
  • greater than or equal;Greater than or equal to;ge
  1. 所以n大于等于1,并且n小于等于,我们武断的判定它为,一个小的数字。

    So if n is greater than or equal to1 and n is less than or equal to3 , let 's just judge this thing a small number arbitrarily .

  2. 返回一个数值,它是使得二项式分布在这点的函数值大于等于临界值α的最小整数值

    Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value

  3. 他们采用了不同浓度的微尘(直径大于等于10微米的颗粒物,简称PM10)和柴油颗粒提取物(从车辆使用率高的地区天然提取)来模拟污染空气。

    They used various concentrations of PM10-like fine dust and diesel5 particulate extract ( found naturally in areas with high use of vehicles ) .

  4. 对两个图G1和G2其中G1的每个连通分支都是非平凡的,且G2的阶数大于等于3,那么G1和G2的字典积G1[G2]有非零3-流。

    For a graph G_1 composed of nontrivial components and a graph G_2 of order at least 3 , the lexicographic product of G_1 and G_2 admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow .

  5. 在两个文本框中输入密码(长度必须大于等于8个字符),然后单击OK按钮关闭窗口。

    Enter the password ( the length must be eight or more characters ) in both the text boxes and select the OK button to close the window .

  6. 本文证明了当n为大于等于6的偶数时,Bn是超边幻和图。

    In this paper , we prove that the book Bn is a super edge-magic total labeling graph while a is even ( n ≥ 6 ) .

  7. 据巴克莱银行(Barclays)预测,从现在到2018年,显示屏大于等于5英寸的手机的发货量将增长近9倍,达到2.28亿部。

    Barclays estimates shipments of gadgets with displays 5-inches or larger will grow by nearly nine times to 228 million between now and 2018 .

  8. 模拟的200个随机数据集分别建模所得广义调整R2无大于等于实际数据集所得广义调整R2值。

    The generalized adjusted R2 of 200 simulated data sets models all are less than that of the actual data models .

  9. 本文模拟了莱州湾规划填海前后大于等于6级风作用24h后的波浪场。

    [ 2 ] equal to or greater than before and after this simulated the planned reclamation of laizhou Bay 6 - level wind 24h wave field after .

  10. 数值模拟的结果表明,只有当步进点数N大于等于时宽(T)与带宽(BW)的乘积时,输出信号才是理想信号的良好近似。

    The numerical simulation results indicated that the output signal is approximate to the ideal signal adequately only when the frequency step points N is greater than the product of bandwidth and pulse width .

  11. 结果196份唾液样品半定量PCR检测致龋性变形链球菌大于等于105CFU/ml(每毫升菌落形成单位)唾液的检出率为913%。

    The PCR method was compared with the routine culture method . Results The rate of S. Mutans counts ≥ 10 5 CFU / ml ( colony-for ming unit per millilitre ) saliva by semi-quantitative PCR was 91 3 % .

  12. 以扬子石化混合C8芳烃为原料时,对二甲苯产品的纯度大于等于99.7%,收率大于97%。

    Purity and yield of PX product were more than 99.7 % and 97 % with Yangzi feedstock , respectively .

  13. 准则一:导航信号参数只要满足伪码周期大于等于数据位宽度Tb,当频差大于1/Tb时,导航信号界定为长码。

    Criteria I : As long as navigation signal parameters to meet the pseudo-code cycle greater than or equal to the period of data bits ( symbolized T_b ), when the frequency difference is greater than 1 / T_b , the navigation signal is defined as a long code .

  14. 该模拟器的双锥笼形天线能在大范围内(大于等于50m,水平方向)产生均匀分布、高峰值场强、快前沿的电磁脉冲。

    This kind of antenna can generate uniformly distributed EMP with high electric field strength and short rise time in a large area (≥ 50m , horizontal directions ) .

  15. 本文分析了基于非对称修复机制的修复带宽下界,并发现该下界大于等于已提出的MCR带宽最优算法的带宽消耗。

    It is found that the lower bound is greater than or equal to maintenance bandwidth comsumption of the proposed bandwidth-optimal repair algorithm based on MCR .

  16. 与PP纤维相比,改性PP纤维的取向度变化不大,结晶度有所提高,但当纳米碳酸钙质量分数大于等于2%时,其结晶度下降明显。

    As compared with PP fiber , the orienta - tion degree of the modified PP fiber almost remained unchanged and the crystallinity was increased in some degree but decreased when the content of nano-calcium carbonate was not less than 2 % .

  17. 再次,考虑了不完全维修策略,以系统在整个运行周期的平均最小费用率为目标函数,以可用度大于等于A0为约束条件,建立维修更换策略。

    Maintenance and replacement strategy are established , which contain the objective function of average cost and constraint of availability Ao about system in the entire operation cycle .

  18. currentposition必须是-1.0,或者大于等于0.0。

    CurrentPosition must be-1.0or greater than or equal to0.0 .

  19. ABR处理生活污水具有很好的处理效果,在HRT大于等于5h的情况下,COD去除率平均达到了85%左右,去除效果良好。

    Some conclusions were showed as following : 1 . ABR treating domestic wastewater can achieve very good effect , when HRT equal to or is more than 5h , the average COD removal rate amount to about 85 % .

  20. 当供应链的服务水平大于等于0.5,引入线性转移支付补偿机制,可以实现供应链的渠道协调,获得供应链成员收益的Pareto改进。

    When the service level of the supply chain is more than or equal to 0.5 , after linear transfer payment compensating mechanism is introduced , Pareto improvement of the supply chain actor 's profit is achieved , and supply chain channel coordination is attained .

  21. 胎儿双顶径大于等于9.5cm,股骨长径≥7.5cm时,巨大儿的发生率明显增加;

    Or when biparietal diameter ( BPD )≥ 9.5 cm , and the length of femur ≥ 7.5 cm ;

  22. 与全髋关节置换相比较,基于Harris评分的髋关节疗效评价标准应该适当放宽,结合本研究的结果,应将Harris评分大于等于70分作为评判疗效的标准。

    Comparing to total hip replacement , the Evaluation Criterion for surgery conserving hips based on Harris score should be lower . Refering the results of this study , that the Harris score 70 should be seen as the criterion assigning the effective clinical result .

  23. 分析结果表明,一方面在较小的缓冲区容量下,即使CBR业务被分配的带宽大于等于其峰值速率,也还存在着较大的信元丢失;

    It is shown that on the one hand , even if a BW ( bandwidth ) equal to or larger than the Peak Cell Rate ( PCR ) is allocated for the CBR traffic , a large CLR may result in a small buffer system ;

  24. 传统拥塞控制算法是通过丢弃数据包后,使发送端通过收到大于等于三个重复的ACK或者重传计时器超时的方式隐式的判断拥塞的发生。

    The traditional congestion control algorithms judge the congestion occurrence through the following ways : when packet is discarded , sender will receive greater than or equal to three repeated ACKs , or timeout of retransmission timer .

  25. 本文采用低频、窄脉冲、双晶爬波探头检测GH415螺栓,可以发现深度大于等于0.5mm的模拟裂纹。

    Using low frequency narrow pulse dual element creeping wave transducer developed by us , we can detect cracks the depth of which are more than 0.5 millimeter .

  26. 13C核磁共振谱分析结果表明,催化剂体系Ⅰ制备的聚乙烯产物的支链全部为长支链(支链碳原子数大于等于6),而催化剂体系Ⅱ制备的聚乙烯则含有长支链和侧甲基;

    ~ ( 13 ) C NMR indicated that branched chain polyethylene with long chain branch es ( carbon number more than 6 ) was only synthesized on Cat ⅰ, while polyethylene with methyl pendants and long chain branch was prepared over Cat ⅱ .

  27. 高膨胀橡胶的静水膨胀率大于等于600%,防霉等级为一级,防水性达到了15MPa。

    The rubber ′ s hydro-expansion ratio is no less than 600 % , anti-mildew is the grade one and its waterproof pressure is more than 1 5 MPa .

  28. 墙背侧向土压力呈曲线形分布,且由上至下逐渐增大,并在距墙顶大于等于4m时,实测土压力值大于理论方法的计算值。

    The lateral earth pressure is with a curve distribution and the lateral earth pressure of the prototype measurement is bigger than the pressure of theoretic method when the distance from the top of the wall is bigger than 4m or equal to 4m .

  29. 模拟实验结果表明,在图中度大于等于3的情况下,VGDA算法都具有较高的正确性以及较好的效率。

    The simulations in chapter six verify that the algorithm is almost correct with high efficiency when the degree of the graph is more than or equal to three .

  30. 阐述了在冬季施工一设计为C35、P12抗渗混凝土基础底板的施工工艺,施工时正值冬季,施工时对厚度大于等于1m的底板不掺防冻剂。

    The construction process of C35 、 P12 leakage resistance concrete base floor in winter is expounded . Because of winter , the frostbite prevention agent isn 't seeped in floor when the floor is large or equal to 1m thick .