
  • 网络seed dormancy;Dormancy of seed
  1. 玉米与水稻种子休眠性QTL的比较研究

    Comparative Analysis for Seed Dormancy QTL Between Maize and Rice

  2. GA3与ABA的量比是种子休眠的关键因素。

    The rate of GA_3 and ABA is a pivotal factor of the seed dormancy .

  3. 母体对小麦胚的ABA敏感性和种子休眠性的影响

    Maternal Effect on Sensitivity of Embryo to ABA and Grain Dormancy in Wheat

  4. 因此,对胚的ABA敏感性研究,将有助于了解种子休眠机制。

    The study on embryonic sensitivity to ABA will help to understand the dormancy mechanism .

  5. GA对变温层积条件下解除辽东楤木种子休眠的作用及其机制研究

    The Research on the Effect of GA on Breaking Dormancy of Aralia Elate Seed and the Mechanism of That under Altering Temperature Stratification

  6. 山楂种子休眠与萌发生理研究Ⅴ.山楂种子POD活性及其同工酶的变化与休眠的关系

    Study on Dormancy and Germination Physiology of hawthorn seed V.THE relation among dormancy and POD activity and its isozyme in Hawthorn Seeds

  7. 种子休眠与萌发的不同阶段内源乙烯(C2H2)生成量不同,在解除休眠临界期有一个乙烯生成高峰,故可以认为乙烯是打破休眠的启动因子。

    Ethylene production changed during the different stages of dormancy and germination . A peak of ethylene production occurred on the 30th day after stratification at 2 ℃ .

  8. DNA标记和水稻连锁图谱的发展,为定位种子休眠性的基因位点、研究单个基因的剂量效应和剖析各基因位点对环境的敏感性等方面提供了可能性。

    Recent development of DNA markers and linkage maps of rice has made possible mapping of individual genes associated with complex seed dormancy traits , analyzing the genetics effects of individual genes and genotype-by-environment interactions .

  9. 还通过公共数据库对水稻、小麦和玉米种子休眠性QTL进行了比较研究。

    The distribution of seed dormancy QTL in genome of maize was compared with that of rice and wheat by public database .

  10. 不同时期同一群体后熟时期的休眠性与内源激素含量的相关性分析中,种子休眠性的解除并不是由GA含量增加引起,而是由于ABA含量的相对减少而使休眠性减弱。

    As the storage period increased , the seed dormancy release was not caused by the increase of GA , but by the relative reduce of ABA .

  11. 因此,可以认为现代月季种子休眠的主要原因是果皮和种皮内含有较高水平的ABA。

    It is therefore suggested that the relatively high level of ABA in the pericarp and testa is the major cause of the achene dormancy .

  12. 本研究认为,低温沙藏层积处理180d和裸层积处理120d打破北美鹅掌楸种子休眠的效果最好,处理后的发芽率分别为88%和90%。

    The 180d low temperature stratification treatment and 120d naked stratification treatment are he best way to break seed dormancy .

  13. 除榆中埋藏地5cm埋深下外,其他埋藏地湿润种群种子休眠释放速率显著快于干旱种群种子。

    The seed dormancy release rates of moist population is higher than those of dry population except for seeds were buried in 5 cm depth of underground in Yuzhong .

  14. 用ABT生根粉溶液浸种24h或低温(5℃)层积60d,可解除种子休眠,萌发率由28%可提高到80&90%。

    That seeds treated by soaking in ABA solution for 24h or the low temperature ( 5 ℃) stacking 60d would break dormancy , and increase the germination rate from 28 % to 80-90 % .

  15. 低温解除休眠过程中,GA3,ABA,Z,IAA四种内源激素含量均降低,GA3/ABA比值却升高,表明较高的GA3/ABA含量比可以解除种子休眠。

    In course of breaking the seed dormancy , the content of endo-hormone ( Z , IAA , GA3 ABA ) decreased gradually , but the rate of GA3 / ABA was increased quickly , which showed that improving ratio of GA3 and ABA can break the seed dormancy .

  16. 将在初步定位时同一区间检测到的1个控制种子休眠期QTL(Sdr1)和1个抽穗期QTL(Hd8),分解为两个紧密连锁的基因;

    A seed dormancy QTL ( Sdr1 ) and a heading date QTL ( Hd8 ), which were mapped in the same interval in initial mapping , were dissected into two tightly linked loci .

  17. 结果表明:R08×A318组合种子休眠性的遗传符合一对加性-显性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因模型(D-0模型)。

    The results indicated that seed dormancy in the cross of R08 × A318 was controlled by one major gene with additive-dominance effects plus polygene with additive-dominance - epistasis effects ( the D-0 model ) .

  18. 打破盐生植物种子休眠的必要条件;

    The essential conditions for dormancy breaking of seeds in halophytes ;

  19. 药用植物种子休眠的类型及特性

    The dormancy types and characteristics of the seeds of medicinal plants

  20. 天女木兰种子休眠原因的初步探讨

    Preliminary Study on Reasons of Seed Dormancy of Magnolia Sieboldii K.Koch

  21. 温汤浸种对华北型黄瓜种子休眠的影响

    Effect of Hot-water Treatment on Dormancy of North China Cucumber Seed

  22. 黄精生物学特性及种子休眠特性的研究

    Study on the Biological and Seed Dormancy Characteristics of Polygonatum Sibiricum

  23. 几种园林植物种子休眠与发芽生理的研究

    Studies on the seed dormancy and germination of some horticultural plants

  24. 小麦种子休眠特性的遗传及其机理的研究

    Studies on the inheritance and mechanism of seed dormancy in Wheat

  25. 喜树的种子休眠及更新

    The dormancy of the seed and the regeneration of Camptotheca acuminata

  26. 苔草属植物种子休眠与萌发研究现状

    A review : seeds dormancy and germination of genus Carex speices

  27. 江南桤木种子休眠和萌发的初步研究

    A preliminary study on Dormancy and germination of TRABECULATE alder seed

  28. 湿生扁蕾和独一味种子休眠机理研究

    Study on the Dormancy Mechanism of Gentianopsis Paludosa and Phlomis Rotata

  29. 打破水稻种子休眠方法初探

    Study on the Best Method of Breaking the Rice Seed Dormancy

  30. 三药槟榔种子休眠与萌发的研究

    Study on dormancy and germination of Areca tri and ra seeds