
zhǒng lèi
  • type;kind;category;class;form;like;nature;sort;description;ilk
种类 [zhǒng lèi]
  • [kind;sort;type] 依据事物本身的性质、特点划分的门类

  • 钢有许多种类

种类[zhǒng lèi]
  1. 她喜欢泉水胜过任何其他种类的水。

    She prefers spring water to any other kind of water .

  2. 科学家能够制造出相同种类的矮生植物。

    Scientists were able to create a dwarf plant of the same kind .

  3. 有种类繁多的图案可供选择。

    There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from .

  4. 岛上有许多不同种类的动物。

    There are many different sorts of animal on the island .

  5. 这个地区有很多种类的野花。

    This region is the home of many species of wild flower .

  6. 热带雨林集聚了世界上种类最繁多的植物。

    Tropical rainforests have the most varied assemblage of plants in the world .

  7. 有机体可分为许多互不相联的种类。

    The organisms can be divided into discrete categories .

  8. 我喜欢这些种类的书籍。

    I love these types of books .

  9. 我爱读这些种类的书籍。

    I love these type of books .

  10. 某些种类的食物也可以装入密封的金属罐里。

    Certain types of foods are also dispensed in pressurized canisters .

  11. 这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生动植物。

    The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife

  12. 现在可以买到许许多多不同种类的蘑菇。

    There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days

  13. 那些细胞分裂,产生出许多不同种类的细胞。

    Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells .

  14. 某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。

    Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions

  15. 他们经营种类繁多的花草茶。

    They do a good range of herbal tea .

  16. 吃某些种类的鱼开始流行起来。

    It became fashionable to eat certain kinds of fish

  17. 一共种了12棵不同种类的树。

    A dozen trees of various sorts were planted

  18. 音乐本身就种类繁多。

    The music itself has so much variety .

  19. 特价出售、值得收藏的精美艺术品种类繁多,将会让参观者大开眼界。

    Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range of collectable objets d'art on offer

  20. 这些不同种类的鱼足以让任何一个游泳者数小时流连忘返。

    These myriads of fish would be enough to keep any swimmer entranced for hours .

  21. 他声称自己出售的各种啤酒种类全球最多。

    He claims to sell the widest range of beers and lagers in the world .

  22. 我们拥有种类繁多的工业,主要位于伦敦周围各郡和东英吉利地区。

    We have an enormous spread of industries , mainly in the Home Counties and East Anglia .

  23. 这么多不同种类的养老金,你想要了解可得费点劲儿。

    With all these different pensions , you 're going to have a job to keep track .

  24. 他限制的是建筑物的种类和高度以及它们的用途。

    The restrictions he imposed pertained to the type and height of buildings and the activities for which they could be used

  25. 对于业余博物学者来说,在一片空地上或被炸后的废墟里可能发现种类繁多的植物群和动物群。

    A vacant lot or a bombsite can , to the amateur naturalist , produce an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna

  26. 一般而言,一个地方越暖和,能生存的动植物种类通常也就越多。

    The warmer a place is , generally speaking , the more types of plants and animals it will usually support .

  27. 在那里,我们看到大鸟笼里有很多不同种类的鸟。

    There we saw many different kinds of birds in the aviary .

  28. 动物可以分为不同种类。

    Animals can be divided into different classes .

  29. 有些种类的食物使人口渴。

    Some kinds of food makes one thirsty .

  30. 有些种类的植物分布得很广。

    Some types of plants are widely distributed .