
luó mǎ jiào huì
  • the Roman Catholic Church
  1. 亨利八世切断了与罗马天主教堂的关系,普通的英国人民欢迎并支持亨利与罗马教会决裂。

    Henrycut ties with the Roman Catholic Church , and the common English people welcomed and supported Henry 's decision of breaking away from Rome .

  2. 文艺复兴时代的罗马教会与伦理道德

    On Roman Catholic Church of the Renaissance : Its Relation to Morality

  3. 今年罗马教会和东正教的复活节日期是同一天。

    This year both Roman Catholics and orthodox Easter follows the same day .

  4. 他已经为神圣罗马教会工作了五年了。

    He has been working for the Holy Roman Church for five years now .

  5. 路德同样认为慈运理对主的晚餐的看法是重回到罗马教会。

    Luther likewise saw a return to Rome in Zwingli 's view of the Lord 's Supper .

  6. 这复活节前的期间也是所有罗马教会的基督徒禁食的时间。

    This pre-Easter period was also a time of fasting for all Christians in the Roman church .

  7. 在这些社会中,罗马教会更有可能延续其价格歧视的做法。

    In these societies the Roman Church was more able to continue the practice of price discrimination .

  8. 长时期因破坏圣像主张的争论,使得东方教会和罗马教会决裂。

    The long controversy over iconoclasm within the eastern church prepared it for the Break with the Roman church .

  9. 罗马教会的教导,这是由基督建立,通过他的弟子,在教堂。

    The Roman Church teaches that it was instituted by Christ , through his disciples , for the church .

  10. 他写出来;,送到罗马教会,呈上他的福音。

    He writes it up ; he sends it to the churches in Rome to present my Gospel to them .

  11. 法定证据正式形成于中世纪,其与罗马教会法诉讼程序紧密相连。

    Legal evidence was officially formed in the Middle Ages , which closely linked with the Roman canon law proceedings .

  12. 1600年以来罗马教会圣歌中所用的任何调式;历史上起源于希腊调式。

    Any of a system of modes used in Gregorian chants up until 1600 ; derived historically from the Greek mode .

  13. 由于清教徒遣责罗马教会顶礼膜拜,歌功颂德的做法,所以他们在文学上反对粉饰。

    As the Puritans condemned the images and incense of the Roman Church , so in literature they distrusted the highly coloured .

  14. 但此时罗马教会信徒以非犹太人为主,保罗写作罗马书时,是针对非犹太人。

    But the overall church in Rome is by now apparently Gentile and when Paul writes Romans he directs his rhetoric to Gentiles .

  15. 他真的从罗马教会脱离,建立他的新教会,这样他就可以娶他的情妇安妮·博林。

    He acutally broke from the church of Roman , set up his new church , so he can marry his mistress Anne Boleyn .

  16. 我们注意到,路德一方面是一个虔诚的基督徒,另一方面在思想上却激烈地批评当时占主导地位的基督教言说体系(即罗马教会神学体系)。

    We should notice that Luther is a pious Christian while fiercely criticizing the dominant theoretical system of Christianity of that time , i.e. Roman Catholic theology .

  17. 1517年路德开始在很多方面反对罗马教会,其中一项就是反对出售赎罪券。

    So in1517 Luther rebelled against the Church of Rome , quite a number of things , one of them was his objections to the selling of indulgency .

  18. 对新教徒来说,印刷机是对他们眼中罗马教会利用绘画来迫害异教徒和怀疑者的回答。

    For Protestants the printing press was the answer to the imagery of the Roman church by which , as they saw it , heretics and sceptics were brought to book .

  19. 他所受的教育,曾令他相信罗马教会为神圣而绝无错误的权威,并以毫无疑问的敬畏,接受千古不变的教义和习惯;

    He had been educated to regard the Church of Rome as the divine , infallible authority , and to accept with unquestioning reverence the established teachings and customs of a thousand years ;

  20. 提起中世纪,人们往往用黑暗来形容,可大学就在那个时代通过与罗马教会和世俗封建主的不懈斗争才形成并发展起来。

    Darkness is often used to describe the Middle Age , during which the universities came into being and developed through the successive struggles against the Church of Rome and secular feudal lords .

  21. 摘要1922年,罗马教会宗座代表刚恒毅来华,落实教廷《夫至大》通谕,并于1924年召开第一届教务会议。

    In1922 , gang heng-yi , a senior representative from Roman Catholic church , came to China for the imperial decree fuzhida and held , in1924 , the first conference of Chinese educational administration .

  22. 1990年,罗马教会批准了这个公约。但是在1994年的执行报告后,直到2012年才提交了进展报道,在欧洲和其他地区儿童受到性虐曝光后。

    It ratified the convention in 1990 but after an implementation report in 1994 it did not submit any progress reports until 2012 , following revelations of child sex abuse in Europe and beyond .

  23. 但是由于遭到各国政府和罗马教会的迫害,否认犹太人可享有平等的权利,且频繁地遭到他们选择定居的国家的驱逐,几百年来犹太人饱经苦难。

    Persecuted by governments and the Roman church , denied equal rights , frequently expelled from the new nations in which they had settled , the Jewish people 's suffering continued down through the centuries .

  24. 这两部极具娱乐性,追求整体效果,建立在事实基础上的程序剧(procedural)都是关于惊人的犯罪与腐败滋生的大型机构的故事——一个是关于罗马天主教会,一个是关于华尔街银行。

    Two terrifically entertaining , ensemble-driven , fact-based procedurals about appalling crimes and the institutions - the Roman Catholic Church and Wall Street banks - that allowed corruption to fester .

  25. 其中包括古巴首个私立MBA课程(由罗马天主教会(RomanCatholicChurch)开办)创办人、古巴文化经济研究中心(TheCenterfortheStudyoftheCubanCulture+Economy)主任,以及哈瓦那大学(UniversityofHavana)法学院的一名知名教授。

    These include the founder of Cuba 's first private MBA programme , run by the Roman Catholic Church , the director of The Center for the Study of the Cuban Culture + Economy and a distinguished professor from the University of Havana law school .

  26. 罗马天主教教会中首要的神父。

    A leading theologian in the history of the Roman Catholic Church .

  27. 梵蒂冈城也是罗马天主教会的总部。

    Vatican City is also the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church .

  28. (罗马天主教会)七个指定祷告时间中之一。

    ( Roman Catholic Church ) one of seven specified times for prayer .

  29. 罗马-教会法民事诉讼程序的特征及其历史地位

    Romano-canonical Civil Procedure 's Characters and Historical Position

  30. 自然,后来她又皈依罗马天主教会,因为他们有红衣主教,蜡烛点得更多。

    And next she naturally changed to Rome , where there were cardinals and more candles .