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  • 网络interference of light;Interference of Optics
  1. 托马斯·杨对光的干涉的实验研究

    Thomas Yong 's Experimental Research on Interference of Light

  2. 这些颜色是由所谓的光的干涉产生的。

    These colours are caused by what is known as interference of light .

  3. 基于MATLAB的光的干涉和衍射现象的模拟研究

    Simulation Research of Light Interference and Diffraction Phenomena Based on MATLAB

  4. 光的干涉CAI课件设计

    The Design CAI Course of Light Interference

  5. 采用光束分割法及光的干涉原理,对线偏振激光通过泰勒(Taylor)偏光棱镜后的透射比变化情况进行了分析。

    On the basis of the interference theory , by decomposing the single wave beam , the transmission of polarized light passing through a rotating Taylor analyzer is calculated .

  6. 在这个系统中,Fano谐振谱线来源于在微环谐振器中谐振的两束光的干涉。

    In this system , the Fano resonance originates from the interference of two beams resonant in the MRR .

  7. 激光干涉粒子成像测量技术(IPI)是一种新的粒子测量技术,它是利用透明粒子散射光的干涉条纹图测量粒子尺寸大小,具有速度快、非接触、测量精度高等优点。

    A method of Interferometer particle imaging ( IPI ) for measurement of the size of particles by using interference imaging of the transparent particles ' scattering light is proposed , which has virtue of fast , non-contact and high precision measurement .

  8. 用光的干涉和衍射测量金属的线胀系数

    Measuring metal linear expansion coefficient using interference and diffraction of light

  9. 利用光的干涉测金属体线胀系数的方法

    Measure the linear expansion coefficient of metal by interference of cut edge

  10. 光的干涉发生在折射率为m的薄的透明的楔形物里。

    Optical interference takes place in a thin transparent wedge of refractive index m.

  11. 光的干涉问题中相位突变的反常情况

    Abnormal Phase Change in the Interference of Light

  12. 便于对光的干涉和衍射现象进行深入的研究。

    The further investigations of the phenomenon of optical interface and diffraction are also facilitated .

  13. 光的干涉和衍射

    On interference and diffraction of light

  14. 薄膜光学所有的光学特性都是基于薄膜内光的干涉作用。

    All the optical character of thin film is based on the interference of light inside .

  15. 光的干涉条纹的对比度

    Contrast of Light Interference Streaks

  16. 可见(闻)度极高,还可单独利用激光演示光的干涉、衍射、偏振等现象。

    Other phenomena like interference , inflection , POlarization can also be displayed by means of laser .

  17. 光的干涉实验仿真。

    The main work is as follows : ( 1 ) First , simulations of optical interference are presented .

  18. 我的发现显示光的干涉条纹也由这种运动光子产生的万有引力引起。

    Meanwhile my discovery indicated that light interference fringes are produced by the gravitation which is created by moving photons .

  19. 薄膜偏光分束镜是基于薄膜内光的干涉作用和布氏角的特点研制而成。

    Polarizing beam splitter prism ( PBS ) is based on the interference inside thin film and the law of Brewster .

  20. 它的原理主要是利用弱相干光的干涉作用,安全而便宜,因此吸引了很多注意力。

    OCT is based on the low-coherence interference phenomena , which ensures safety and cheapness . Therefore , it attracts numerous attentions .

  21. 研究光的干涉中闻名的菲涅耳双棱镜干涉的拓展,正交双棱镜的干涉图样。

    The paper studies the prolongation of famous Fresnel 's biprism interference in the interference of light , interference pattern of orthogonal biprism .

  22. 通过泰勒棱镜的单色偏振光束在空气隙处发生多束光的干涉,使得透射光强依赖于入射角的大小。

    According to the multi-beam interference occurred at the air gap for the polarizing light of Taylor prism , the transmitted light intensity depends on the incident angle .

  23. 同时发现黑变显示的颜色是由镀锌板表面形成的腐蚀产物膜上产生的光的干涉现象所致。

    And it was found that the color shown was the effect of light interference of corrosion product film formed on the surface of the electrodeposited zinc steel sheet .

  24. 根据光的干涉理论,讨论了条纹周期数对测量薄膜折射率不确定性的影响,推导出干涉条纹错位量与薄膜折射率和厚度的关系式。

    The influence of fringe periods on uncertainty of film refractive index are discussed according to optical interference theory . The relational compressions among interference fringes displacement , film refractive index and thickness are derived .

  25. 本文定量地论述光波的三个相干条件并指出位相差必须恒定在这一条件对产生光的干涉效应是很关键的。

    This paper gives a quantitative account of the three conditions on coherence of light wave and shows one of them , whose phase difference must remain unchanged , to be crucial in producing interference of light wave .

  26. 以光学课程教学中反映出来的疑难问题为线索,对光的干涉和衍射现象作了比较系统的分析,进一步总结出二种现象的联系和区别,以促进概念教学。

    The difficult problems in the teaching of the course optics led to a systematic study of optical interference and diffraction and the study tells the relation and differences of the two phenomena in order to promote concept teaching .

  27. 1.3微米波长InGaAsP激光器产生的亚微微秒光脉冲的干涉自相关测量

    Interferometric Autocorrelation Measurements of Subpicosecond Optical Pulses from 1.3 μ m Wavelength InGaAsP Diode Laser

  28. 介绍了利用He-Ne激光器和镀金属玻璃镜演示光的薄膜干涉的一种实验方法,并从光的电磁理论和光度学角度对形成的等倾干涉条纹进行了深入分析。

    This paper develops a method of light interference of thin films with He-Ne laser and a glass plate having a metalized surface . The optical principles analyzed are based on the electromagnetic theory of light and photometry .

  29. 双折射对基于半导体光放大器的干涉型器件性能影响的模拟分析研究

    Analysis of Birefringence Effect on Performance of SOA - Based Interferometer Device

  30. 这为研究复杂涡旋光场的干涉提供了一种有效的方法。

    This is an availability method for the interference of complex optics field .