
  • 网络Fred Hu
  1. 去年,高盛银行家兼经济学家胡祖六(FredHu)离职,在北京创立了自己的私人股本公司。

    Last year , Fred Hu , who was a banker and economist at Goldman , left to set up his own private equity firm in Beijing .

  2. 知情人士说,高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)大中华区主席胡祖六(FredHu)将在4月份离任,到一家新成立的私募股权公司任职。

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 's China chairman , Fred Hu , is leaving Goldman in April to pursue a new private-equity venture , according to people familiar with the situation .

  3. 胡祖六拒绝就其未来计划置评。

    Mr Hu declined to comment on his future plans .

  4. 方方拒绝置评,记者无法拨通胡祖六的手机。

    Mr Fang declined to comment and Mr Hu could not be reached on his mobile phone .

  5. 胡祖六于1997年加入高盛,出任高盛大中华区首席经济学家,随后转至业务部门,帮助其拓展中国内地业务。

    Mr Hu joined Goldman as chief economist for Greater China in 1997 before moving to the business side where he helped it establish its onshore presence .

  6. 不过,一位知情人士表示:“胡祖六渴望像所有之前辞职的高盛中国银行家一样,创建一家基金。”

    However , one person familiar with the matter said : " Fred is keen to set up a fund like all the Goldman China bankers before him . "

  7. 胡祖六已经向投资者募集到8亿美元,而据知情人士透露,单伟建的目标是为新基金筹集逾20亿美元。

    Mr Hu has raised about $ 800m from investors , while Mr Shan is targeting more than $ 2bn for a fund , according to people familiar with the matter .

  8. 中国知名经济学家、基金经理胡祖六称,当华盛顿的政界人士开始反对中国的收购项目时,“他们陷入了老派的冷战思维”。

    When Washington politicians start objecting to Chinese acquisitions , " they 're caught up by old-school , Cold War thinking , " said Fred Hu , a prominent Chinese economist and fund manager .

  9. 知情人士表示,胡祖六计划创建一家专注于中国交易的私人股本基金,最近几周,他已与一些本土及外国的潜在投资者进行过接洽。

    Mr Hu plans to set up a private equity fund focused on Chinese deals , according to people familiar with the matter , and has contacted potential local and foreign investors in recent weeks .