
  1. 本文从美国内战前南方种植园奴隶制的发展轨迹入手,选用的资料包括:关于奴隶制和黑人的作品;

    This article tracks with the development of plantation slavery , the use of information include : works on slavery and black ;

  2. 美国南方种植园奴隶制是一种特殊的制度,种植园是黑奴的主要生活场所。

    The plantation slavery of American south is a peculiar institution , while the plantation is the place where the black slaves mainly inhabit .

  3. 从生产力、生产关系和种植园奴隶制的特点入手,分析仑述了美国南部种植园经济的商品奴隶经济性质和种植园经济所具有的残酷性、扩张性、依附性、落后性等特点。

    TO begin with the characteristics of productivity , productive relationship and the plantation slavery , this paper will discuss the commodity slavery of the plantation economy in south America and its backwardness , cruelty and aggressiveness .

  4. 美国大种植园(奴隶制)在游戏中起什么额外的作用?

    What role will the American plantation have in the game ?