
  • 网络adverse;an adverse opinion
  1. 如注册会计师财务审计报告一样,环境财务审计报告和环境合规性审计报告应该有明确的意见类型,即无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见和无法表示意见四种。

    Environmental finance auditing report and environmental lawful auditing report should have four kinds of opinion type , that are unqualified opinion , qualified opinion , adverse opinion and disclaimer of opinion .

  2. 第七十一条如果公司被出具了无法表示意见或否定意见的审计报告,则在披露年度报告摘要时须公布审计报告正文、财务报表及附注全文。

    Article71if the company is provided with an audit statement with disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion , the text of the audit statement , the financial statement and its notes shall be disclosed in the summary of the annual report .

  3. 对情感持否定意见的人认为,理性才是新闻的力量。

    They believe that it is the reason that provides power for news .

  4. 理论界对于被害人上诉权问题存在着相互对立的两种不同意见,肯定意见与否定意见并存。

    The theorists have two different opinions which regarding the victim appeal right question opposes mutually , definitely opinion and negative opinion coexisting .

  5. 目前,关于我国是否建立沉默权,赞成者有,持否定意见的也有。

    At present , on the issue of whether China should establish the right to silence , there are supporters while some oppose it .

  6. 原则上来说,银行审计师原本可以对那些未能提供真实且公允意见的会计报表给出否定意见。

    In principle , the banks ' auditors should have been able to override accounts that failed to deliver a true and fair view .

  7. 除开和班扬一样的否定意见外,桑铎当时是否身材矮小也未知;

    Besides the same objection as with Benjen , it 's unclear that a young Sandor would have been small enough to be " short of stature " .

  8. 我觉得普林斯顿大学,在国内都被称为有着乡村俱乐部的氛围,先不管这么说对不对,我本人是持否定意见。

    It seems to me that Princeton University had a reputation nationally for a country club environment whether that was ever legitimate , which I don 't think so .

  9. 第一部分介绍了部分学者的反对意见,分析了否定意见的理由,引出了对中国引入这一制度的一些疑问。

    The whole chapter consists of three parts . The first part describes some of the objections of scholars and analyzes the negative reasons , leads to a number of questions to the system in China .

  10. 从1997年第一份否定意见类型的审计报告出现以来,我国证券市场的审计服务发生了令人瞩目的变化,审计师变更案例不断增多,逐渐成为社会关注和政府监管的焦点。

    Since the first non-standard auditing opinion reports appeared in 1997 , a remarkable change has happened in Chinese securities market for , the cases of auditor switch has been increasing year by year , gradually become a social concern and the focus of government regulation .

  11. 表达全盘地否定的意见。

    Express a totally negative opinion of .

  12. 然后对于理论界目前对该条文的各种观点进行划分,总结了一些具有代表性的肯定性意见以及否定性意见。

    Next we have classified the current main viewpoints on this regulation in theoretical circles with some representative affirmative and negative opinions summarized .

  13. 过去的论著基于反军阀官僚的理论模式,多持笼统否定的意见,缺乏深入细致的探讨。

    The work of the past persists in general and negative opinions based on " anti - warlord and bureaucrat " theoretical model .

  14. 文本情感分类及判别是通过自动划分评论中肯定或否定的意见去挖掘对于某一产品的客户意见,并对其进行褒贬性的判别分类。

    Text sentiment classification and discrimination through the automatic division of the comments positive or negative comments to tap customer feedback for a product , and judgment the classification of them .

  15. 应该对往昔的否定性意见或看法做出必要的调整与修正,应该把《九三年》、雨果及众多的作家作品从“资产阶级人道主义”的灰色“帽子”下解放出来。

    We should make necessary adjustment and amendment to such negative views in former times , should free Quatre_Vingt_Treize , Victor Hugo and numerous writers and works from the grey cap of " the bourgeoisie humanism " .

  16. 如果不听的话,告诉她当她否定你的意见时,你想知道她是否欣赏你的意见。

    If not , tell her that when she cuts you off you wonder if she values your opinion .