
zhǒnɡ zú qīnɡ xǐ
  • ethnic cleansing
  1. 部长们表达了对持续进行的种族清洗的忧虑。

    The ministers expressed dismay at the continued practice of ethnic cleansing

  2. 5月底,政府军对该镇周边地区开始实施“种族清洗”。

    In late May , government forces began the ' ethnic cleansing ' of the area around the town .

  3. 这是一场正义的战争,并非基于任何领土方面的野心,而是基于价值观,他在谈到北约(Nato)在科索沃的行动时表示,我们不能容许种族清洗的罪恶存在。

    This is a just war , based not on any territorial ambitions but on values , he said of the Nato action in Kosovo . We cannot let the evil of ethnic cleansing stand .

  4. 奥庭加断然否认他事先知道任何吉库尤人在吉苏姆(kisumu)或其他卢奥人占多数的维多利亚湖畔城镇遭受的种族清洗。

    Mr Odinga has denied any foreknowledge of the ethnic cleansing of Kikuyus in Kisumu and other Lake Victoria towns where the Luo predominate .

  5. 据该报的报道,在视频中拉赫曼声称法国正在进行种族清洗,他告诉他的追随者在法国发生了什么?那是(针对MSL的)战争!

    The newspaper reported that in the video Rahman claimed France was carrying out ' ethnic cleansing ' , and told his followers what happened in France was ' war . '

  6. 许多出现在互联网上的帖子都呼吁进行一场种族清洗。

    Many of the comments posted online call for ethnic cleansing .

  7. 苏瓦尼博士被控种族清洗。

    Dr zuwanie is accused of genocide .

  8. 种族清洗固然令人痛恨,但这一事实并不能排除去构想更为恰当的应对方法的必要性。

    The fact that ethnic cleansing is repugnant does not obviate the need to devise the most appropriate response .

  9. 第二个选择是对三流队员进行种族清洗,每年将排名后10%的员工淘汰。

    The second option is to engage in ethnic cleansing of C players and fire the bottom 10 per cent every year .

  10. 在存在争议的边界地区,北苏丹政府的炮击与所谓的种族清洗,已迫使数十万人逃往南部。

    In disputed border areas , shelling and alleged ethnic cleansing by Khartoum government forces has sent hundreds of thousands fleeing south .

  11. 在这样一个世界中,解决核冲突、种族清洗和环境灾难风险的希望何在?

    In such a world , what hope is there of addressing the risks of nuclear conflict , ethnic cleansing and environmental disaster ?

  12. 他还对已有1000年灿烂文化的伊拉克少数民族和阿拉伯部落进行种族清洗。

    He has also conducted ethnic cleansing against the Shi'a Iraqis and the Marsh Arabs whose culture has flourished for more than a millennium .

  13. 她著有两本回忆录,同时还活跃在政界,开展各种活动反对《马斯特里赫特条约》,并谴责塞尔维亚在波斯尼亚的种族清洗政策。

    She wrote two volumes of her memoirs while remaining active in politics , campaigning against the Maastricht Treaty and condemning the Serbian policy of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia .

  14. 赖斯说,科索沃近代史上独特的综合因素,包括对在科索沃占多数的阿尔巴尼亚族裔的种族清洗,并没有发生在其他地方,这是一个特殊例子。

    She said the unusual combination of factors in Kosovo 's recent history , including ethnic-cleansing against its ethnic-Albanian majority , are not found elsewhere and make it a special case .

  15. 安卡拉和埃里温之间没有外交关系,第一次世界大战期间奥托曼帝国土耳其人杀害的亚美尼亚人是否属于有组织的种族清洗的受害者,这个问题一直笼罩着双方的关系。

    Ankara and Yerevan have no diplomatic ties but a relationship haunted by the question of whether ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks during World War One were victims of systematic genocide .

  16. 亚美尼亚全国种族清洗博物馆馆长德穆瓦扬对居尔来访表示欢迎,他说,这次访问可能成为讨论种族清洗问题的积极的一步。

    The director of Armenia 's National Genocide Museum , Hayk Demoyan , hailed Mr. Gul 's visit , saying this could be a positive step in talking about the issue of genocide .

  17. 它希望西方会忘记其在阿布哈兹实施的种族清洗,这场清洗驱逐了逾四分之三的当地人格鲁吉亚人、希腊人、犹太人和其他人种只留下控制之中、占少数的阿布哈兹人。

    It hopes the West will forget ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia drove out more than three-quarters of the local population ethnic Georgians , Greeks , Jews and others leaving the minority Abkhaz in control .

  18. 上世纪80年代和90年代,萨达姆通过一轮轮残酷的种族清洗运动赶走了库尔德人。数十年来,基尔库克的主权一直极具争议,但库尔德人重新夺回这座城市的决心从来没有动摇过。

    Kirkuk has been intensely disputed since Saddam drove out the Kurds during the 1980s and 1990s in a brutal ethnic-cleansing campaign , and the Kurds have been determined to recapture it for decades .

  19. 让我们向在南韩为保护当地人民而战,在残酷的越南战场战斗,在沙漠风暴中敢于面对暴君,在巴尔干半岛终结种族清洗的人们致敬。

    We pay tribute to Americans who defended the people of South Korea , soldiered through the brutal battles of Vietnam , stood up to a tyrant in Desert Storm and stopped ethnic cleansing in the Balkans .

  20. 1995年,当克罗地亚军队将20多万塞尔维亚普通民众驱逐出克拉伊纳地区时,美国政府甚至对此熟视无睹,这是整个悲惨的内战之中,规模最大的一次种族清洗行动。

    Washington even turned a blind eye in 1995 when more than 200,000 ordinary Serbs were driven out of Krajina by Croat forces , in the largest single act of ethnic cleansing that the whole dismal series of internecine wars would witness .

  21. 不管他们在抵挡消灭法西斯还是在韩国与越南为自由而战,解放科威特还是在巴尔干半岛阻止种族清洗,还是今日在我们国旗下光荣而勇敢地前进,不管他们是黑人、白人、拉丁裔、亚洲裔还是美国本地人,

    No matter whether they faced down fascism or fought for freedom in Korea and Vietnam ; liberated Kuwait or stopped ethnic cleansing in the Balkans or serve brilliantly and bravely under our flag today ; no matter whether they are black , white , Latino , Asian , or Native American ;

  22. 格鲁吉亚昨日翻出了上世纪60年代一项有关种族歧视的国际公约,就俄罗斯入侵南奥塞梯向海牙联合国法院提出起诉,指控其犯有种族清洗罪。

    Georgia yesterday resurrected an international Racial Discrimination Convention from the 1960s to take Russia to a United Nations court in the Hague over its invasion of South Ossetia , accusing Moscow of ethnic cleansing .