
fǒu dìnɡ zhī fǒu dìnɡ
  • the negation of negation
  1. 看起来是又回到了三十年前,但是实际上否定之否定,我们得到了更高的上升。

    Look back thirty years ago , but in fact the negation of negation , we get a higher rise .

  2. 如果把否定之否定规律作为出发点并进行适度抽象而予以形式化,那么,否定之否定过程的“三段式”模式就表现为一个以环节为其结构成分的周期链。

    If the negation of negation is sieved as a baseline and moderated and symbolized , the model of " syllogism " in the process of the negation of negation will be expressed as a periodic link .

  3. 否定之否定就不是否定,一个表述涅盘的著名的同义词就是'自由'(巴利文Mutti,梵文Mukti)。

    The negation of negative values is not negative , One of the well-known synonyms for Nirvana is'Freedom ' ( Pali Mutti , Skt . Mukti ) .

  4. 中国改革是对资本的否定之否定

    China 's Reform Is a Negation of the Negation of Capital

  5. 他自觉而熟练地运用否定之否定规律分析艺术现象;

    E Applied the double-negation law to the analysis of artistic phenomenon .

  6. 否定之否定规律在设计中的应用

    Application of the Law of Negation of Negation in Design

  7. 概念否定之否定的方法;

    The method of the negation of the concept negation ;

  8. 这是一个完整的否定之否定的过程。

    This is a complete course of " negation of negation " .

  9. 论否定之否定规律的整体性特征

    The Integral Character of the Law of Negation of Negation

  10. 否定之否定规律在辩证法中处于何种地位?我们认为,任何事物都是自己运动、自身发展和自我完善的;

    What is the position of negation of negation law in dialectics ?

  11. 孤独中对死亡的否定之否定&试析莱蒙托夫抒情诗的主题变化

    Analysis on the Variation in the Theme of Lermontov 's Lyric Poetry

  12. 贸易统计国别标准的演进哲学:否定之否定

    The Evolution Philosophy of the Trade-Partner Criteria in Trade Statistics : Negation-of-Negation

  13. 生物繁殖领域的所有现象,无例外的普遍具有否定之否定的一般性质。

    Any phenomenon in biosphere has the univeristy of the negation of negation .

  14. 最大真实:客观真实的否定之否定

    The Maximal Truth Theory & the Negation of the Negation of Objective Truth

  15. 文章还对中介、否定之否定等方面的问题进行了讨论。

    Also discussed the intermediary , the negation of negation and so on .

  16. 否定之否定:中国文学理论发展的历史过程

    Double Negation : Historical Development of Chinese Literary Theory

  17. 文学从历史中走来,是在不断的否定之否定之上的重新开始。

    Literature comes from history , which renew in giving a denial to denial .

  18. 民事检察监督否定之否定

    Denying the negation of supervision on civil prosecution

  19. 论否定之否定规律在航海领域中的表现

    On nautical manifestation of negation of negation law

  20. 试论系统科学对否定之否定规律的丰富和发展

    On the Enrichment and Development of the Law of Negation 's Negation by System Science

  21. 试析否定之否定的周期性

    On the Periodical of Negation of Negation

  22. 也可说是三大规律之一的否定之否定规律之使然。

    Is one of the three rules of law of negation of negation of baron .

  23. 马克思主义理论,不断纠正其不足,在否定之否定中向前发展。

    Marxist theory rectifies its lack continuously and develops with negation of negation inside itself .

  24. 本文从生物的量变与质变、遗传与变异、生物发展中否定之否定规律的作用等不同侧面。

    In the different aspects of biological change in quantity and quality ; inheritance and variance ;

  25. 中国戏曲唱腔曲体界定的否定之否定

    The " Negation of Negation " of the Definition of Music form in Chinese Opera Singing

  26. 该演化序列符合否定之否定的发展规律。

    The evolvement sequence of these types obeys the " law of denial 's denial " .

  27. 否定之否定规律描述的只是事物内容和形式矛盾的发展过程和趋势。

    The law of the negation of negation only deals with the contradiction between content and form .

  28. 在如此否定之否定的逻辑中,更加肯定了生命的价值与意义。

    The logic of such a negation of negation , the more positive the value of life meaning .

  29. 螺旋式上升或波浪式前进都是对否定之否定规律的正确的形象的表述。

    The wave-like progress is , therefore , an unmistakable expression of the law of negation of negation .

  30. 但总的发展趋势却是在前进中曲折,在曲折中发展,符合马克思主义唯物辩证法的否定之否定规律。

    But the whole developing trend is advancing up-and-down , which is in accordance with Marxism materialist dialectics .