
  • 网络WALNUT;hickory;Black Walnut
  1. 这是一个用胡桃木做的橱柜。

    This is a cabinet made of walnut .

  2. 凳子有几种尺寸,材质分胡桃木和红木两种。

    The stool comes in several sizes in walnut or mahogany .

  3. 就像以意大利浓咖啡和cortado咖啡著称的Continental一样,弗里曼希望将洛克菲勒中心店建成高级咖啡胜地,完全以胡桃木和大理石装修。

    Like Continental bars where customers go for a caf é cortado or an espresso , Freeman is aiming for a grownup coffee place , all walnut and marble .

  4. 但他一走进温伯格镶嵌着胡桃木的办公室,的确就明白自己面前是一位大人物。墙上挂着一些信函文件的手稿,以及亚伯拉罕•林肯(AbrahamLincoln)的画像。

    But he certainly understood that he was in the presence of a big shot once he found himself in Sidney Weinberg 's walnut-panelled office , its walls hung with original letters , documents , and portraits of Abraham Lincoln .

  5. 像胡桃木、橡木和桉树这样的硬木也烧得很好。

    Hardwoods such as hickory , oak and ash also burn well .

  6. 上了油的乡间小路;涂过油的胡桃木桌子。

    Oiled country roads ; an oiled walnut table .

  7. 深色系–如胡桃木等色系。

    Dark Finish – For Walnut , Mahogany , etc.

  8. 我可以粗暴的研磨一端的山胡桃木。

    I could 've messed up an end of the hickory while grinding .

  9. 换档杆/选档杆标记&棕色胡桃木

    Shift / selector lever badge - Burr walnut

  10. 而男装则以粗犷的线条,深沉的色彩为主,多用胡桃木等材料制作。

    The men Zeyi rough lines , deep color-based , multi-walnut and other materials .

  11. 她自己组装了胡桃木餐桌。

    She refinished all the tables herself .

  12. 施坦威的碧玉,以多斑胡桃木制成。

    The Steinway Jasper piano is made of walnut which is marked with various speckles .

  13. 这桌子是由胡桃木做的。

    The table is made of walnut .

  14. 这个箱子是胡桃木做的。

    This box is made of walnut .

  15. 他还尝试用各种木材来制作,比如桦木和黑胡桃木等。

    He experiments with a vast range of woods , including Baltic birch and black walnut .

  16. 胡桃木/真皮相间方向盘

    Wood / leather steering wheel

  17. 胡桃木/真皮相间排挡杆

    Wood / leather shift lever

  18. 我想有镶饰的深色胡桃木会很不错。

    But I 'm hoping for a dark walnut with a nice veneer . that 'd be lovely .

  19. 平切单板供化装合板用(代替胡桃木)、橱柜、细木器、钢琴、车只类。

    Sliced veneer for decoration ( substitute for Walnut ) . Cabinets , joinery , pianos and turnery .

  20. 女士写字台用胡桃木和红木树干做的嵌花饰面做装饰,那饰面上镶有16世纪意大利装饰性的图案。

    Ladies Writing Desk made of Walnut and Crotch Mahogany with inlaid Marquetry in a16th century Italian decorative pattern .

  21. 这些软件包添加自定义颜色的金属漆,自定义颜色纳帕真皮内饰和外来节胡桃木装饰。

    These packages add custom color metallic paint , custom color Nappa leather interior and exotic burl walnut trim .

  22. 靓丽的胡桃木给人高贵大气的美感,对于美式风格的餐厅来说,增加了高贵的效果。

    Beautiful walnut give people noble atmosphere aesthetic feeling , for American style restaurant , it increases the noble effect .

  23. 那个小小的房间里陈设着廉价的黑胡桃木家具,灯上罩着报纸,处于一种半明半暗的状态。

    The little room , cheaply furnished in black walnut , was in semidarkness , the lamp shaded with a newspaper .

  24. 一道狭长的胡桃木木色装饰活跃了整个内部空间气氛。

    At the region linking the instrument panel , a long and narrow wooden color ornament excites the whole interior special atmosphere .

  25. 气味:有水果和柠檬的芳香,隐约有胡桃木和酵母的香味,以及微妙的香草橡木气味。

    Bouquet : Stone fruits and melon aromas with a hint of walnuts and buttery yeast notes followed by subtle vanillin oak .

  26. 哥德式拱顶、大理石地和黑色的胡桃木嵌板,悼念大厅,哈佛大学,剑桥。

    Gothic vault above marble floor and black walnut paneling , Memorial Hall , Harvard University , Cambridge . Boston , Massachussets , USA.

  27. 要是比较喜爱真正的木质口味,可以在烧烤之前向烧烤架上洒一些山胡桃木碎片。

    For an authentic wood flavor , soak a few hickory chips in water and throw them on the grill right before your food .

  28. 宅邸本有一间价值38000英镑的全新厨房,配置手工打造的胡桃木操作台,夫妇两人将其进行整修以适应他们的喜好。

    The couple also ripped out a brand new £ 38000 kitchen with handcrafted walnut worktops in favour of something more to their taste .

  29. 家具沙发所用木料为优质的榉木,胡桃木,桦木,产地在日,韩国等国家和欧洲地区。

    Furniture , sofa , used for high-quality beech wood , walnut , birch , origin in Japan , Korea and other countries and Europe .

  30. 盖上胡桃木匣子的盖子,把相机关在里面。匣子放进她卧室壁柜的子上。

    The lid on the walnut chest was shut on the cameras , and the chest was placed on the closet shelf in her bedroom .