
wàn nénɡ jiāo
  • all-purpose adhesive
  1. 环境友好EVA强力装饰万能胶的研制

    Development of the EVA decorating-adhesive with strong force to environment friendly

  2. 这是用什么粘的?万能胶。

    What 's it stuck on with ? Krazy glue .

  3. 万能胶中1,2-二氯乙烷的挥发性能及风险研究

    Study on volatilization performance and risks of 1,2-dichloroethane used for solvent adhesive

  4. 新型溶剂在低毒氯丁型万能胶中的应用

    Application of new solvent for low poison polychloroprene adhesive

  5. 也有人提出质疑,先前有人怀疑他是使用了万能胶把石头给粘起来的。

    But not everyone believes his art is genuine , with people previously accusing him of using Blu Tack or even glue to hold the stones in place .

  6. 超越牌系列万能胶、白乳胶产品性能稳定,是中国绿色健康环保产品,深受广大用户的好评。

    That " exceed plate " series all-purpose adhesive , white latex properties of products stabilizes , is a healthy Chinese green environmental protection product , depths accept favourable comment of extensive consumer .

  7. 这么看来,与其把银行存款花在最多只会戴两次的东西上,还不如我们自己动手,用几颗莱茵石,一副便宜的人造革手套,再弄瓶万能胶就能做出来。

    So instead of spending our savings on something we might only wear twice , should we just make them ourselves with some rhinestones , crazyglue , and a cheap pair of faux-leather gloves ?

  8. 感情就是超强万能胶,一旦动了它,就会被粘上,再也甩不掉,除非连皮带肉撕下一块来,然后留下一出清晰的疤痕伴你一生。

    Love is super adhesive , once moved it will be tainted , no longer Shuaibu Diao , unless his flesh ripped a piece out , and then leave a clear scar with your life .

  9. 婴儿往往会将无毒性物品放入嘴里并可能吞食,这些物品包括:蜡笔,铅笔,粉笔,水性胶水和颜料,万能胶,防晒乳液,浴油和唇膏。

    Non-toxic items that babies tend to put in their mouths and potentially swallow include crayons , pencils , chalk , water-based glues and paints , Blue tack , sun-tan lotions , bath oils and lipstick .