
fàn chóu
  • category;scope;domain;compass
范畴 [fàn chóu]
  • [category;domain] 领域,范围

  • 应当把可查明的事实与个人的意见这两个范畴区分清楚

范畴[fàn chóu]
  1. 管理上区域旅游属于经济协作区的范畴。

    Regional tourism is belong to a category of economic region .

  2. 教育(Educational)范畴包括学习对象的教育性和教育学特征。

    The Educational category groups the educational and pedagogic characteristics of the learning object .

  3. 正在帕卡德那里进行的某些研究属于前沿医学范畴。

    Some of what is happening at Packard is cutting-edge medicine .

  4. 她的案例属于道德法律的范畴。

    Her case falls within the ambit of moral law .

  5. 事情令人痛心,但我们必须在法律范畴内行事。

    The circumstances are tragic but we have to act within the law .

  6. 康德哲学的范畴与亚里士多德哲学的范畴的不同在于其主观性。

    The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective .

  7. 这些概念属于美学范畴。

    These concepts belong to the field of aesthetics .

  8. 许多学校根本不把学术竟赛列为优先考虑的范畴。

    Many schools simply don 't prioritize academic competitions .

  9. Agritainment(农家乐)就是指农村旅游,像走玉米田迷宫、搭乘颠簸的干草车、亲手摘南瓜等场院式活动均属“农家乐“范畴。这种日渐兴盛的旅游形式在帮助农民增加收入的同时也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。

    Agritainment is farm-based tourism , includes family style activities , such as corn mazes their revenue stream .

  10. 中新关系发展已经超出双边范畴,为国与国探索成功的相处之道提供了范例。

    The China-New Zealand relations have gone beyond the bilateral scope and set a fine example for the pursuit of successful state-to-state relations .

  11. 鼓励将具有部分博物馆功能、但尚未达到登记备案条件的社会机构,纳入行业指导范畴。

    Moreover , certain social institutions that have some attributes of a museum but have not yet met registration and archival requirements will be included in the scope of industry guidance .

  12. SCP分析框架包括三个基本范畴:市场结构(MarketStructure)、市场行为(MarketConduct)、市场绩效(MarketPerformance)。

    The model includes three basic factors : Market Structure , Market Conduct and Market Performance .

  13. 口语和书面语是语式(mode)的两个次范畴,都在社会中发挥着重要作用。

    Speech and writing are two sub-categories of mode , both of which play important roles in society .

  14. 心排血量(CO);多义范畴理解的语义互参模式

    Meaning Co - reference Model for Understanding Polysemous Categories

  15. PCK是学科教学知识(PedagogicalContentKnowledge)的简称,是教师知识范畴中使教学最有效的知识。

    PCK is the abbreviation of " Pedagogical Content Knowledge ", and is the most effective knowledge of teaching in teacher 's knowledge category .

  16. 随着中国加入WTO日程的临近,进出口产品的种类和数量激增,产品责任问题也逐渐具有跨国性质而不再专属于国内法范畴。

    With China 's accession into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), the number of import is increase , the problem of product liability is exist in all over world .

  17. 将Abel范畴所得的正合关系式应用于Abel群范畴中,就得到一些关于子群的交、并和直和之间的群的同构关系式,在交换群中推广了群的同构定理。

    The exact sequences we get in Abel category induce some isomorphism relations of Abel groups .

  18. 在管理方面,剖析了DRM范畴的专利分布,研讨了可伸缩的专利池策略,并从尺度制订的角度提出了相应的专利对策。

    In the management side , the thesis analyzes the current patent distribution in DRM domain and describes a scalable patent pool strategy .

  19. 加法范畴的Baer根和Levitzki根

    Baer radical and levitzki radical of additive categories

  20. 设H为有限Hopf代数,B为交换环,H0为交换、余交换的有限Hopf代数范畴,C为交换环范畴,A为交换群范畴。

    Let H be a finite Hopf algebra , B a commutative ring , H 0 the category of all commutative , co-commutative finite algebra , C the category of commutative rings and A of commutative groups .

  21. PBL以信息加工心理学和认知心理学为基础的,属于建构主义学习理论的范畴,是建构主义教学改革设想当中的“一条被广泛采用的核心思路”。

    Built on the base of information processing psychology and Cognitive psychology , PBL which is named as " a widely used core method " belongs to the category of constructivist learning theories .

  22. 文章首先阐述了相关的理论,包括范畴理论、X-bar理论、核查理论、中心语移位及算子移位理论。

    First , the detailed theoretical basis for the thesis is given , including the introduction to category theory , X-bar theory , checking theory , head movement and operator movement , all of which will be used to compare the English interrogative sentences and French interrogative sentences .

  23. 系统科学有其自身的规律、原理和范畴。

    System science has its own laws , principles and categories .

  24. 网页属于文学、艺术范畴;

    The webpage belongs to the literature , the artistic category ;

  25. 逸是中国传统美学中一个很重要的范畴。

    Yi is a very important category in Chinese traditional aesthetics .

  26. 侵占罪属于侵犯财产罪的范畴。

    Crime of occupation belongs to crime of infringing upon others'property .

  27. 确立语义范畴的原则及语义范畴的相对性

    Principles of determining semantic categories and the relativity of semantic categories

  28. 现代维吾尔语否定范畴探析

    An Analysis of Statements of Negation in The Modern Uygur Language

  29. 人机交互作用领域的形成、范畴、性质及趋向

    Human-Computer Interaction : Its Development , Scope , Characters and Trends

  30. 教育成本与教育收益属于同一范畴。

    Education cost and education profit belong to same category .