
  • The Nutcracker;Nutcracker Suite;HTJZ.COM
  1. 菲丽西今晚的《胡桃夹子》将由你来演

    Felicie , tonight , you dance ' The Nutcracker ' .

  2. 他们明天去看“胡桃夹子”。

    They 're gonna go see " the nutcracker " tomorrow .

  3. 他还喜欢StoneCreekTrading商店里的一款木质胡桃夹子。它的样子像个蘑菇,让他联想到牛肝菌。

    He also liked a mushroom-like wooden nutcracker from Stone Creek Trading , which he thought resembled a porcini .

  4. 克里斯·科森蒂诺(ChrisCosentino)从小就喜欢用他祖父做的那个简单的木质胡桃夹子剥坚果。

    As a child , Chris Cosentino loved using the simple wooden nutcrackers his grandfather made to separate nuts from their shells .

  5. 他在旧金山下太平洋高地(LowerPacificHeights)的ZincDetails商店里,找到了几件很有吸引力的产品,其中包括安德烈亚·布兰奇(AndreaBranzi)为艾烈希(Alessi)设计的一款胡桃夹子,名为Scoiattolo(或“松鼠”)。

    At Zinc Details , in the Lower Pacific Heights area of San Francisco , he found several appealing options , including an Andrea Branzi design for Alessi called Scoiattolo ( or squirrel ) .

  6. 她的舞台处女作是在纽约市芭蕾舞团的《胡桃夹子》(TheNutcracker)中扮演兔子(Bunny)。1996年她加入这个芭蕾舞团后,兔子便成了她的昵称。

    Her first role on stage was the ' Bunny ' in New York City Ballet 's ' The Nutcracker , ' which became her nickname when she joined the company in 1996 .

  7. 啊,这个是《胡桃夹子与老鼠王》!

    OH , it is The Nutcracker and the Mouse King !

  8. 将会成为克拉拉与罗西塔莫里一起出演胡桃夹子

    of dancing Clara in ' The Nutcracker ' with Rosita .

  9. nutcracker:胡桃夹子他们明天去看“胡桃夹子”。

    They 're gonna go see " the nutcracker " tomorrow . -

  10. 在《胡桃夹子》的演出中,他展示出了高超的舞技。

    In his performance of the Nutcracker , he showed great technical brilliance .

  11. 她梦想着那个胡桃夹子变成一个好看的王子。

    She dreams that the nutcracker comes to life as a good-looking prince .

  12. 但是他有许多建议,可供那些喜欢用传统胡桃夹子的人参考。

    But he had a number of suggestions for those who prefer traditional nutcrackers .

  13. 很抱歉告诉您芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》的演出被取消了。

    I 'm sorry to tell you the ballet Nut Cracker has been cancelled .

  14. 柴可夫斯基的《胡桃夹子组曲》也许是这一类乐曲中最受人们欢迎的一部了。

    Tschaikovsky 's ballet is probably the most popular suite of its kind in music .

  15. 卡米尔《胡桃夹子》中的克拉拉由你出演

    Camille , you will have the honour of dancing Clara in ' The Nutcracker ' .

  16. 也可以参加《胡桃夹子》的试镜

    And you will also be in the auditions for the part in ' The Nutcracker ' .

  17. 其中最流行的是一个用歌舞表达故事的表演,芭蕾舞胡桃夹子。

    One of the most popular is a story told in dance : " The Nutcracker " ballet .

  18. 奈特莉最近一直在宣传迪士尼即将上映的电影《胡桃夹子与四个王国》,这部电影将于11月2日在电影院上映。

    Knightley has been promoting Disney 's upcoming film The Nutcracker and the Four Realms , which is released in cinemas on 2 November .

  19. 这件产品非常沉,但对于胡桃夹子来说却是件好事,他解释道,因为这意味着坚果在这样的夹子面前会自暴自弃。

    It was heavy , which is a good thing in a nutcracker , he explained , because it means the nut will give before the nutcracker itself will .

  20. 这件产品非常沉,但对于胡桃夹子来说却是件好事,他解释道,因为这意味着“坚果在这样的夹子面前会自暴自弃。”

    It was heavy , which is a good thing in a nutcracker , he explained , because it means " the nut will give before the nutcracker itself will . "

  21. 现在每年,我们都一起登台表演,如小飞侠,胡桃夹子,灰姑娘,和爱丽丝奇遇记等经典节目。

    Now every year , we perform to the public such classic shows as Peter Pan , Nutcracker , Cinderella , and Alice in Wonderland , to name just a few .

  22. 那年圣诞节她和家人第一次去看芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》,罗雯爱上了舞者的优雅动作,并立志成为一名舞者。

    That Christmas she saw the ballet , the Nutcracker , for the first time with he family . Rowan fell in love with the grace of the dancers and decided she wanted to be a dancer .