
  • 网络Federal Government;Federal government of the United States;federal;US federal government
  1. 在本文中,我将介绍一个具有广阔前景的敏感数据交换协议DirectProject,该协议由美国联邦政府开发和推广。

    In this article , I introduce the Direct Project , a very promising protocol for sensitive data exchange , which has been developed and promoted by the United States federal government .

  2. 在之前发生的加密iPhone解锁事件中,苹果与美国联邦政府之间进行了广为人知的对抗。预计公司将提供更多细节,展示此事为对其销售的影响。

    The company was expected to provide more details of the impact on sales of its well-publicized battle with the federal government over unlocking encrypted iPhones .

  3. 为美国联邦政府提供咨询的医学研究所(InstituteofMedicine)已经同意承担一项100万美元的有关误诊对美国医疗影响的研究。

    The Institute of Medicine , a federal advisory body , has agreed to undertake a $ 1 million study of the impact of diagnostic errors on health care in the U.S.

  4. 微软(Microsoft)在一场旨在说服美国联邦政府和州政府重拳打击软件盗版的行动中把自己定位成美国制造业的最佳伙伴。

    Microsoft is pitching itself as the new best friend of American manufacturing in a campaign aimed at convincing state and federal authorities to crack down on software piracy .

  5. 华盛顿——星期四,美国联邦政府提出了一种标准方法,用于确保患者定制个体化治疗时的DNA检测的准确性,可以说,此举打开了通往基因药物新时代的大门。

    WASHINGTON - The federal government opened the door to a new era of genetic medicine on Thursday by introducing a standard way to ensure the accuracy of DNA tests used to tailor treatments for individual patients .

  6. 在从波士顿大学奎斯特罗姆商学院(BostonUniversityQuestromSchoolofBusiness)毕业后,由于未能申请到工作签证(美国联邦政府每年发放的工作签证数量有限制),周先生曾面临不得不很快回国的窘境。

    Mr Zhou faced having to return home shortly after graduating from Boston University 's Questrom School of Business because he failed in his petition for one of the US federal government 's annual allocation of work visas .

  7. 10月份,美国联邦政府停止运转。星巴克CEO霍华德舒尔茨拒绝在所有公司都受到不利影响时袖手旁观。

    When the federal government shuttered in October , Starbucks ( SBUX , Fortune 500 ) CEO Howard Schultz refused to sit on the sidelines while businesses everywhere suffered .

  8. 国际货币基金组织(imf)估计,每年有价值约3.5万亿美元的洗钱行为发生,大致相当于美国联邦政府每年的支出。

    The International Monetary Fund has estimated that money laundering worth about $ 3.5tn occurs each year , roughly the amount spent annually by the US federal government .

  9. 从1933年到1965年这段时期内,美国联邦政府对抗大萧条(GreatDepression),在二战中获胜,遏制苏联,领导了人类历史上最大规模的中产阶级繁荣。

    Between 1933 and the mid-1960s , the federal government had fought the Great Depression , prevailed in the second world war , contained the Soviet Union , and presided over the greatest expansion of middle-class prosperity in human history .

  10. 美国联邦政府也处治过一些欧洲银行,像法兴银行(SocieteGeneral)和瑞信(CreditSuisse)就分别支付了10万美元和5.36亿美元罚金。

    The feds also went after continental banks like Societe General of France , which paid a fine of $ 100,000 and Credit Suisse , which paid $ 536 million .

  11. 与之相反,美国联邦政府通过提高负债率(其债务占美国GDP的比例从2008年的72%升至目前的102%)来抵消居民和金融业借贷的萎缩。

    Conversely , the federal government leveraged up ( with debts rising from 72 % of GDP in 2008 to 102 % of GDP today ) to offset this decline in borrowing from households and the financial sector .

  12. 2013年,美国联邦政府将最低工资从每小时7.25美元提高到了15美元,引发了一场广泛的讨论,而沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)则处于这个话题的漩涡中心。

    In 2013 , Wal-Mart ( WMT , Fortune 500 ) found itself at the center of the debate about raising the federal minimum wage from $ 7.25 an hour to figures as high as $ 15 .

  13. 当时,布伦特(Brent)原油价格仅为每桶28美元,美国联邦政府的预算还处于盈余状态,而经历了互联网泡沫危机的美国经济刚开始复苏(尽管迹象不那么明显)。

    The price of Brent crude oil was $ 28 a barrel , the Federal government was running a budget surplus , the US economy was turning ( albeit imperceptibly ) after the dotcom crash .

  14. 坏消息是,美联储为应对目前的挑战所设计的工具尚不完善,对于美联储和其他美国联邦政府机构(尤其是MIA)而言,可能会力不从心。

    The bad news is that the institution , with its imperfect tools for the challenge at hand and with other federal government entities essentially mia , may be taking on an unsustainable burden .

  15. 经过美国联邦政府长达三年的关于网络药物广告的调查之后,CNN最近证实网络搜索巨头谷歌即将面对一项高达500万美元的罚单。

    Internet search giant Google is bracing for a fine that could top $ 500 million , after a federal probe of illegal online pharmacy ads placed on the website over the past three years , CNN has confirmed .

  16. 本文论述了Unisys公司为美国联邦政府大规模组织所完成的工作,它们采用如下的方法解决上文所述的各种问题

    This article presents the work Unisys has done at a large organization within the United States federal government , where the following approaches were used to address the issues above

  17. 出于对美国联邦政府的不信任,nra以自由的名义,在全国各地力挺允许拥枪者夹带枪支进入教堂、学校、商场乃至酒吧的议案。

    In the name of freedom and a paranoia about the US federal government the NRA backs legislation across the country to permit gun owners to wear concealed firearms in churches , schools , shopping malls and even bars .

  18. 美国联邦政府大学生经济资助技术分析&参与者、FAFSA的内容和EFC的计算及其基本程序

    The Technique Analysis of Federal Government Student Financial Aid in America & the participants , the content of the FAFSA , The calculation of the EFC and the basic process

  19. 为此,美国联邦政府于2002年7月通过了萨班斯&奥克斯利法案。

    The federal government issued the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in July 2002 .

  20. 美国联邦政府资助大学科研的政策与机制

    The policy and mechanism of American federal government funding university research

  21. 美国联邦政府研究生资助政策的历史考察

    A Historical Survey of Federal Graduate Funding Policy in the USA

  22. 美国联邦政府星期三公布的两个报告显示了经济正在减缓的进一步证据。

    Two government reports show further evidence of a slowing economy .

  23. 美国联邦政府建设一流大学的政策分析

    An Analysis of the US Federal Policies for First-Class University Development

  24. 论美国联邦政府的土地政策及其影响

    Territory Policy and its Influence of the United States of American

  25. 美国联邦政府对州际贸易的调控

    The Regulation of the US Federal Government over Interstate Commerce

  26. 健康和安全领域政府管制的研究和反思&以美国联邦政府的管制实践为例

    The Government Management of Health and Safety Issues : Research and Reflection

  27. 与此同时,美国联邦政府已成为唯一重要的借款者。

    Meanwhile , the federal government has become the only significant borrower .

  28. 她是美国联邦政府第一个被处死的女人。

    She was the first woman executed by the United States federal government .

  29. 仅在14周内,本届政府已让美国联邦政府产生深刻变化。

    In just fourteen weeks , my administration has brought profound change to Washington .

  30. 我国政府信息资源管理的现状及完善&以美国联邦政府制度经验为参照

    On the Current Situation and Improvement of Control on Government Information Resources in China