house is light and airy , crisp and clean .

  17. 光线开始从紫罗兰色的天空渐渐消退。

    The light was beginning to drain from a violet sky .

  18. 到了晚上,瞳孔就会扩大以接收更多光线。

    At night , the pupils dilate to allow in more light

  19. 一道冰冷的光线透过天窗漫射进来。

    A cold , diffuse light filtered in through the skylight .

  20. 热带色彩在我们北方暗淡的光线下可能显得有点刺目。

    Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light .

  21. 太阳的光线可以穿透到10英尺深的水下。

    The sun 's rays can penetrate water up to 10 feet .

  22. 光线很昏暗,看不太清楚。

    It was difficult to see in the dim light .

  23. 同一颜色在不同的光线下看起来会有所不同。

    The same hue will look different in different light .

  24. 装在窗框上的厚厚的胶合板挡住了白天的光线。

    Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight

  25. 一缕微弱的光线透过树枝。

    A watery light began to show through the branches

  26. 我们站在门口直到眼睛适应了光线的变化。

    We stood in the doorway until our eyes adjusted

  27. 我注意到走廊尽头的一缕光线。

    I noticed a chink of light at the end of the corridor .

  28. 破云而出的阳光透过窗户送来一束琥珀色的光线。

    A burst of sunshine sent a beam of amber light through the window

  29. 光线很暗时他们视力不佳。

    Their eyesight is poor in low light .

  30. 他觉得伊莎贝尔的房间光线有些昏暗。

    He found Isabel 's room in semi-darkness .