
Fàn lǐ
  • Fan Li;statesman, military strategist and industrialist at Chunqiu Period
范蠡 [fàn lǐ]
  • [Fan Li] 春秋末年政治家、军事家。字少伯,楚国宛(今河南南阳)人。出身微贱。仕越为大夫,擢上将军。他与文种协助勾践着手重建国家。经过长期准备,逐步为灭吴作好准备。前484年,吴王已杀谋臣伍子胥,勾践欲发兵攻吴,为他劝止。次年,吴王夫差率国精锐北上黄池(今河南封丘西南)与晋国争霸,只留老弱残兵与太子在国看守,他认为是进攻吴国良机,便与勾践率师伐吴,大获全胜。后游齐国。至陶,改名陶朱公,经商致富。晚年放情太湖山水,爱好养鱼。著《计然篇》、《养鱼经》。其言论还见于《国语.越语下》和《史记.货殖列传》等

  1. 中国战国时代范蠡所著《养鱼经》是世界上最早的养鱼文献。范在公元前473年即开始养殖鲤鱼,并写下这本书。

    “ The Classics on Fish Breeding ”, written by Fan Li of the Warring States Period ( 475 B.C. - 221B . C. ), was the world 's first book on fish breeding . Fan started to breed silver carp in 473B . C. , and the book was based on his experience .

  2. 范蠡是不该被遗忘的历史人物。

    Fang Li as a historical figure should not be forgotten .

  3. 这里就是嘉兴有名的范蠡湖。

    This is the well-known Fan Li Lake of Jiaxing .

  4. 范蠡商业思想的历史影响相当深远。

    His thought in business exerted rather far-reaching historical influences .

  5. 商圣范蠡经济思想刍议

    A Humble Opinion on Economic Ideology of Fan Li-the Sage of Business

  6. 后越王勾践卧薪尝胆,任用文种和范蠡重振国政。

    The King of Yue , Gou Jian submitted and sued for peace .

  7. 富行其德&浅论范蠡的经济伦理观及其现代意义

    Fan Li 's Economic Ethic and Realistic Sense

  8. 范蠡是我国儒商文化的开拓者和实践家。

    Fan Li was the pioneer and practitioner of the culture of scholar merchant .

  9. 相传春秋时期,范蠡帮助越王勾践打败了吴国。

    Fan Li was an illustrious general of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period .

  10. 范蠡、西施归隐处一范蠡湖,是嘉兴的名胜之一。

    Fanlihu Lake , where General Fanli and Beauty Xishi lived seclusion , is a famous scenic spot in jiaxing .

  11. 范蠡和文仲是春秋时期越国的两个大官。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476BC ), there were two famous senior officials in the State of Yue .

  12. 很快启用像文种和范蠡这样的政治家辅佐治国。

    He soon appointed skilled politicians , such as Wen Zhong and Fan Li , as advisors to help build up the kingdom .

  13. 范蠡所以经商致富,不仅在于他借用了兵家智谋,更在于他对商业的重视和苦身戮力实践;

    Fan Li did business and became rich because he employed the wisdom of military strategists , and especially he emphasized trading and practising himself .

  14. 研究范蠡富行其德的经济伦理思想对于当代商人的道德定位以及产权制度建设有一定的借鉴意义。

    Nowadays , in order to direct merchants ' morality and construct market economy system , we should learn his economic ethic of being benefic when prosperous and propaganda his ideas .

  15. 在鲁商源起中,通过对历史文献的研究,确定鲁商的两位先行者分别为子贡和范蠡,通过分析他们的经商的过程以及他们的行事风格,总结他们的经商特点、文化特征以及人格魅力。

    Through the research on historical documents , we believe Zi Gong and Fan Li are the two forerunners of Shandong merchants , and we summarize the features of their businesses , cultural characteristics as well as individual charisma by analyzing the course of business and their behaviors .