
  • 网络National Fire Protection Association;NFPA National Fire Protection Association
  1. 在ASP系列包含了我们原来的一样,美国消防协会可互换气缸证明设计的许多功能的A系列。

    The ASP Series encompasses many of the same proven design features as our original NFPA Interchangeable cylinder , the A Series .

  2. 美国消防协会数据组织系统

    NFPA Fire Incident Data Organization System

  3. 美国消防协会目前并不认可这种说法。

    The National Fire Protection Association does not currently endorse this idea .

  4. 我不清楚美国消防协会对特雷弗设想的巨大闪电柱作何评论,但光靠避雷针是保护不了你的。

    I 'm not sure what the NFPA would say about Trevor 's massive lightning bolt , but a lightning rod wouldn 't protect you from it .