
  • 网络Van Allen radiation belts;Van Allen belts
  1. 这就是我们现在所说的范艾伦辐射带。

    It was what we now call the Van Allen Belt .

  2. 该磁场随后被命名为范艾伦辐射带,以纪念其发现者、美国空间科学家詹姆斯·范·艾伦。

    It was named the Van Allen radiation belt , after its discoverer , U.S. space scientist James Van Allen .

  3. 科学家称,对于范艾伦辐射带的更好了解有助于我们做好准备,预防太阳活动带来的潜在影响。

    Scientists say better understanding of the Van Allen radiation belt will help us prepare for potential surprises from our own sun .

  4. 但大多数情况下,它们都会被地球自身的磁场所阻拦,而后者被人们称之为范艾伦辐射带。

    But most of the time they get trapped by the earth 's magnetic field in the so-called the Van Allen radiation belt .

  5. 范艾伦辐射带是航天器的克星,它们也能毁伤未来的人类计划。

    The Van Allen Belts are a nuisance to some spacecraft , and they could pose a hazard to future manned missions as well .

  6. 这些辐射带依靠地球磁场来保持在太空中的位置,它们被命名为内外范艾伦辐射带。

    Held in place by the planet 's magnetic field , these bands of radiation were named the inner and outer Van Allen Belts .

  7. 那些快速移动的质子和电子形成两个辐射带,被称为范艾伦辐射带,以物理学家詹姆士·范·艾伦的名字命名,他于1958年发现这个辐射带。

    Those fast-moving protons and electrons form two bands known as the Van Allen radiation belts , after physicist James Van Allen , who discovered them in 1958 .

  8. 地球辐射带又被称为范艾伦辐射带,由地球附近的近层宇宙空间中包围着地球的高能带电粒子组成,与太阳活动和地磁场有着相当密切的联系。

    The Van Allen radiation belt is composed of high energy charged particles which surrounds the earth in the near earth space . And it is highly related to the solar activity and the geomagnetic field .