
  1. 由莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团的尼娜·阿纳尼阿什维利和阿列克谢·法捷耶切夫担纲演出。

    Nina Ananiashvili and Alexei Fadeyechev from the Bolshoi Ballet dance the leads

  2. 她是莫斯科大剧院首席女高音歌手。

    She was the main soprano at the Bolshoi theatre .

  3. 我在大剧院上班。

    I worked at the Grand Theatre .

  4. 国家大剧院H型钢劲性柱施工

    Construction of H-shape Steel Stiff Column of National Great Theater

  5. 一天晚上,卡梅伦在纳什维尔的GrandOleOpry大剧院享受夜晚。

    One night Cam was in Nashville for an evening at the Grand Ole Opry .

  6. 国家大剧院金属屋面面积逾3万m2,最外层挂钛金属复合装饰板。

    Metal roof area of the National Grand Theatre is beyond 30 000 square meters and on the exterior surface hang titanium composite panels .

  7. 不过,要在现代大剧院欣赏知名古典音乐家的演奏,门票可能贵得令人望而却步;大多数古典音乐迷们只能将就着在家听听CD。

    Yet tickets to hear well-known classical musicians in the modern , grand theatres can be prohibitively expensive ; most classical music fans have to make do with listening to CDs at home .

  8. 另外,Mammoth公司签下了编剧尼娜雷恩来改写这部小说,Nina也是今年国家大剧院上演的高分话剧Consent的编剧。

    Furthermore , Mammoth has nabbed playwright Nina Raine to pen the adaptation , who was behind this year 's highly-praised Consent at the National Theatre .

  9. 《北京日报》(BeijingDaily)报道称,最著名的京剧院之一梅兰芳大剧院,以往每年演出200场,今年前4个月才演了十几场。

    The Mei Lanfang Theatre , one of the most famous venues for Beijing opera , had barely more than 10 shows in the first four months of this year , compared with 200 annually in previous years , according to Beijing Daily .

  10. 2012年,这家国有银行已有过一次舞台经历。当时,荷兰国家大剧院(DutchNationalTheatre)将一本名为《猎物》(DeProoi)的书改编成一部同名戏剧,描述了该行的起起落落。

    The taxpayer-owned bank already had a theatrical run in 2012 when its rise and fall was dramatised by the Dutch National Theatre in De Prooi , or The Prey , based on the book of the same name .

  11. 2004年6月30号,Pasadena市大剧院“蜘蛛侠”上映的那天,那天剧院只卖红色沙冰,没有蓝色的。

    Sheldon : June 30th , 2004 . Opening day of Spider-man at the AMC Pasadena . They only had red ices , no blue .

  12. 在关闭了三年之后,这个大剧院在2013年重新开放,全新的结构由广受赞誉的建筑师隈研吾(KengoKuma)设计。

    After a three-year closure , the grand theater reopened in 2013 in a newly built structure designed by the acclaimed architect Kengo Kuma .

  13. Soderbergh的作品基本上霸占了整个2012.歌剧杂乱无章将会于1月20日在各大剧院上演,魔法麦克也会在6月29日上映。

    Soderbergh has quite a full 2012 : Haywire hits theaters on Jan. 20 and Magic Mike arrives on June 29 .

  14. 杭州大剧院主厅侧墙高厚比较大,大梁跨度为255m,采用有粘结预应力混凝土。侧墙稳定性验算、有粘结预应力混凝土大梁的设计是该主厅结构分析的主要问题。

    The stability of the thin concrete walls and the design of bonded prestressed concrete beams with 25 5m long span are two key problems in Hangzhou Grand Theatre .

  15. 这位新公爵夫人会负责以下4个机构,英国皇家大剧院,智慧工作慈善机构,英联邦大学协会还有Mayhew!

    The four charities the new princess will be working with arethe National Theatre , Smart Works Charity , the Association of Commonwealth Universities ( ACU ) , and Mayhew !

  16. 国家大剧院壳体钢结构火灾危险性研究

    Study on Fire Risk Assessment on Steel Constructions of National Theater

  17. 上海大剧院钢屋盖整体提升施工技术

    The Steel Roof Integral Hoisting Construction Technique for Shanghai Grand Theatre

  18. 重庆大剧院抗风设计研究

    Analysis and Design of Wind - resistant for Chongqing Grand Theater

  19. 上海大剧院观众厅使用效果评析

    The Post Occupancy Evaluation for the Auditorium of Shanghai Grand Theater

  20. 国家大剧院钢管劲性柱的制管实践

    Fabricating Practice of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Structures of National Great Theater

  21. 有去大剧院的公交车吗?

    P1 : Are there any buses to the Grand theater ?

  22. 国家大剧院钢结构安装方案初探

    Initial Probe Into the Structure Installation of the National Grand Theatre

  23. 国家大剧院预应力水池设计和施工

    Design and construction of the National Grand theater 's PRC pool

  24. 国家大剧院钛饰金属屋面系统概述

    Summary on Titanium-decorated metal roofing system of the National Grand Theatre

  25. 从悉尼歌剧院论到北京国家大剧院

    From Sydney Opera House to the National Grand Theater in Beijing

  26. 重庆大剧院型钢混凝土悬挑构件数值分析

    Numerical analysis of steel reinforced concrete cantilever beam for Chongqing Theater

  27. 浅谈云南大剧院舞台设备系统配置

    On the arrangement of stage equipment system in Yunnan Grand Theater

  28. 在这个大剧院她的声音传播的很好。

    Her voice carries very well in this big opera house .

  29. 她当时正在为皇家大剧院的演出写剧本。

    She was writing plays for production at the Theatre Royal .

  30. 国家大剧院结构工程综合施工技术

    Comprehensive construction technology of structure engineering of National Grand Theatre