
  • 网络Rupert Hoogewerf;hurun report
  1. 胡润报告显示,由于豪宅、出境游和奢侈品价格降低,2015年富豪消费价格指数比上年下降1.8%。

    The LCPI 2015 dropped 1.8 percent year-on-year , said wealth researcher The Hurun Report which compiles the study , due to price declines in luxury properties , overseas trips and products .

  2. 贾跃亭在2016年胡润中国富豪排行榜(HurunReportChinaRichList)上位列第31位,总财富估计达63亿美元。

    Mr Jia ranked 31st on the 2016 Hurun Report China Rich List with estimated wealth of $ 6.3bn .

  3. 胡润富豪消费价格指数9年来首次下降,该指数每年发布一次,主要估算中国高端人群的消费水平。

    The Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index , an annual study that gauges1 levels of top-end individual spending in China , has contracted for the first time in nine years .

  4. 胡润百富公司联合汇加顾问集团(VisasConsultingGroup)向141位中国富豪征询了一系列关于移民和财富转移目的地的问题。

    Hurun teamed with Visas Consulting Group to ask 141 wealthy Chinese questions about emigration and where they 're moving their money .

  5. 追踪中国富人的胡润百富(HurunReport)称刘汉拥有6.5亿美元的财富。

    He had a fortune of $ 650m , according to estimates by Hurun Report , which tracks wealthy Chinese .

  6. 根据追踪富人的《胡润中国百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList),中国最富有的10人中,5名是IT业大亨,而3年前他们还未能进入榜单。

    Five of the 10 richest men in China are tech moguls , up from none three years ago , according to the Hurun China Rich List , which tracks wealthy individuals .

  7. 贾跃亭的财富净值估计为62亿美元,在最新的《胡润中国百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList)上排名第31位。他表示,他自愿永远只领取公司1元人民币的名义年薪。

    Mr Jia , whose estimated net worth of $ 6.2bn placed him 31st on the latest Hurun Rich List for China , said he would accept a nominal salary of Rmb1 for life .

  8. 现年43岁的陈天桥和40岁的妻子在1999年创业。根据《胡润中国百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList),他们的身价达到34.3亿美元。

    Mr Chen , 43 , and his wife , 40 , founded their business together in 1999 and have a fortune of $ 3.43bn , according to the Hurun Report 's annual China Rich List .

  9. 该公司从福布斯中国富豪榜(ForbesChinaRichList)和胡润百富榜(HurunChinaRichList)等知名富豪榜上搜集了中国富豪的个人财富信息,同时还在榜单上添加了这些人的教育背景。

    The company gathered information of individuals ' wealth from prominent rich lists including those from Forbes China Rich List and Hurun China Rich List , among others , while adding the educational background of those on the list .

  10. 胡润说,中国前三大慈善捐赠者(其中包括福耀玻璃(FuyaoGlass)创始人曹德旺)的捐赠都聚焦于教育事业。

    Mr Hoogewerf said the three top charitable givers , including Cao Dewang , the founder of Fuyao Glass , have focused their donations on educational causes .

  11. 但中国富豪榜编撰者胡润(ruperthoogewerf)称,这些习惯或许不会持久。

    But Rupert Hoogewerf , publisher of the China rich list , says such habits may not last long .

  12. 据追踪中国富人的胡润研究院(HurunResearchInstitute)称,去年公布的一项调查显示,约80%的中国富人表示他们计划将孩子送到国外上学。

    In a survey published last year , about 80 % of high-net-worth Chinese individuals said they planned to send their children overseas to study , according to the Hurun Research Institute , which tracks China 's wealthy individuals .

  13. 最新一期的胡润全球富豪榜(HurunGlobalRichList)表示,算上过去一年新出现的32位超级富豪,北京已成为全球亿万富翁之都,总计100名超级富豪超过了纽约的95人。

    With 32 newly minted super-rich in the past year , China 's capital has become the billionaire capital of the world , the latest Hurun Global Rich List says , with a total of 100 to the Big Apple 's 95 .

  14. 在胡润百富榜(HurunRichList)上,宗庆后以130亿美元的财富位居中国首富,而他还无意在短期内放手自己创立的公司。

    Ranked as China 's wealthiest man , with an estimated fortune of $ 13bn according to the Hurun Rich List , Mr Zong has no desire to let go of the company he founded in the near future .

  15. 根据最新的《胡润百富榜》(HurunRichList),中国已取代美国成为身家10亿美元以上富翁最多的国家,房地产大亨王健林取代阿里巴巴(Alibaba)创始人马云(JackMa)成为中国内地首富。

    China has overtaken the US as home to the most dollar billionaires , according to the latest Hurun Rich List , with real estate tycoon Wang Jianlin overtaking Alibaba founder Jack Ma as the mainland 's wealthiest person .

  16. 但《胡润百富榜》创始人胡润(RupertHoogewerf)表示,若纯以人数计,中国的亿万富翁很可能是世界各国中最多的。

    But for sheer numbers , said Rupert Hoogewerf , the Hurun founder , China probably has the most billionaires of any country .

  17. 追踪中国富有人群的研究机构胡润研究院(HurunResearchInstitute)的数据显示,中国目前有约30400名富豪居住在辽宁省(大连是辽宁省的一个主要城市),这也是推动大连高端房地产市场需求的一项因素。

    Also driving demand for high-end properties is the fact that about 30400 of China 's millionaires live in Liaoning province , in which Dalian is a major city , according to the Hurun Research Institute , which tracks China 's wealthy individuals .

  18. 今年早些时候,在调查中国富豪方面最有发言权的胡润百富公司(HurunReport)宣布,它所调查的中国富豪中有超过60%的人已经移民到其他国家,或者正在考虑移民。

    Earlier this year , the best company at surveying the rich in China announced that more than 60 % of the people it surveyed had already immigrated to another country , or were considering doing so .

  19. 根据这份有关中国富有的千禧一代旅游者的报告,每年发布《胡润百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList)的《胡润百富》(HurunReport)发现,日本的美食最受青睐,而法国被视为“购物天堂”。

    According to the report on affluent Chinese travellers born after 1980 , the Hurun Report , which publishes the annual Hurun China Rich List , found that foodies ranked Japan highest , while France was viewed as a " shopping paradise . "

  20. 在胡润(Hurun)2016年百富榜上,51岁的马云排名第二,据估计,他的财富总额为227亿美元。

    Mr Ma , 51 , is China 's second-richest man with a fortune estimated at $ 22.7bn , according to the annual Hurun report .

  21. 胡润百富(HurunReport)和上海传媒投资公司群邑智库(GroupMKnowledge)对中国富人的最新调查显示,截至去年底,中国内地千万富豪多达102万,亿万富豪达63500人。

    The latest survey of China 's rich from publisher Hurun Report and GroupM Knowledge , a Shanghai-based media investment company , shows mainland China had as many as 1.02 million millionaires and 63500 superrich as of the end of last year .

  22. 胡润报告的创始人、出版商胡润(RupertHoogewerf)说,过去几年来,中国富人的情况在很多方面都发生了变化。

    ' During the past several years , the complexion of the rich in China has changed in many aspects , 'said Rupert Hoogewerf , founder and publisher of the Hurun Report .

  23. 胡润(ruperthoogewerf)表示:“在我看来颇具重大意义的是,中国目前最富有的两个人,旗下公司都有着重要的绿色元素。”

    Rupert Hoogewerf , of Hurun , said : " it seems to me pretty significant that the two richest people in China are now from companies that have an important green element . "

  24. 在去年的胡润百富榜(HurunReport)上,严介和被列为中国第七大富豪,身家估计达到142亿美元。同时太平洋建设在福布斯(Forbes)世界500强企业排行榜上位居第166位,年营收达到600亿美元。

    Last year Mr Yan was named China 's seventh richest man by the Hurun Report with a fortune estimated at $ 14.2bn , while China Pacific Construction is ranked 166th on the Forbes 500 list of the world 's largest companies , with annual revenues of $ 60bn .

  25. 然而,发布年度中国亿万富翁和慈善家排行榜的胡润(RupertHoogewerf)表示,考虑到多年来创造的财富总额,香港人的捐赠金额可能仍低于公众的预期。

    But Rupert Hoogewerf , who publishes annual rankings of Chinese billionaires and philanthropists , said the Chinese territory did not donate as much as might be expected given the amount of wealth that had been generated over the years .

  26. 胡润研究院主席研究员RupertHoogewerf说道,“十年前,中国富豪大多不在中国大陆,今天情况完全改变了,比如万达集团董事长王健林就开辟了一条新路。”

    Rupert Hoogewerf , chairman and chief researcher of the Hurun Report , said : " A decade ago , the most successful Chinese were those outside the Chinese mainland . Today that has changed completely , with entrepreneurs like Wang Jianlin of Wanda charting a new path . "

  27. 属兔的富豪自从1999年胡润富豪榜发布以来一直都占据着头把交椅。

    Rabbits have dominated the list almost every year since it began in 1999 .

  28. 其实,这些问题也在困扰着胡润百富公司的创始人胡润。

    It turns out the questions also nagged Rupert Hoogewerf , founder of Hurun .

  29. 2007年胡润榜单的前两名为女性包办。

    The top two spots in the 2007 Hurun list are held by women .

  30. 胡润的这份调查报告还得出了其它一些有意思的结论。

    The Hurun survey produced other interesting results .